From the main entrance of the audience hall, I could see that there was a different door at the side of the throne located at the back of the room. It’s probably where the King of Riastize Kingdom passes through to get to the audience room.

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After waiting for a while, the sound of a door opening echoes, and I could feel the presence of a person moving from the left side of the throne. A voice announced their arrival as they stopped in front of us.


“His Majesty, The King of Riastize, King Alexius has arrived.”


I could not see since my head was bowed, but judging from the clinking sound of plate armor, the Royal Guards seem to have paid their respects to the King’s vassals.


Then, I heard the sound of footsteps approaching the throne after a while.


“You’ve worked hard, Ernesta.”


“Thank you, Your Majesty. I have just returned from the Ferias territory.”


Ernesta responded to the King while keeping her head bowed.


“I have already prepared the documents necessary for the designation of the central part of Easteria forest to a sanctuary as indicated in your petition.”


“Thank you for the grace, Your Highness.”


Despite already bowing low, she lowers her head even more to show her gratitude.


“You may return to your place.”

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“Yes, Your Highness.”


After the exchange, she raised herself in a fluid motion and walked forward to join the ranks of the other Vassals.


“So this is the Kobold Chief living in the Easteria forest in Ferias territory… You may raise your head.”




When he called out the first time, I only slightly raised my head. If it were me from my memories as a mercenary, I would directly raise my head and be severely scolded by my commander right after…


“… You may raise your head.”


The second time he said it, I finally raised my head, but did not make eye contact with the King.


“Kuruoo wauaoon, gurua.” [It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.]


I finally got a good look at the King while the vassals in attendance made an uproar after I completed my greetings. Despite the curious look on his face, he seemed like a good-natured, middle-aged man who carried himself with dignity.


“… Are you from the Eastern countries? Your manner is similar to someone from the desert countries. If I’m not mistaken, there is an area where some desert Kobolds live, but…”


“… Guu, guugauo woru fooua uoan.” […No, Your Highness. It’s just a mannerism I picked up from some human travelers.]

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“Hmm… The reason I asked you to come, of all people, is to help us defeat Alvesta of the Black Rain. Greio.”


A white-haired, elderly mage who stood nearest to the King on the right side quietly approached me and showed me three letters. The letters were the Sanctuary Designation from the Cardinal and the letters of Sanctuary Recognition from the Lord of Ferias territory and the King of Riastize Kingdom.


“Sir Silver Kobold, I am pleased to inform you that the central area of the Easteria forest is now a Sanctuary. However, as a condition from the Lord of Ferias territory, the people residing in Viel village are allowed to enter the forest…”


Viel village, huh…It reminded me of the girl with the long, flaxen hair for some reason. Well, geographically speaking, that village makes a living out of woodworking and hunting after all.


I feel awkward barring them from entering the forest. Besides, if I think of the long run, it’s not like we cannot interact with them as we do with Lucua village.


“Kuruuoan, guaoru.” [That is alright, Sir Mage.]


“Then, I will be sending these three letters to the Pope in the Holy city of Veritas Quedam. They will be kept in the Papal office there.”


The old mage also takes out another “pledge”.


“I have prepared this at your request. Please confirm its contents.”


It contained the conditions I had given, such as the delivery of the documents related to the Sanctuary to the Pope, the dissemination of the announcement to the vassals, and mutual inviolability. It also contained the price to be paid for breaking the vow and the King’s signature. 


“Upon the ratification of this ‘pledge’, the prerequisite of your pledge to Ernesta to defeat the Black Rain has been fulfilled and is now in effect.”


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I nodded and handed the ‘pledge’ back to the old mage. In turn, he handed it over to the King, who handed it back to me.


“In the name of Alexius, I hereby pledge…”


The King recites the pledge to make sure the contract magic enchants his soul. After the oath was made, the ‘pledge’ is enveloped in a pale blue light. The color of the light indicates that the pledge has been made and that it is now complete.



“Now that our business is finally out of the way, it’s my first time seeing a Kobold, so I’m a bit curious about you.”


The mood of King Alexius becomes friendly, and he gives me a curious look. … Somehow, I have a bad feeling about this.


“I have heard that Kobolds are small and weak monsters, but that one is completely different from what I imagined.”


“King Alexius, this is a High Kobold… No, it seems to have evolved further than that, so I can only give you an impression.”


The old mage, who seemed to have the same bad feeling as I did, tried to change the subject, but his master would not stop.


“Then I would like to see its strength!”


“With all due respect, Sire… that is not part of the pledge that I made with him.” 


Ernesta’s words caused the King to pause for a moment.

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“Then, as a reward for the match, I will give you the “Seed of the World Tree”


My ears reflexively twitched.


The seeds are quite valuable. The seeds themselves have no efficacy as an elixir, but the leaves of the World Tree could be an alternative to every conceivable medicine, and also has the effect of nurturing the forest.


“… Are you sure you’re giving those away, Your Highness?”


“Greio… you couldn’t make it sprout after trying all sorts of ways either. Do you still have some attachment to it?”


There have indeed been no cases of humans being able to grow the seed of the World Tree, but… Originally, it was the Forest people, the so-called Elves, who grew the World Tree.


The forest that spans the southern border of Easteria, where we live, is also the domain of the Elves.


I don’t know how a seed of the World Tree ended up in the Kingdom, but it is very valuable to the Elves. If I have it, then it can become some sort of bargaining chip.


Hmmm… I’ll take it if I can.


“Guruvorufa, garuoaaon.” [I accept. I will participate in your match.]


I cut him off before the old mage could admonish the King.

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