“Urgghhh~, Even though I was holding back… I didn’t think I’d lose.”

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“Mmm, are you trying to cheer me up, Haku?”


“Kuh, kuu.”


In a room at the top of the tallest spire of the castle, the silver-haired mage sat depressed while the white dove sat on her shoulder… She had no recollection of the match earlier after she received a hard blow to the solar plexus. When she woke up, she was already on a bed in the treatment room.


(…Could it be the first time I’ve lost to someone other than my foster father in a while?)


She was fortunate to still be able to feel frustrated. If she were to lose at a battlefield or elsewhere, then she would not even have room for such thoughts and just die.


“What you were doing was not holding back, but being careless, you foolish child.”


So it was reasonable that her foster father would give her such a stern warning.


“I can’t stay depressed forever, and it’s about time for them to get moving… I guess I should get going too! Haku, I’m counting on you!”




The white dove flew from her shoulder and into the night sky of the Royal Capital.


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Ernesta had only been able to use Wind-attribute magic since she was a child, but she can also have a familiar as long as it also possessed the same wind-attribute. And since she and Haku are magically connected, she could borrow its vision until a certain distance.


But since her familiar is diurnal, its night vision is not as good…


If Alvesta spurted out blood and it scattered while people were out and about, then the damage to the surroundings would be enormous. Therefore, it was decided to carry out the subjugation during the late-night hours when there was a restriction from going out at night to prevent infection.


“…Now, I wonder how they’re doing?”


Through the thread of magic power connecting her to the white dove dancing in the night sky, Ernesta borrowed its eyes to look around the vast area of the Royal Capital. The first thing she saw was the Templar Knights’ Special Forces who wore pure white cloaks with a cross inscribed in them. Anticipating the damage to the surroundings, they were also carrying out their operations in the Royal Capital at night. 


Assuming that they were going to engage in battle with Alvesta, the team was made up of skilled Bow Knights equipped with Long Bows. Additionally, their movements indicated that they were not wearing plated armor; their armor was only the cloak that was enshrouded in defense-type Holy attribute magic.


(… It would be foolish to wear heavy armor when facing Alvesta, but then again, that unit has always been excessive.)


They also have a Guardian Beast Familiar, the “ White Owl “ flying over their heads, and as soon as they discover the whereabouts of their sworn enemy, they will probably secure a sniping point and move in for an attack.


(The Longbow has an effective range of 150 meters, but there are records that Alvesta, who was once hit by several arrows in the body, continued to move around like it was nothing… which is questionable. Not that I would mind if they took out the Black Rain, though.)


However, this time, they were headed in an opposite direction from the Kobolds. If a hound’s sense of smell is to be believed though, then they will not be meeting the white-masked entity tonight…


Ernesta sent instructions to Haku through the magic link, and this time, she caught sight of the Kobolds scampering through the Royal Capital in the middle of the night. The sight of the hounds jumping over the roofs of the houses and advancing without hesitation gave her a sense of confidence.



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Fortunately, it was not difficult for us Kobolds to locate the whereabouts of Alvesta of the Black Rain as the unique smell of blood sticks to our noses even from far away…


At dusk, we wore our cloaks and blended in with Glen’s platoon of Magic Knights, and headed to the area where the reddish-black rain previously fell so we could pick up the smell of blood which was Alvesta’s distinctive scent.


… Leader, I’ve found it.


The tall, skinny Kobold who went as a vanguard stops and sends me a hand sign as he stares at the back alley from the rooftops of the disorganized district of the poor.


I could also tell where it is by the thick scent of blood.


I could not see it because of the blindspot, but like my sister, I could also smell the unusually thick smell of blood.


(From this place, the closest area is candidate number 3, which is the Royal Academy of Magic.)


As I thought about its next target, I looked up to see the white dove circling in the sky, so held up three fingers in the air.


(I guess it’s about time we meet…)


I roughly informed my companions of the danger we were facing just in case Alvesta’s sickness is effective against Kobolds as well, but… just to make sure,


Got it? If that guy gets close to you, your life will be in danger, so run right away.

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Got it, big brother.


I had to make sure my sister and the others nodded before I continued.


Don’t push yourselves too hard either.


… Of course.


Blazer, the tall and skinny Kobold, thinks that he who survives wins and has no intention of dying here whatsoever.


Also, even if I get taken down, I want you to run immediately.


That’s impossible, Boss.


The big, blue Kobold Ax frowned and gave me a troubled look, but we had no choice.


Lancer, take care of him.


Leave it to me.


And after I ascertained that the spear-wielding Kobold nodded, we began to move. 


Ax and Lancer went to the southwest side of where Alvesta’s presence was. Blazer and Dagger went to the opposing northeastern side, while I went around to the northwestern side and laid low among the roofs.

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We held our breaths as we waited a while for the silver-haired, blue-eyed mage to give the signal.


The white dove then flies ahead and heads to the grounds of the Royal Academy of Magic.




After determining the direction it headed to, I rose from my hiding place and went on the move.





I leaped off the roof with my legs that were strengthened by the Hellhound’s roar, twisting my body so that I landed feet first as I jumped into the alleyway.




I caught sight of the strange, black-clad entity who blended with their surroundings.


It tilted its head as it stared at me with empty eyes through its white mask.


“Vorufu, guogarufu!!” (Tear my enemy into pieces, Triple Wind Blade!!)


I stuck out my right hand and unleashed the Wind magic that I learned earlier at noon!

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