After I hunted and had some breakfast around midday, I reached the Clarsflume river past noon.  I got a little lost because the Ancient forest inhabited by the Elves was a forest rich with food and vegetation and the smell of the water was drowned out by the mixture of various smells.

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(Maybe I should have tried this first over finding the smell of water from the beginning…)

In the end, I was able to find my way to the river not through the smell of the water but through the smell of the plants such as the reed plant that grew in clusters along the riverside. If it had been spring, then I would have found my way through the smell of irises, forget-me-nots, and other flowers that bloom along the riverside.


By the way, we also used the scent of plants to check our location on our way to the Elves’ territory.

Gladiolus, a member of the iris family, grew wild in the forest. Because its leaves grow from the base of the plant in a north-south direction under natural conditions, by combining this with the position of the sun at different times of the day, we could determine our approximate direction.

This knowledge came from one of my conversations with Muriel, the red-haired mage girl. It seems her dream of becoming a Biologist wasn’t just for show.  

(Thank you, Muriel!)

I thanked the red-haired mage girl at the back of my mind. As I dunked my leather canteen into the water, a fish’s shadow caught my eye and I checked my waist bag which contained some flint, hemp fiber, and tinder, along with a fishing line made of hemp and a fishing hook that Smith crafted from a boar monster’s tusk.

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“Wauh, gaurua varuuoan!” (Alright, let’s have grilled fish for lunch!)

Thinking that it would be nice to fish every once in a while, I hurriedly took the bone hook out of my waist bag. The fishing hook was made from a boar’s lower molar tooth which was whittled down and shaped into a suitable size.

A mammal’s molar tooth typically has four roots that connect to the gums, and if you split them right in the middle, they form a U-shape, making it easy to process them into fish hooks. And because teeth are the strongest of bones, they are sturdy enough to stand the shaping process and won’t easily break.

(That guy is pretty good with his hands…)

While commenting on Kobold Smith’s handiwork, I loosened the hemp fibers and tied them together to form a fishing line that I secured to the bone fishing hook, and tied the other end to the end of a tree branch that I randomly picked.

(Now, for a suitable fishing spot…)

I looked around the gently flowing Clarsflume river. When I found a suitable rock where I could comfortably sit, I used magic to cover my legs in whirlwinds to jump to and safely land on the rock. 

“Guuorua woruuaaou woan.” (It’s nice to spend some time alone every once in a while.)

I guess I can manage even if I ended up as a stray Kobold. As I mused to myself, I dropped the hook into the water with a flick of my wrist and waited for the fish to bite.

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(I wonder if there are rainbow trout around here? It would be delicious if I grilled it… *slurp* Huh!?)

While I was thinking about the fish I hadn’t caught yet, I faintly felt multiple signs of life around me, and I focused my attention on my sense of hearing and smell to grasp the situation.

(Ah, I’ve gone and done it… Looks like I’m in another pack’s territory.)

Various creatures lived around water sources. Humans, Werecats, and other forest inhabitants like the Dog People naturally build settlements like villages, towns, and even cities near water sources, so it’s unavoidable to meet native inhabitants in places like this. 

(… O wind, protect me)

Since I was wary of arrows or other attacks using flying projectiles, I secretly deployed Wind Protection, a mid-tier spell that is also used by Humans. That aside, this spell is not part of the non-human magic that only monsters can use. 

Although I’ve fortified my defenses, I’m certain that this encounter won’t end in bloodshed since my kind typically avoids killing individuals that belong to the same race.

“… Garuooou, Waau.” (…Come out brother, I know you’re in there.)

I called out in the direction where I felt the strongest magical presence while tending to my fishing line, and a Kobold with a dull silver coat came out from the trees.

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“Gauu, guruukuau.” (Excuse me, I’m a female!)

“Gauruuah!?” (Oh, I’m sorry!)

For some reason, a fish chose to bite the line during this moment, and I reflexively pulled up my fishing rod! And then, a small, salmon-like fish jumped out of the water and landed in my hands. 


Flop, flop

A strange silence falls between me and the female High Kobold who was looking at me from the riverbank.

“Wafaoon, gurua…” (What the heck are you guys doing…?)

With a dumbfounded look on his face, a tough-looking Kobold with a toned physique and mixed black and white fur emerges from the bushes beside me. He holds an iron spear in his hand, and judging by his white fur and long tail, he must be a Kobold Warrior.

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(… Their pack can process iron already?)

The Kobolds in this area were probably more civilized than their counterparts in Easteria. If so, the cause is probably the Elves, who are said to be in contact with these Kobolds.

“Wau, voaruo guruaaaan.” (Well, I was thinking the timing was bad.)

“Woaaauoon~” (That’s right~)

A huge, light brown Kobold carrying knuckle axes in both hands appeared, followed by a smaller Kobold with fluffy white fur.

Judging from the weapons the light brown Kobold carried, he must be a Kobold Striker while the smaller, hooded one carrying an oak staff must be a magic-user.

After revealing themselves, the other Kobolds hiding in the trees and bushes appeared as well…

(Eh, there are several other breeds mixed within their pack!?)

The High Kobold who appeared first was surrounded by the common light brown Kobolds, while the black-and-white Kobolds with toned physiques gathered around the tough Kobold warrior. 

And on the side of the huge, light brown Kobold, there were the seemingly ordinary ones with triangular ears and curly tails, and around the white Kobold, there were the similar small ones with fluffy white fur…

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