Chapter 21: Fate

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Wen Nuan tried to appease the woman: "Auntie, there is nothing wrong with this snail meat. We ate it yesterday, and we ate it today. If this thing is deadly to eat, we dare not sell it!"

Wen Chun picked up a snail and ate it directly: "Auntie, if this snail is deadly to eat, would I still dare to eat it?"

After these words fell, he ate one after another!

Wen Jiarui is the most uncomfortable with people beating children, so he hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, don't beat the child, this snail meat is really edible!"

Wen Yu fanned the fire on the side and said: "People's lives are divided into high and low. Your family is low in life. Of course, you are not afraid of eating this cheap thing with your lowly lives. Others' lives are precious things! Can they afford to lose their stomach if they eat it?"

This family is cheap, and for a wood hut they pitted her grandma for two taels of silver. They even dared to sell this scum, and came out to cheat others. They want to deceive everyone into turning over their money. She would not let them succeed!

Grandma told them that day these cheap people had moved out, and that they were willing to sell the broken firewood hut for two taels of silver.

This family is her fate? This is the first time Wen Nuan has ever been so angry with someone.

She looked at Wen Yu coldly, with a smile at the corner of her mouth: "Oh? I really didn't know our lives were this cheap?"

"This is your kind of lowly food from the soil. You are so poor that you keep company with chickens, ducks, pigs and cows every day. Naturally weak and sickly mud legs like you are cheap! Understand?"

"I do not understand. The ancestors of our emperor today were farmers for several generations, and who is not born from mud legs? Why is our lives so lowly?"

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The crowd also said in a swarm: "Yes, do you not have any ancestors who farmed in your family! Why are we fated to be lowly!"

"I think she's the cheap one!"


Wen Yu's words offended many people present.

Most of the people who come to the market pick food from the soil, and are farmers who have livestock at home. Is she calling them cheap?

Wen Yu was scolded by everyone, and her face blushed: "I'm not talking about you, I mean her! Why are you talking about me!"

Wen Nuan raised her brow and her eyes were cold: "My life is cheap? Did you forget that we have the same grandfather? Our grandfather is also farming in the village. Ah, I almost forgot! Although we have the same grandfather, my grandmother is the official wife, and your grandmother is just a second wife. A second wife is also a concubine! And you are just a concubine's daughter at best, so between us who is more cheap? Sure enough, everything is cheap in the eyes of a slut!"

Zhu Zhenxuan frowned and looked at Wen Nuan. He thought that she was weak and sick. In the end, at least she still knew shame, but today he finds out that she is actually a shameless person. Such hurtful words can be said!

"It's an insult to good people to speak this way! Yu'er, let's go, don't care about this kind of person! You lose your status talking to her!"

Fortunately, I broke off this engagement! Otherwise, if they want him to marry such a vulgar bitch, he would rather become a monk!

It’s better to be Yu’er, who knows books and graciousness, whose painting is superb and lifelike!

And sincere when there is something to say.

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Unlike someone, illiterate, a plague god, and a tiring thing!

Wen Nuan's face was covered in black lines, and there is a word that she does not know whether to say: "Narcissist!"

Zhu Zhenxuan was so angry that his eyes, ears, nose, and mouth blew smoke: "You are sick! Yu'er, let's go!"

Wen Yu's heart exploded at this moment: This scumbag actually scolded herself as a slut, and said that she was concubine born!

Wen Yu is most afraid of being called out as concubine born, because strictly speaking, her mother is also a concubine, but there is no official wife to obey, so she sits upright in First Branch's household.

She did not care about Zhu Zhenxuan, and said angrily: "You are a plague star, dragging down the whole family. You want to ruin our whole family, and you want to make my elder brother not get top place in the imperial examinations. I'm not a slut! My grandmother is not a second wife or a concubine! This thing, no one has ever eaten it, and it grows up eating mud. How is that is not a cheap thing? It is just you who are poor ghosts and cheap seeds, too poor to eat, so you will eat this kind of cheap stuff!"

Wen Jiarui's face glowered: "Enough! We are originally from the same root, do you have no self-knowledge when you curse people like this?"

Wen Nuan sneered: "Cousin's mother is also a concubine to put it plainly. Besides, people eat grains, and the grains grow out of the ground, which can be regarded as growing up by eating mud. People also eat fish, shrimps and crabs, and fish, shrimps and crabs also grow up in the water. All food is inseparable from water and soil nurturing! According to you, everything in the world is cheap, and everyone who eats fish is coarse! Everyone is mortal, we are all living beings, whether rich or poor. These are all mortal things, not like you, a fairy descending to the earth from high above and not eating from the ground!"

Wen Nuan was depressed. No matter what she says, people in the world would rather believe something is bad. This trouble with Wen Yu will definitely affect the business. Fortunately, it is almost sold out.

And those who have have already eaten today, if nothing happens, they will come back to buy tomorrow.

The onlookers nodded their heads when they heard this, and felt that Wen Yu's vision was not right. Most of the people who came to the market were from poor families. Wen Yu's sentence of “you poor ghosts” unconsciously offended many people. But everyone still dared not buy the snails, they just came to watch the fun here.

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Wen Yu wanted to say more, but Zhu Zhenxuan pulled at her: "Yu'er, you know how to read, don't care about people who are illiterate. Let's see which mortal dares to buy this mortal thing and eat it. If no one dares to buy it, it just proves that this is a strange thing, and cheap too!"

Wen Yu smiled and looked at Wen Nuan: "Yes! I'll see who dares to buy this mortal thing!"

"I will buy, I will buy!" A voice sounded from the crowd, slightly short of breath.

A wolf was pulling at the corner of Steward Yuan's clothes with his mouth. The wolf dragged him to Wen Nuan's side and then let go.

Then the wolf lay its feet on the old cart and hugged the barrel with its two front legs. The meaning was obvious, it wanted to buy it!

Originally, everyone saw the wolf appear, and they were so scared that they backed away, but they couldn't help laughing when they saw the wolf's movements.

This is a wolf pretending to be a dog!

Steward Yuan’s mouth twitched: This little ancestor!

Just now when the master's carriage passed by the town, Da Hui suddenly jumped out and ran over.

He hurried to chase after him, and the master asked him to see what new folk food was in the market and buy some back.

I didn’t expect to encounter Miss Wen selling fried snails and arguing with others.

Da Hui knew that Miss Wen was here, so he came here on purpose!

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Don't know why Da Hui is so close to her.

Don’t know who is the one who cooks for him every day!

Huh, the one who has no heart!

However, Steward Yuan thought of the prescription this little girl gave. Even Master Feng said that he had thought of fighting poison with poison, but he had not thought of using common medicinal materials. This small difference in medicinal materials played a vital role in detoxification. Master Feng praised her for prescribing medicine like he was flattering a fairy!

The master still needs the little girl’s help, so Steward Yuan is willing to help her: "I have eaten these snails when I was a child during a famine. It is not poisonous, but it is unpalatable. I didn’t expect anyone to make it so delicious! If I knew before this food is edible and so delicious, many people will not starve to death. Little girl, give me a taste! I will buy all the delicious things."

Wen Nuan quickly picked out a piece of snail meat and handed it over: "Grandpa, try it, it’s really delicious."

Steward Yuan took it and ate it directly, thinking that if he got diarrhea, this little girl will help him treat it!

Steward Yuan thought that there would be a muddy taste at first, but he didn’t expect it to be delicate, tender, and delicious!

"It's delicious, if no one wants to buy it, then I want it all! Two copper coins for one bowl of meat, what a bargain!"

The big bad wolf listened with his two front legs holding the barrel tightly, and looked at the crowd vigilantly, as if protecting food.

Everyone was amused by the wolf again.

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