While Queen Aristia and the Kobolds were being guided by the Bronze Elves’ Guild Master in the underground tunnels, around twenty Civil Officers gathered in the castle’s lobby which also features the grand staircase.

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“Hey, how many rebels do you think there are…?”

“Not many people agree and sympathize with their methods to use violence to get their point across, so it’ll be fine.”


Some of those present try to reassure themselves with baseless assumptions, while others do not hide their indignation.


“So those fools advocating for reform have finally snapped!”

“Because of these shortcomings, the Black Elves will always be inferior to us White Elves!”


While listening to the remarks of the conservative and extremist nobles who proclaimed White Elf superiority, Zeist, the Head of the Guards who had just called for the other guards to gather in the lobby, let out a deep sigh.

(As I recall, it was… “The ruling class dismisses those who do not understand the social system and simply regards those who complain as stupid, while they justify themselves by looking for bad people to vent their frustrations on.”)

The chatter around him reminded him of the young Elf Lady who said those lines with dismay while playing with her curly hair.

(After the Queen went into hiding and Delphis was killed, I thought she was just a little girl who was just riding on her father’s coat-tails when he became the new Prime Minister, but … she is unexpectedly excellent.)

The proof of her brilliance lay in the fact that Zeist and the majority of his platoon leaders had already been won over by the “Moderates’ Coalition” organized by Lady Eliza.


“Sir Zeist!”

“Well, I’ll be damned… speak of the devil.”


Someone called out to him from the grand staircase leading into the second floor. Along with the 12 other guards gathered in the lobby, they all looked up to find the White Elf in a chic, blue dress with black accents.

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Watching her steps as she descended the stairs, Eliza was followed by Listy, the Priestesses, and the Chamberlain Knights of the World Tree.


“What’s the matter, Lady Eliza?”

“Well, father is waiting in the throne room for the status report, but depending on the situation, I thought it might be necessary to evacuate everyone from the Royal Castle…”

“… I was also thinking that we should make that decision depending on what happens next.”

“How do you think we should go about this?”


For a moment, Zeist recalled the report he got from the guards on the observation platform.


“Well, the rebels seem to be attacking from the southern and northern gates, so ideally, our routes of escape would be from the eastern and western gates.”

“It’s troubling that while the protesters are crowding the western gate, the eastern gate is surprisingly calm, so there may be a few ambushers or snipers in the area…”


It seems the purpose of the reform extremists is to make the Black Elf Clan rise in power by taking control of the royal castle and securing the World Tree, but at the same time, they may also be intending to kill or capture the key figures of the monarchy.

Following that train of thought, then they would be keen on capturing the Priestesses of the World Tree in particular.


“If that’s the case, then it would be better to go to the west gate. The crowd is currently being managed by the 7th to 10th platoons, but you can meet up with some of them and they will escort you out of the castle.”

“Very well. Then after you inform father, please gather everyone left inside the castle and…”

“L-Lady Eliza! Intruders have been detected in the “Forest of the World Tree”! Their numbers are believed to be about two platoons!”


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Just as its name implies, the “Forest of the World Tree” is a U-shaped garden surrounded by the castle with the World Tree standing in the middle. If one were to pass through that section, then they will be able to reach the main entrance to the Royal Castle, where the lobby and the staircase lay…which was also their current location.


“What!? Does this mean the castle walls have been breached!? Damn, it’s too soon!”

“Captain, what do we do now?!”

“Oh no, they’re probably headed here now… Lady Eliza!”

“But earlier, you said that we’re still fine… Eh? No way, then we have to escape…”


The lobby immediately broke into chaos as some of them tried to escape from the front door.


“Halt, if you’re evacuating, go to the west wing! The rebels may already be laying in wait beyond that door!!”



Zeist stopped the nobles, turned to the guards, and gave his orders.


“Even if we’re outnumbered, we can at least buy time for everyone in the castle to escape by fortifying the entrance! It’s time for you to do your duty as guards, and leave your lives in my hands!!”

“… A-are you ready for this?”

“I don’t want to be paid just to run away from the enemy when it matters most!”


Of course, running before the enemy is a grave sin, but… For the long-lived White Elf clan who has always pursued their own way of life, they cannot allow themselves to run away under the current circumstances.

After a few moments of hesitation, the guards nodded to each other, each with a determined look on their faces.

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“Sir Zeist, we, the Chamberlain Knights will also lend you assistance.”

“Miss Leia… I am grateful for your assistance.”


As the Queen’s shields, the Chamberlain Knights were always prepared for such emergencies, so they were quick to decide in situations like this.


“Lady Eliza, we will have to take our leave now… Please take care of everyone in the castle.”

“U-understood. Then, I will be evacuating everyone.”


As a White Elf, Eliza is naturally proficient in magic so her abilities are higher than average, but… If she were to lose her life in a fight, it could reignite the conflict between the conservative and reformist factions, or in other words, the White and Black Elven Clans.

After considering it for a while and lightly biting her lip, she gave her agreement.


“Sir Zeist, Miss Leia, may the tides of war turn in your favor… Listy…”

“Yes, my Lady.”


The World Tree Priestess crossed her hands over her chest and recited a ritual prayer.


“Zelnes foreoa exgia vielua ruudo.” (May the brave guardians of the forest be granted with the blessings of the World Tree.)

“Gadia ecto shilva iris hauruto.” (Grant we beseech thee that you may bless them with silver apples to protect themselves with.)

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As if in response to their words, a pale light flew around the people present, illuminating the place with a warm glow before dissipating.


“This… I feel like I’m being filled with power.”


“I didn’t know there was a mystic art like this…”

“…I can feel the vibrations of the World Tree.”


Those who received the blessing felt even closer to the World Tree and marveled at the life force that flowed through their bodies.


“I have strengthened the spiritual path that connects you to the World Tree. This should allow you to temporarily handle powerful magic, but please do not overdo it…”

“Thank you, Miss Listy… Everyone, let’s go to the main entrance and fortify our defenses!!”



Their morales raised, Zeist and his men fortified the entrance to the main building of the Royal Castle, their long ears twitching as they picked up the rustling of leaves as the reformist militants led by Gregor emerged from between the trees…


“Hah, just as I thought, there are only a handful of guards! Adre!”

“Yeah, leave them to me! Men, let’s blow them away!”


In response to the sharp-eyed Gregor’s orders, the deeply hooded Elf mage formed a fireball between his palms while his troops similarly evoked wind and fire-type offensive spells…

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