After the Werecats led them through the trees for a while, they decided to stop by the riverbanks of the Steele River for a rest before they continued to the dog people’s settlement and checked on the villagers who were following them from behind.

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“Is everything alright?”


Maril, who had a puzzled expression as she asked, was wearing an attire which was easier to move in than when they had set out looking for the little girl Sophie who had gone missing before. 


Maril’s upper body is clad in a fitted light leather armor while two blades, a steel hatchet, and a short sword, hung on the swordbelt on her waist, while her black stockinged legs which are insulated for warmth peek from the deep slit of her skirt.


At first glance, she looks like a fine Adventurer, but… she is just an amateur who started training with the vigilante corps after she and several other villagers were attacked by a Blood Trent.


The look was so well put together that Barrack was amazed and couldn’t help but say, “if we’re basing it on looks alone, then she looks stronger than Liz.”


“I’ll go ahead and ask the Kobolds for permission to enter, so please wait here.”

“If you follow along the river from here, then we can meet up with you later.” 


“I see… I guess it would leave a bad impression if we just barge in without permission, won’t it, Mr. Zeno?”

“Yes, we’ll leave it to you guys then.”


As explained by Grimer who took over the conversation from Barrack, this was the best place for them to wait, so Maril agreed and found a huge rock nearby to sit and wait.


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When they saw the members of the vigilante corps casually surrounding her, the Werecats smiled as they made their way up to the Steele River because despite how pushy the girl seems, she is still being cherished by the people around her.


Meanwhile, the beasts who were observing while hidden amongst the trees talked to each other in hushed tones…


“Uo, gauruguaru guoaagauruo… Gaoa?” (If I’m not mistaken, those are the Werecats who visited us long ago and… humans?)


“Gauruua kuaouaauu, uruauoon…” (The Werecats might be heading for the village, I guess we should notify them…)


Although they were about to go hunting, they ran back to the settlement and informed the tall and lean Kobold of the Werecat craftsmen’s arrival. 


(Hmm, so the Werecats are coming… but there are only two of them…)


With one hand on his chin and his back resting against a tree at the edge of the village square, Blazer closes his eyes and recalls the three Werecats who were skilled in carpentry, blacksmithing, and growing plants.  


The beans and the red potatoes that have been grown with the technology they brought were a valuable winter food resource for them, and he is not without gratitude as he himself eats the said produce as well.


“Gau, garuoaaou guruoaruon…” (Tsk, it’d be awkward if I treated them carelessly…)


Blazer thanks the two 4-year-old males who immediately returned to report to him and walks up to the Elven Hunter Selica who had been sipping tea and munching on some cookies made from acorn flour and honey by the fire outside their tent by the village square.

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“N, wafi… Kuauu” (Need… something?)


“Kuruu uruoon, garuvu woruauouu?” (I’m about to go meet the Werecats, can you mediate for me?)


Selica thought about it for a moment, and after confirming that she had nothing lined up, she nodded as if to say, “Sure, why not?”


The main goal of the Elves who had been dispatched to this land is to raise and cultivate the new World Tree and to connect it to the World Tree “Aion” (Eternity) in the royal capital of Elfast through the leylines. Moreover, they are also getting ready for the possibility that more of their kind will eventually move to this part of the forest as time goes by.


And from this point of view, it was also best that they get along with the Kobolds for they are also a part of the forest people inhabiting the woods. Furthermore, now that they share the same living space and hunting grounds, they could also deepen their bond through their daily interactions.


“Setial, ein…” (Getting along is priority…)


Selica muttered as she popped the last piece of cookie in her hand, and after she finished the herb tea on her cup, she picked up the Elven bow beside her and stood up.


“Oon…” (Let’s go…)

“Kuruuoa.” (Thanks)


After their short exchange, Blazer looked around and called out to Smith who was boiling dried yellow and green beans in an iron pot and breaking down some rock salt with his beloved hammer for the seasoning and headed down to the Steele River where their visitors were.


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The Werecats in question had gone upstream so they didn’t have to walk far to meet them, and Smith, who had caught sight of them early on, ran up to them while wagging his tail happily.


“Guakkuwaau guaruuuoh!!” (Brother Barrack and Mr. Grimer!!)


“Hahah, I don’t understand what you’re saying, but you look well, Smith!”

“Long time no see, my small, floppy-eared friend!”


Even though they could not understand each other’s words, the two knew that they were being welcomed, and naturally smiled as they turned to the approaching Elf and Kobold from behind.


“If I remember clearly, you were the Black Elf we met at Lucua…Selica, right?”

“Yes… I will be their interpreter.”


“Blazer, it’s rare to see you like this.”

“Waoon, kuuao gaoruauoouu kuuaou.”


Almost immediately, the tall and lean Kobold who had Selica translate their words for him responded in a somewhat curt manner.


“Guau… voaru gaoaouru kuruuoau?”

“Well yes, sometimes… by the way, I heard you came with some humans?”

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“… So you were watching… that’s a lot of land to cover.”

“… Uworuaan, waooukuruu.”


In reality, they were seen by his packmates who were walking by the riverbank on their way to hunt, but while Blazer’s cautious personality showed when he didn’t willingly give them any more information, the two Werecats talked about the circumstances that led them to come along with Maril and the villagers.


(I’d like to tell them that it’s too troublesome so just go home, but…)


In their pack where adaptability and timeliness are required, it is customary that the highest-ranking individual who can make a decision without delay has the authority to decide.


Since two of their pack members who had gone out the other day in search of elusive prey during the winter had still not returned, Buster and Lancer, who had gone out in search for them even though there was little hope of finding them, were not present either, so it was up to Ax to decide what to do with the visitors from Viel village.


(We have friendly relations with the Werecats, so I think he’s more likely to agree to see them.)


Additionally, since they had previously made contact with the residents of Viel village, a scenario of the mild-mannered, hulking blue Kobold saying, “It’s fine, isn’t it?” flashes through Blazer’s mind. However, even if he was against it, it would disrupt the pack’s order of command if he were to turn away their guests without permission.


With a light sigh, he conversed with the Werecats through Selica who served as his interpreter as they went back to the pack together to confirm with Ax.


And so, after receiving permission from his childhood friend just as he’d imagined, they once again returned to pick up Maril and the villagers who were waiting by the riverbank outside the forest, and it was already late afternoon when Blazer and Selica returned to the settlement with the guests in tow.

This translation is brought to you by Nocturne Translations.

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