“Wofu, guruou woruau.” (With this, I’ll finally catch up with the others.)

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Even though she didn’t mind it much, Lancer was aware that she was one step behind her childhood friends, so the holy spear-wielding Kobold happily ascended the Silver Spiral Staircase.


She received the cheers and blessings that were pouring out of nowhere with open arms because she gave it her all in the battle with the Blood Trent this time.


“Kuu, vorufa? Oruau garuaau~” (But why is my magic waning? Not just that, but I’m also getting tired~)


After advancing for a while with somewhat heavy footsteps, Lancer casually stopped and looked around, and saw several shining spiral staircases rising to the sky in the pure white space.


(I didn’t have the leisure of looking around before, but now that I’m looking at it, it sure is pretty in here.)


Lancer stops in the middle of her ascension as a powdery snow-like phosphorescence flitted in front of her and was promptly blown away by a breeze from the spirit world and fluttered into the void.


“Wou…” (That’s…)


The words “the remnant souls of the dead” suddenly appeared in her mind, and the knowledge of reincarnation, which she could not have possibly known, surged into her mind, making her understand a part of how it worked.


(So the remnants of the soul of the deceased will return to the “realm of completion in the Tree of Life”, and will be reborn after the deficiencies in the soul have been supplemented… Oh, so there’s also a possibility of their race changing, huh.)


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Suddenly, her silver-furred childhood friend who did not act like a Kobold came to mind.


“Au~, gaouaan… kuaoruu, aorufau guruu?” (Ah~ that’s probably the case with him… Maybe I just don’t have any memories of it, but could it be that I was the same way?)


Lancer was given a fleeting glimpse of a gallant female knight whose hair fluttered in the wind as she stood in the middle of a plain, but the information and memories she gained from that time could not be brought back. After a while, Lancer reached the next rank in her evolution and she lost all her memories and regained her consciousness instead…


Name: Lancer (Female)

Race: Kobold

Rank: Kobold Valkyria

Skill: Leg Strengthening (Advance / Effect is Instantaneous), Intermediate Magic (Holy), Attribute Enhancement (Holy), Beastification, Holy Lance (Has a special effect against Vampires, Demons, and the Undead), Sacred Howl (Howl heals abnormal status inflictions)

Title: The Kobold of the Holy Lance

Weapon: Slashing Spear (Main), Dagger (Auxiliary)

Armament: Leather Armor


The magic circulating inside Lancer’s body faintly carried the holy attribute while her eyes took on a golden color, giving her a slightly holy aura.


Basically, all existences contain non-attribute magic, and if they have the talent, they can react to the magical elements and attributes found in the natural world according to the individual qualities they possess to create a spell or a technique, but…


In some cases, the magic that resides inside someone is constantly under the influence of a specific element. As a result, the effect of the corresponding elemental attribute is increased. But while the time and concentration needed to cast a spell is reduced, other attribute magic becomes difficult to handle.

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Moreover, since magic has compatibility and conflict among the different magic attributes, it also carries advantages and disadvantages, so “evolution” is achieved and the creature’s overall physical ability is also improved.


“… Vorufauu, kuuau.: (… Looks like you’ve gained power, Lancer.)


“Wau, kuruaaan.” (Yes, it seems I did.)


Lancer utters a short response towards the tall and skinny Kobold as she opens and closes her hands as if to confirm her newly acquired power. But while she was concentrating on her inner self and trying to grasp her condition, her vine-covered pack mate let out a pitiful cry.


“Gauu, vurukuauu~” (Big sis, please help me~)


The only one among the Kobolds who couldn’t dodge the Blood Trent’s attack and was bound to the ground by the vines was being helped by the Kobold with a good physique, but… neither his bare hands nor his axe was effective against it.


“N, waooon.” (Hnn, give me a minute.)


Lancer placed her hand on the hilt of the mechanical dagger that she stuck on the giant ladybug’s carcass and pushed the button on it until it clicked into place and pulled it out. She then walked over to her bound packmate and crouched down.


She used her dagger to nimbly cut through the vines wrapped around him and used her remaining magic by placing her paws over the injured area and creating a warm healing light.


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(Huh, looks like my magic usage is more efficient than usual.)


Maril, who was still wrapped in vines, glanced at the Kobold wielding the Holy Spear who had her head tilted as if she was deep in thought, and turned to the tall, skinny Kobold who stood beside her while observing their surroundings. Maril did her best to get his attention with a look and tried to appeal to him to help them again.


“P-please, Mr. Kobold! Help us too.”


“P-please help us!”

“I beg you!!”


It was obvious that the consequences would be disastrous if they were left as they were in the dangerous forest, so the villagers tried their best to talk to them and managed to move Blazer, who was cold-hearted to all other beings but his pack mates.


“Gauh, garuaaauu…” (Tsk, guess we have no choice…)


To him, as long as it didn’t take a lot of effort and the threat of danger was low, Blazer was more than willing to lend a hand to the Humans who lived in the settlement near their territory.


Blazer approached the village maiden Maril whom he had been briefly acquainted with and leaned over to pick up the machete blade she had dropped earlier.


Since earlier, Maril had been sending him passionate looks, but… when the Kobold with the reddish-brown fur approached her with the blade in hand, she could not help but be nervous and cowered before him.


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Unaware of her inner thoughts, Blazer cut through the vines enveloping the girl and after she was freed, the beautiful village girl whose clothes were in disarray crawled towards him in an unladylike manner.


“Th-thank you, Mr. Kobold♪”


Whether it was because of the relief or because the tension she was feeling had been broken, Maril involuntarily hugged the Kobold in front of her and expressed her gratitude, but… the receiving end subtly displayed a displeased expression towards the gesture.


(Well, autumn is mating season, but… this… to be wanted by a human female is a little…)


The tall, skinny Kobold was severely misguided and thought as such…


“Fuwaah, he’s fluffier than I expected and he also has nice muscles…”


Forgetting her original intent, Maril ruffled his fur to her heart’s content.


After that, the rest of the vigilante members from Viel village were freed from the vines binding them, and, although they had lost a lot of blood from the Blood Trent’s attack, they survived thanks to Lancer’s healing magic and headed home while lending a shoulder to their comrades.


Needless to say, after they had canceled the search and scuttled back to the village, they were assaulted by a terrible sense that their efforts were just in vain as they saw little Sophie happily telling her parents about the dogs she had met in the forest.


Thus ended the extremely rare and troublesome incident involving the fairies of old, and a few days later, the chief of the Kobold pack in Easteria Forest returned from his adventure in the Elve’s forest…

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