As Aristia and Lenaide led the way, we passed the “Forest of Wandering” and saw some wheat-skinned and silver-haired Black Elves farming the patches of cultivated land along the way.

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Basically, there was enough land on the outskirts of the city to feed the population. There is a rule of thumb as to how the land is spread out: the closer to the city, the more delicate crops are cultivated, and the further away, the more robust crops are cultivated that do not require frequent care.


However, the most striking view of all was the World Tree, which could be seen from a distance.


“Wafaa, vawurugau~ Kyuuh♪” (Fuwaah, that’s such a huge tree~ Isn’t it, big brother?♪)


“Wau… “ [Yeah…]


My younger sister excitedly exclaimed as she gazed up at the towering World Tree, while both the black-armed Kobold and the big blue Kobold beside her seemed confused by the distance as they also gazed up at the enormous tree.


“Garuoouaaon… Guua.” (It’s impressive how close it looks from this distance…)


“Waoou.” (I agree.)


… Even I, who was a former desert dweller, could not help but become deeply moved upon seeing the World Tree for the first time.


My homeland, the desert country of Athos, had coastal plains and hills that ran along a large inland sea that serves as a point of connection with the western countries. While there are rainfall areas in mountain ranges that allow for farming, approximately 40% of the country is desert. So of course, there was no such thing as a World Tree there either.


“What do you think? The World Tree “Aion” (Eternity) in the Royal City of Elfast is the tallest tree in the ancient forest, standing at about 250 meters!”


The Elven Chamberlain Knight triumphantly told us about the World Tree that caught our attention as she puffed up her chest that seemed small for her race.


“…I’ve only been away for a little over a month, but I still get emotional at the sight of the World Tree.”


As I snuck a glance, I saw that Aristia was looking fondly at the World Tree.


“Guruuaooou garuaaa, woa…” (Nothing’s going to be done if we just stand around here. Shall we go?)


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“Yes, I suppose we should.”


As we walked along the road leading to the Royal Capital, we occasionally caught the gazes of the Black Elves engaged in farm work as we headed toward the still-distant World Tree.


“… Ruvoruan, kuaruoua woruau.” [… Doesn’t it seem like there are only a few Elves working compared to the farming area?]


“Ah, that’s because most of the Black Elves have been participating in the protest rallies which resulted in them neglecting their farming duties.”


Aristia followed up with another question after the Chamberlain Knight Lenaide answered my query.


“What is the situation and scope of the protest rallies compared to before?”


“Hmm, well the scale of the protests itself is getting larger, but thanks to Lady Eliza’s efforts, it does not feel like it will turn into another riot.”


Initially, the protests and demonstrations were led by a couple of dissatisfied Black Elves, and the faction of reform moderates rallied other members of their clan to demand peace and equality.


However, it gave rise to the reform extremists’ idea of willingly using force and it gained power among its followers, which resulted in a fear of insurgency for a while, but….


The one who suppressed it was the current Prime Minister’s daughter, Eliza, as she united the conservative moderates after the loss of their leader, former Prime Minister Delphys, and supported the reform moderates who were in turmoil after Minister Marcus’ assassination.


At present, Lenaide says that the moderates, whose core members were from the Black Elf clan, were becoming the mainstream faction on the reformists’ side.


“I see… Well, I did think that Elaine was one of those scheming types.”


“…That’s quite a harsh assessment, Lady Aristia.”


“No, I can only say this up front because we are friends who are close in age.”


(…It truly is different when you have a friend who is closer to your age.)

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As I nodded in agreement with Aristia’s opinion, the huge, black-armed Kobold beside me asked,


“Garuon, gurua.” (What’s the matter, Chief?)


“Guu, garuuo.” [It’s nothing.]


I replied and continued to listen in on the Elf girls’ conversation.


“If that is the case, then things are under control for now… Rather, I’m worried about the outburst of the reform extremists who are losing control of the situation. I get the impression that they have already gone too far to turn back.”


“Minister Marcus’ assassination is still under investigation, but the attack on the Central Assembly and the violence during the protests are definitely their work…”


Well, since they’ve already caused casualties and damage, it can’t be helped that they are held responsible for it. They won’t be able to back out now…


“U, kyuan wafa?” (Uh, big brother, what’s that?)


“Woa… Vanguru.” (That’s… The castle.)


As we approached, I could see the city of Elves spreading out from the base of the World Tree “Aion” (Eternity). Among those, my sister asked and pointed out the largest building surrounding it.


At first glance, the World Tree, which rose from the center of the city at approximately 250 meters, looks like a potted plant with an enormous building like that surrounding it, but… That building is probably the castle.


Moreover, the black smoke rising into the beautiful sunset sky accents the World Tree…


(… Black smoke!?)


“Kuoruauoon, gurua varukuaouu… Juuruh.” (It’s almost dinner, so everyone’s probably grilling some meat… Drool)


Contrary to the leisurely vibe that the big, blue Kobold behind me is giving off, the current situation isn’t as peaceful as he thinks…

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“This… It seems the castle is under attack!”


“Let us hurry!!”


“Waoan.” [Agreed.]


We rushed into the outer edges of the Royal Capital which was a residential area that featured two-story buildings made of brick and wood.


Both sides of the cobblestone streets were lined with lush plants. There were only a few people on the streets, but all of them were wheat-skinned Elves.


They were all looking up at the smoke coming up from the Royal Castle with complex expressions.


“Eldiar cobalto!?” (A-an Elder Kobold!?)


“Cobatis wea wuldo…” (What are Kobolds doing here…)


We ran through the streets, ignoring the gazes and comments made by the Black Elves. The cityscape gradually transitioned to streets lined with strangely-designed buildings that smelled of iron, herbs, and medicine. There, we found the pale-skinned, golden-eyed Elves who looked worried as they gazed up at the castle and the World Tree.


“Archer, the White Elves’ residential area is up ahead. Once we pass through it, we’ll arrive at the north gate of the Royal Castle.”


“Ofuh.” [Wait.]


I stopped Lenaide from leading everybody further and looked up at the tallest building in the vicinity.


(Well, it’ll be dangerous if I fall, but… I’m not like the silver-haired witch who could fly anyway, although I can at least soften my fall with wind magic.)


“What’s going on with Mr. Archer?”


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“… It appears he has some business with the Bronze Elves’ headquarters.”


Apparently, the building, which was constructed with great attention to detail and whose beauty failed to appeal to my sense of artistry, was the headquarters of the Bronze Elf Engineers.


“Woruruo aan.” [I can use this as an observation platform.]


I answered the jade-eyed Elf girls’ question after a while and leaped onto the building by wrapping wind magic on my legs and taking advantage of the structural unevenness of the guild headquarters to reach the roof.


“Wauah.” [Upsy daisy]


Using one of the window overhangs as a foothold, I tightly held onto the edge of the roof after I leaped and pulled myself up on the roof.


“Gauh, garuoaaan!” [Hah, that’s perfect!]


As far as I can tell, this guild headquarters in the Elves’ Royal Capital was the second-highest building next to the castle and allowed me to assess the situation in the castle from afar.


… The view of the city of Elfast from this place was probably the most beautiful. The city looked one with nature, the lush greenery flawlessly stretching up from the lake where we previously camped, leading into the city.


The view almost made me forget about my purpose, but we cannot have that… Meditating, I focused and reinforced my vision with magic and looked into the distance.


(Is that the group doing the protest rally? It’s not very reassuring that they’re trying to get into the Royal Castle at a time like this…)


In a place farther from the castle’s west gate, more than a hundred White Elven guards tried to push back the thousand or so protesters who had gotten past the White Elves’ residential area.


Meanwhile, on the opposite side of the castle, the east side still had not turned into a battlefield and only a handful of guards were stationed on the east gate… However, just ahead of us, the guards in the northern gate were using the walls to hold off the armed militant group who was easily twice their numbers.


(Even though I can’t see the south gate from here, judging by the faint echoes of sound and the smoke rising from it, it seems that the battle is more intense there… If I want to get Aristia and the others into the castle, then the eastern gate is my best bet.)


After gathering my thoughts, I got down from the building using a different path from when I climbed up and found that a pale-skinned male Elf had joined us…

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