“Gigus galdoh!” (Sound the alarms!!)

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“Giuh, varigia!!” (Yes, Lord Vali!!)

One of the Goblins in the village square rushed over to the gong and rang it as Sword and Vali got a quick rundown of the details from the scouts.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Goblins who heard the alarm gathered in the village square fully armed. Everyone present was in a flurry as the plaza was thrumming with nervous energy until Brave, the Goblin Hero who was now sporting tan skin and white hair emerged and gave his orders in a loud voice,

“Gyau, regio zekus!!” (Everyone, gather into squads!!)

The Goblins, who were confused until a while ago, moved quickly in response to the command. The hunting cavalry gathered under the Goblin chief Vali, while the others organized under the banners of the four Goblin generals which included Brave and Sword.

“Rawasuh, giudekto.” (Sorry, I was a bit late.)

Scratching his head, Brave apologized to Vali who had taken him and his horde in when they wandered into the Ancient Forest.

“Garugia, saisureu giuraslea.” (It’s the dogs. It seems they’re attacking from the southeastern part of the village.)

“Giu, garudias…” (Hmph, I’ll kick their asses…)

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In a show of encouragement, Vali nodded at Brave who boldly laughed.

“Desta garugia giralu! Razu giisu rakuse, fiales!!” (The dogs are coming soon! We have the advantage in numbers, do not be afraid!!)


The Goblins were pretty shaken by the news of the sudden attack, but they understood that if they lost control of the situation, then the dogs would run them over.

In the world of monsters, the law is survival of the fittest after all… Looking at the determined faces of his people with satisfaction, Vali turns to Brave, one of his guest generals.

“Giru dizelku senogadoah! Dizeledo, gigiugio!!” (I will take the cavalry unit and attack their flank! Lord Brave, I’ll leave the rest to you!!)

“Giuregio, varigio.” (You can count on me, Lord Vali.)

As Vali turned and headed to the stables, several cavalry soldiers followed him out of the square.

“G-gigiu, giou gadiah!” (Brave, I’ll go too!)

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“Gii, saisurau zelugias!” (Sure. I’ll meet you in the southeastern part of the forest!)

Brave raised his sheathed greatsword to his shoulders in response to his comrade and gave his orders, leaving about 10 guards in the village to intercept attacks…



The silver High Kobold commanding the main Kobold forces stops about a kilometer from the village and her keen sense of smell picks up on the flurry of activity from the enemy camp.

“Kuofa gaouruah! Wofuguruou guauruogaoah!!” (Everyone, get into formation! Blau’s and my team will go in the front!!)

“Wuooon, guruoah!!” (Let’s go boys!!)


While Silva imbued magic into her voice as she gave instructions, Blau, who could not do the same thing, encouraged their brethren in a loud voice while moving from the back of the formation to the front.

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In conjunction with Blau, Silva gathered her troops from the sides and instructed them to move to the middle of the crowd.

“Vaagaru vauruoonn, gauorua woaauh!!” (Hasta, I’ll leave the flanks to you. Watch out for attacks from the sides!!)

“Aruo, vaurugaoaan, guruuvaaruou.” (Shiro, take the left side, I’ll take the right.)

“Voruwofu~” (Alrighty~)

Shiro, who had a unit of his own, commanded 3 squads, while Hasta commanded 2 units and headed to the right side of the formation. After a while, the Kobolds formed a crescent moon formation and moved out.

As if on cue, Silva’s keen sense of smell caught the scent of many Goblins approaching, and her sensitive hearing picked up the sound of leaves crunching beneath their feet.

“G-garuah!!” (They’re coming!!)

Goblins of all sizes emerged from the trees nearby, and Silva carefully observed the enemy formation even as the nervous energy within their ranks became more palpable.

(… It’s just as he predicted, it seems they left a part of their forces to protect the village.)

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Currently, there was an equal number of Kobold and Goblins on the battlefield.

Silva recalled the young Sage’s words, both sides have strong defenses, and the tides would only turn in our favor if we could find the side with the least amount of guards… 

(But their cavalry unit will surely be here…)

It was a situation where anything could happen.

The rate of victory and defeat in a battle is attributed to at least 20 to 30 percent, while the superiority or inferiority of a group is generally decided by how many casualties either side inflicts on the other.

Since no one is crazy enough to risk their lives without a chance of winning, the losing party usually starts retreating even at the risk of being pursued and taken out individually… or else their whole race would be wiped out.

While listening to the low growls of her brethren and the threatening roars of the Goblins, Silva focuses, takes a deep breath, and unleashes the Hellhound’s roar to heighten her brethren’s abilities!

“Vorufoaaaaaann!!” (Let’s show them what we got!!)

“Gyauh, giuregioh!!” (My Goblin brothers, show me your valor!!)

Simultaneously, another magic-imbued battle cry arose from within the Goblin ranks, which signaled the start of battle from both sides.

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