Selkram, the Royal Capital whose landscape stretches across the river, is located at the mouth of the Crea river, which leads to the Lapis Sea in the North. Since there is a harbor at the mouth of the river, the city is shaped like a semi-circle, but the entire area of the Royal Capital is surrounded by a wall and towers for archers. A moat stretches around the outer walls and the water flowing in it is drawn from the upper course of the Crea river.

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Additionally, the waterways inside the Royal Capital are also drawn from the river, and some sort of drainage facility that uses embankments and windmills could be seen from afar.


(…This is definitely a place fit to be called a Royal Capital. They have everything: a life-sustaining water source, a harbor that is key to trading, and a vast area of cultivated land in the outer edges that can support the population.)


The Magic Knights surrounded us so we can keep a low profile. From behind my deep hood, I glanced at the streets of the Royal Capital Selkram.


The citizens probably refrain from going out to the streets because of the Bleeding Disease’s influence, that’s why the crowds are few today. But even so, there are still a lot of people going about their daily lives to keep the economy going.


Blazer, who was walking beside me, also cautiously observed his surroundings while deeply hooded.


(…This human settlement is so huge that it’s a little worrisome.)


Looking at his expression, it seems like he feels threatened by humans again. However, in contrast to Blazer, my sister, who is not afraid of things, has discovered a water wheel and is getting excited.




Quickly covering my sister’s mouth when she was about to say something, Lancer placed her pointer finger in front of her mouth to remind her to keep quiet. This is because we have discussed this with Ernesta’s group beforehand, and had arranged that we would enter the castle discreetly.


Sorry, I forgot.


As if to say ‘oops’, my sister sent Lancer a hand sign.


Well, we’re doing our best to remain inconspicuous, but there’s only so much one can do when passing through a wide road to the castle.

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“The Magic Knights sure stand out a lot, don’t they?”


Yes, in the first place, it’s Ernesta’s First Battalion Squad who stands out a lot! In addition to that, the Magic Knight’s cloak that we used to conceal ourselves was of a needlessly distinct design.


The crimson cloak was embroidered with Riastize Kingdom’s emblem in gold… of course, the people would be curious of us even if we were covered in the Magic Knight’s cloaks.


“Hey, isn’t that…”


“… Could it be?”


I hear whispers from some of the people who have noticed us, but even if I left it alone, they would not be able to say anything to either the Tempest Witch or the Magic Knights, so I did not worry about it.


Just as I dismissed the thought, a shadow passed over our heads.


(What was that?)



“Welcome back, Haku.”


flap flap


A pure white dove gently descended and perched on Ernesta’s shoulder.


[…Who’s that?]

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While looking at the white dove, I sent a telepathic message to Ernesta via the mithril mask without saying anything.


“Hmm? Oh, as you can see, Haku is my familiar. You set a lot of conditions, so I sent a message ahead to give them enough time to prepare for your arrival.”




When she placed a hand underneath the white dove perched on her shoulder, it lightly jumped into her hand.


“I asked my foster father to obtain a Sanctuary Certification from the Lord of Ferias territory and a Letter of Designation from the Cardinal in the Royal Capital, you see.”


[Will it be completed immediately?]


“Hmm, if my foster father sent the King’s letter to the Lord of Ferias territory in the city of Warren through his black hawk, I wonder if the reply has arrived via a fast messenger horse now? The Cardinal is in the Royal Capital right now, so I’m sure they’ve already talked about it though…”


The way she’s saying it, it does not seem like she’s sure at all…


[The pledge I made entails the confirmation of the results of the negotiations and cooperating in the subjugation of Black Rain once the King agrees and makes a pledge to our terms. If the result becomes otherwise, my contract with you will be null and void, but…]


“Ugh, this is a situation where no condition is impossible to fulfill. But if it does become impossible, then I’ll graciously give up because I didn’t read the situation well enough.”


The “pledge” is a grimoire inscribed with magic that uses the consciousness of the person who made the oath to inflict a physical penalty the moment they perceive even the slightest violation of the pledge. 


However, if for some reason the pledge itself is perceived as invalid without any fault, then the contract magic inscribed in the soul will disappear.


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Now, I wonder what will happen…





The Royal Head Magician was reporting to the King in the audience room, which was bathed in the afternoon sunshine.


“King Alexius, a letter has arrived from the Lord of Ferias this morning.”


“…Is that what I think it is?”


“Yes, we have received a letter recognizing that area as a sanctuary. However, there is a note attached that permits the residents of Viel village to enter the forest on the premise that their livelihood will be directly affected by the designation, but…”


Alexius, who looked a little pensive, brushed back his golden hair and smiled widely.


“Huh, well it was originally a forest inhabited by monsters that the nearby residents, except for adventurers, can enter anyway. In other words, even if it becomes a sanctuary, it won’t change anything for those who live there even with that supplementary rule.”


“You have a point, Sire.”


“…Hmm, I wonder what the Cardinal would think about that?


There is only one appointed Cardinal in each country and he has the power to represent the Pope to designate a part of his jurisdiction into a sanctuary. Hence, if the Cardinal objects to the additional condition, then the matter in question will not push through.


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It has already been two weeks since the first outbreak of the Bleeding Disease started and affected a huge number of people. Three weeks was the standard period for the Bleeding Disease to enter the final stages, but even under the present circumstances, people were beginning to die of illness as early as possible, especially the children and the elderly who were not strong enough.


They had to avoid wasting more time in the present situation.


“… I just checked with him and it seems he is alright with it as long as Alvesta of the Black Rain will be defeated. During that time, he also reminded me that we had to cooperate with other things as well.”


“Hmph, does he want to be the next Pope?”


“Perhaps… In any case, I have already secured the Letter of Sanctuary Designation from the Cardinal.”


During the audience, the Cardinal’s letter of Sanctuary Designation, the Feudal Lord’s letter of Sanctuary recognition, and lastly, the King’s letter of recognition and appointment of the central part of Easteria forest as a sanctuary was gathered together.


”Now it’s just a matter of whether the silver Kobold will approve of the supplementary conditions, but I find it quite worrisome.”


“He and the other Kobolds have saved the residents of Viel village from a band of thieves before, so I think it should be fine with him…”


Alexius seemed a bit delighted as he responded to the Royal Head Magician’s noncommittal statement.


“It can’t be helped, I am finally going to meet the silver Kobold after all.”


“… It’s not just mere curiosity, isn’t it?” 


“…Of course.”


Thus, it was decided that King Alexius would receive the strange, silver Kobold.

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