Chapter 27: Compensate

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Facing Wen Nuan's icy eyes, Yang Chao's heart was stunned. He didn't expect a little girl to exude such a terrifying aura.

Wen Xin: "He tripped me and caused me to drop a bowl, and now he won't pay the fifty taels."

Fifty taels? Wen Chun gasped. Is this a bowl made of gold?

"Damn maid, you dare to frame me!" When Yang Chao came back to his senses, he was so angry that he kicked a nearby stool, and it fell to the ground. The three Wen people quickly stepped back to avoid it.

He only just realized now that he had been hit by a cup, and his whole hand was seized with pain. Yang Chao couldn't help but shout, "Which bastard dares to beat Laozi! Come out and face me!"

He will let them know their good days are over!

Wen Chun hurriedly moved to stand in front of his two younger sisters, but Wen Nuan was faster. Her small figure flashed by as she lifted her foot and kicked, sending the stool flying back the same way it came and slamming into Yang Chao.

Yang Chao's face changed, and he dodged the stool just before it hit him.

"I'll kill you!" He picked up the stool and threw it at Wen Nuan!

Frightened, Wen Xin screamed: "Be careful!"

Although Wen Nuan's current strength is less than one percent of her previous life, it is still enough to deal with this drunkard!

She stretched out her hand to grab the stool. At this moment, a black shadow flashed and a big hand quickly grasped one leg of the stool in the air.

A burly man with a thick beard covering half of his face put down the stool and said coldly: "What kind of hero are you bullying three children?"

Indignant, Yang Chao responded: "It's none of your business! Get out of here!"

"I have seen it all. You deliberately tripped this girl when she was walking by. You should be the one to compensate! Shopkeeper, isn't that right?

The guests of the restaurant were originally watching the excitement, then the fighting started and they were scared into hiding. But they continued to watch the good show.

The shopkeeper was almost scared to death by the scene of the fight. How did it turn into a brawl?

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He didn't know what to say for awhile. This was because Xiao Zhu asked him to set up Wen Xin deliberately, in order to keep her working in the restaurant as a dishwasher.

Someone actually came out to testify now.

He looked up at a certain direction on the second floor, wanting to see what sign Xiao Zhu gave.

Standing on the second floor, Xiao Zhu and Wen Jiafu, who were watching all this in secret, were also shocked. How did it turn into a fight?

If the restaurant is smashed up, the gain will not be worth the loss.

It would be even more terrible if human lives were lost! No one would dare come in the future.

They hurried downstairs.

Wen Nuan followed the shopkeeper’s gaze to the second floor, and saw First Branch's Wen Jiafu and Xiao Zhu.

The eldest son of the Wen Family, the most promising son of Old Man Wen, and a role model for the whole village!

She raised her eyebrows: Second Sister was finally going to able to go home after washing today's dishes, but then she happened to trip and has to pay back money again. Don't you have to stay in this restaurant and wash dishes if you don’t have the money to pay? If such a thing was said to be a coincidence, she wouldn't believe it!

Yang Chao looked at the bearded man, and said angrily: "It was you who threw the cup just now? With which eye did you see me stretch out my foot? Who are you, do you know who I am?"

“With two eyes, and you don't deserve to know who I am! Nor do I care who you are! I just can't understand your bullying! Will you pay for the damages or not?"

Lin Tingxuan picked up a chopstick in his hand and swiped it lightly with his big finger. The chopsticks were neatly cut off.


Yang Chao's scalp was a little numb, but he insisted: "You are wrong, I won't pay!"

Lin Tingxuan gently tapped the chopsticks on the table, and the whole table instantly turned into a pile of wood pieces.

"You say I am wrong?"

Yang Chao: "……"

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He swallowed and his scalp tightened: "No."

Lin Tingxuan shook off the sawdust in his palm: "If that is the case, then you will pay for the damages."

Yang Chao then realized what he said: "...No, I..."

"Huh? You won't pay?" Lin Tingxuan looked at him again, and glanced at his palm.

Choking on resentment, Yang Chao answered: "...compensate."

Lin Tingxuan addressed the shopkeeper and Lin Zhong: "Have you heard? He will pay."

Two people: "..."

The script was not suppose to play out like this!

Wen Nuan looked up at this bearded uncle and her eyes gleamed. She lowered her head and bowed: "Thank you for your help."

Wen Xin and Wen Chun also thanked him: "Thank you, Master, for your help."

Xiao Zhu came over and saw the pile of wood and her forehead jumped. This is a new batch of tables, each one is worth a hundred copper coins!

Wen Jiafu looked around at the mess in his restaurant and had a terrible headache.

Xiao Zhu suppressed her heartache and forced a smile: "What's wrong? Why did you fight? What happened? Brother Chun, Sister Nuan, you are here too?"

The shopkeeper was overjoyed when he saw the two coming, and he hurriedly told them what happened.

Lin Zhong took the opportunity to say again: "Then who pays me the fifty taels of silver now? My bowl is an early work of Master Cheng En. Master Cheng En has now washed his hands in a gold basin. This set of tableware is a collectible!"

When Xiao Zhu heard this, she smiled and waved her hand: "It turns out that it's such a small matter. It's all my fault. I asked Sister Xin to bring the bowl over. I didn't expect her to be so careless. The visitor is our guest and the customer is supreme! I am Sister Xin’s eldest aunt, and I will pay back the money. It’s okay, everyone can go!"

Since her calculation failed, it is only natural that she takes this opportunity to gain a good reputation for herself.

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Also, let these bastards know they owe her a favor.

After this incident, she will find someone to spread out the story and fan the flames, saying that she lost fifty taels of silver because of Wen Xin, but the Fourth Branch people did nothing, and everyone will think they are white-eyed wolves.

Then their reputation is ruined!

Dare to cause her daughter to lose face, she wants them to lose their reputation.

When this cheap hoof looks for a family to marry into, she doesn't mind stepping on the matter again. See which good person dares to marry her! The vicious light reappeared in Xiao Zhu's eyes.

As for losing money? That was a bowl she bought at a grocery store for just over a hundred copper coins, and it's not a pity to break one!

Wen Nuan coldly snorted: This Xiao Zhu is really smart, knowing that her calculations have failed, she can still take the opportunity to earn a good reputation for herself.

In Wen Nuan's previous life, she became an orphan at a young age. She and her elder brother were left with a large inheritance. What kind of devious face hasn't she seen?

In those days of darkness, isolation, and helplessness, without the protection of their parents and elders, in the deceitful, cannibalistic, business world and the struggle for power and profit, they had already developed their skills.

Observing words and feelings is one of them.

With the look on Xiao Zhu's face, she must be planning something?

But Wen Nuan can't guess what and doesn't care to. Let's talk about getting justice for Wen Xin's entire year of hardship!

Who would think that someone would calculate so far ahead as to ruin their reputation in front of future in-laws?

The shopkeeper said loudly at this time: "It is a great blessing for you to meet such a good aunt like my mistress! Even if it's fifty taels of silver, she will pay it for you.

Xiao Zhu looked lovingly at Wen Xin, patted her head and smiled: "It's all family, and I love Sister Xin like my own daughter!"

Lin Zhong listened and couldn’t help but say to Wen Xin: “Young girl, having such a good aunt is really a blessing that you have cultivated for a few lifetimes, otherwise you won’t be able to pay back this money even if you sell yourself.”

The shopkeeper, Lin Zhong, and others all around praise Xiao Zhu as a good aunt.

Wen Nuan smiled and said with gratitude: "Auntie, thank you for treating Second Sister as your own! However, this person has already promised to pay. This matter is not Wen Xin's fault, so you don't need to help her pay it back."

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Wen Nuan pointed to Yang Chao.

Xiao Zhu's smiling face stiffened, she cannot believe that plague star reacted so quickly!

Just now, she deliberately tried to confuse the audience, and emphasized the customer is paramount. The purpose is to put the responsibility back on Wen Xin, but the plague star blocked her.

Wen Nuan didn’t plan to let her get away with everything so easily. Wen Xin washed dishes here for a year just to pay back those twenty copper coins!

After today’s matter, she is sure that Wen Xin must have been calculated by this Xiao Zhu in the past!

That is how washing dishes for one month to pay back twenty copper coins turned into washing dishes for a year.  

This woman owes Wen Xin, and she wants her to pay it back with a profit.

Wen Nuan's smile spread across her face, but the look she gave Xiao Zhu was like a smile, yet not a smile: "Although the customer is first, Eldest Aunt does not have to pay!"

Xiao Zhu’s eyebrows jumped, and she started to have a bad feeling.

This smelly girl can't see through her, can she?

Wen Nuan's speech suddenly changed and her tone was sharp, she pointed at the two people and said: "These two are accomplices, a nest of snakes and rats! Using the method of faking new porcelain for old, they want to pit Second Sister to lose money! Eldest Brother, report to the yamen!"

The two were shocked!


Laozi: Father or “I, your father” as a way to assert authority over another person and put them in their place
to wash one's hands in a gold basin: abandon the life of an outlaw (in the context of this chapter, I think it refers to retirement from a profession or worldly affairs)
white-eyed wolves: ungrateful people who do not thank or return other people's favors/kindness
yamen: government office, serves as police station and courthouse


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