The Peerless Kobold (WN)

Chapter 149.2


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Name: Grow Centipede

Race: Centipede

Rank: Grow (Threat Level D+)

Skill: Exoskeleton Defense, Poisoned Bait, Antenna Whip, Crushing

Title: None

Weapon: Mandibles (Main), Antenna (Auxiliary)

Armament: Exoskeleton


A giant centipede-type monster that can be found in the northern and central areas of the Easteria forest. Its saliva contains poison, so one should be careful of its bite attacks, but if proper care is taken after defeating it, a potent neurotoxin that causes respiratory distress in mammals can be obtained from it. It is classified under Threat Level D+, they should be avoided by Iron class Adventurers and Kobolds alike as their attacks are ineffective against it. However, if there are higher-ranked Kobolds in the pack, these monsters can be safely dealt with, but if there are only ordinary Kobolds, then it would require at least 8 or more of them to surround it and use obsidian spears to stab it in the gaps in its abdomen and the soft inner abdomen. Because of the risk it poses, it is often exterminated by the dog people during its larva stage.


Chapter Excerpt:




Name: Blood Trent

Race: Vampire

Rank: Blood-sucking Tree (Threat Level B-)

Skill: Attribute Enhancement (Darkness), Water Spray, Vine Net, Fog of Confusion, Root Spear, Thorns of Punishment

Title: The Confounding Predator

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Weapon: Wooden Arms (Main), Roots (Auxiliary)

Armament: Hard Bark


One day, a tree monster suddenly rose above a shallow underground water vein and enveloped the surrounding area with a thick fog that contained dark magic that affects the mind. After it lures its prey towards it, it uses numerous vines to bind and pierce its victim with its thorns to slowly suck out the blood while they are still living. Its main body is a giant ladybug that parasitizes on trees, and it is said that “Holy Blaze”, a combination of Holy and Fire attribute magic is effective against it. It is difficult to beat it with normal flames because it can draw water freely from the underground water veins. However, if one wishes to beat it with only fire magic, the advanced magic, “Crimson Storm” should be cast to envelop the entire tree and burn it all at once.


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“OOo OOoOoO…”


Name: Kaede ()

Race: Demon 

Rank: Demon Spider

Skill: Soul Eater (Gets stronger depending on the number of souls consumed), Requiem (Annihilation of the Undead), Revival (Creation of the Undead  ※under self-imposed restrictions), Soul Binding, Will-o’-the -wisp, Advanced Magic (Earth), Spirit Healing, Oath of Non-Slaughter(Denial of nonessential killing), **Horn-hiding (Humanization)

Title: Seven Plagues (Devourer of a Million Souls)

Weapon: Spider Thread, Sougetsu (Short Sword)

Armament: Village Maiden’s Clothes


A Demon Spider maiden who traveled to the west after being chased out of the continent of Yamato. More than a hundred years ago, she was a naive princess of a country, but at the time of its fall, she was hunted by fallen warriors and was captured and tortured to death by a group of peasants. Coincidentally, she drew her last breath in the forbidden forest where her ancestors sealed a great demon away hundreds of years ago. There, her soul and that of the starving Demon Spider merged and reincarnated into a new being. Unable to suppress the Demon Spider’s hunger that had grown for hundreds of years, she forgot how to eat and continued to eat both the souls and resentments of her victims, lost her humanity, and rampaged across the country. After devouring countless souls, she ascended the double helix of evolution and changed into a monster with the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a spider. She regains her reason soon after and regrets her actions, but the lives she took will never return.


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“Ahaha, this is fine! I don’t mind it at all!! … I’m greedy for wanting to save all the lives I can find after all.”




Name: Leiard Zestoa()

Race: White Half-Elf

Rank: Arithmetician

Skill: Economics, Political Science, Advanced Arithmetic, Machinery Design, Alchemy, World Tree Link (magic provision and control)

Title: Teacher, Marquis, Leader of the Half-Elves

Weapon: Sword Cane

Armament: Reinforced Cloak, Book (Rhetoric: Manuscript) 


He is a marquis from Philland, a country whose chosen form of national government is Aristocratic Republicanism. His mother was a White Elf who was taken as a slave during the battle between the Elf country, The Grove of the Ancient Guardians, and the Philland Republic. For that reason, his mother never developed any love for his father for the rest of her life, but because his father truly loved his wife and child, he made Leiard the next head of the Marquis household despite the opposition of others around them. After that, he was blessed with a good environment and many gathered under him when he began to support his yellow Half-Elves. For various reasons, he took advantage of the break in the protective wards and led his troops to the Grove of the Ancient Guardians, but the tables were turned on them when the miasma caused by the Blood Mist was unleashed by the big, blue Kobold who was cooperating with the Elves which led to their untimely retreat.


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“We still have enough strength to engage in battle. We can’t just go home empty-handed.”


Name: Selica Greenwood

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Race: Black Elf

Class: Elf Archer

Skill: Eagle Eyes (Can see at least 5.4 meters ahead) Elementary Magic (Water・Wind), Erase Presence (Medium), Enhanced Jumping Power (Medium/Effect is constant) 6 Consecutive Shots (1 shot per second with 80% accuracy), World Tree Link (magic provision only)

Title: The Tree-lurking Huntress

Weapon: Elven Bow(Main), Crystal Dagger (Auxiliary)

Armament: Archer’s breastplate, archer’s bracer


A Black Elf maiden who uses her skill, Eagle Eyes to see at least 5km ahead, and is also known as one of their best snipers who shoots from the treetops. But because of this, she was suspected of being the one who assassinated Priest Marcus in the Royal Capital. All the charges against her were eventually cleared, but even so, she was still in a tight spot. At that time, she was summoned by Queen Aristia and dispatched to the Easteria forest probably because she was originally a Hunter who had a good command of the Kobo language due to her encounter with Kobolds in the forest. At first glance, she seems to be a cool beauty who doesn’t say much, but she is someone who hates to lose, so she frequently goes hunting with the silver-furred wolfhound and challenges him to hunting matches. Since she met him after he was able to change into a human, she has never considered him to be a pure Kobold since then.


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“Uworu, guruuuoou…” (Then I’ll come with you…)


Name: Asta Chrome

Race: Bronze Elf

Class: Middle Engineer

Skill: Intermediate Refinement, Intermediate Forging, Magic Tool Creation, World Tree Link (magic provision only), Elementary Magic (Fire・Wind)

Title: The Bronze Blacksmith

Weapon: Steel Hammer (Main), Smithing Tools (Auxiliary 1), Carpentry Tools (Auxiliary 2)

Armament: Work clothes, Apron, Safety shoes

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He is an up-and-coming Elf engineer who can make anything from architectural structures to magic tools, but because he specializes in blacksmithing, he likes to call himself a Bronze Elf Blacksmith. He is still young, but as an Elf, he has gained a lot of experience over the years and can create a variety of things. He couldn’t say no to a request, so he sold weapons and magical tools to the Black Elves belonging to the Radical Reformist faction even though he thought they were suspicious. As a result, he was imprisoned because his products were used in the bombing of the Central Parliament… However, the incident led to the formation of a romantic relationship with his childhood friend Mira who was an Apothecary, and they got married in Elfast before an opportunity opened itself to them and they were dispatched to the Easteria forest.


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“The depth of the water here is around 80cm… Basically, at least a quarter of the waterwheel must be submerged in the water and it should be able to float when fixed into the riverbed, so we could install a water wheel that’s at least 2m in diameter.”


Name: Mira Chrome ()

Race: Bronze Elf

Class: Alchemist

Skill: Intermediate Compounding, Plant Discernment, Animal Knowledge, World Tree Link (magic provision only), Elementary Magic (Earth・Water)

Title: The Bronze Elf Apothecary 

Weapon: Wand (Main), Short Sword (Auxiliary 1), Compounding Tools (Auxiliary 2)

Armament: Apothecary’s clothes, Medicine bag


She is an Apothecary Elf who has shoulder-length indigo blue hair and golden eyes typical of Bronze Elves and is considered more cute than beautiful. She has a short temper that is unsuitable to compounding which requires steady work, and when she gets stuck, she can be heard making frustrated sounds such as “Uu~” and “Unya~”. She also has a collector’s spirit and has a keen eye for rare flowers and plants. When her now-husband and childhood friend Asta was imprisoned, she implored Sheyard, the head of the Craft Guild that united the Bronze Elves in the royal capital, to do something about it. During that time, she visited the prison frequently, and it seems that their relationship progressed from being mere childhood friends.


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“Hmm~, I’m a little concerned about the medical situation of the Werecats around here.”

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