“Keep on attacking, don’t let up!”

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As she was focused on barking out orders and releasing another attack, it was too late for Elias by the time she noticed that something was wrong. Alvesta had crossed his arms and hid his mask with the reddish-black blood shield and closed in on her by breaking through the barrage of Holy Flames.






The moment she whispered her surprise, a spray of blood had gushed out of the arrow wound that the white-masked monster received.


“Guh… ah…ugh…”


“M-my, my power is…”


A sudden high fever, numbness in the body, and a terrifying sense of weakness tormented the Knights of Elias’ and Raymond’s squads, and even as they struggled to hold on, they gradually collapsed.


“Uuugh, ueh…”


“T-this… is… the Bleeding Disease aah”


Even Elias, who glared into the eyeholes of the mask could only see the approaching end reflected in those empty eyes. After the blood screen was cleared by the wind, there were 8 Templar Knights who laid moaning and groaning on the street.




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“Dammit! Take this!!”


Charging in from either side of the intersection, Lumiere and Cedric fired a second volley of arrows from their Long Bows.


Woosh Woosh


However, the white-masked monster uses its right foot as an axis to turn around, smoothly evading the Arrows of Light.


“Y-your faith… is just an illusion, open your eyes!!”


In a continuous motion, he crosses his arms once again and targets both Lumiere and Cedric, and sends out countless specks of blood flying!






The two Bow Knights quickly hid in the side alleys to avoid the attack, but… with a series of pitter-patters, the bullets of blood dispersed and scattered blood mist all around.


“Sh-shit! Guh… ughhh”




They both inhaled it, and the strength from their bodies suddenly drained out of them and they collapsed on the street.



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The Templar Knights of each squadron who were nocking arrows into their bows from behind during the Blood Bullet assault went to help the two men, but… from the corner of their eyes, they saw the white-masked entity jump from the intersection.


“I-it’s th-the… en..d….”




“No way!”


As the white-masked monster jumped from the intersection, he spread out his arms from which he shot out countless reddish-black bullets from his palms towards the remaining Knights.


The flying Blood Bullets burst in front of them with a small, eerie sound just like earlier, causing a plume of blood to disperse in the area.


“Gu, gueeeehh….”


“*cough* Ah, aaaaaaaah!!”


The Bow Knights who had inhaled a little more of the blood mist collapses while vomiting blood, while the others are unable to stand properly due to the sudden deterioration of their health condition.


The agonized moans of the annihilated Templar Knights echoed in the Royal Capital in the middle of the night.


“… Fools.”


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The white-masked monster turned around as he murmured.


Naturally, as long as he was being chased by the Kobolds who have a keen sense of smell, going to hide in an underground tunnel or some other place where smells are mixed in would be the right choice.


However, the words of Elias’s prayer that she said while suffering, stopped him in his tracks.

… He could not stop listening. 


“L-Lord… I offer you my life! Please send a miracle to strike this man down, I beg of you!!”


“N-no matter how much… y-you pray for a mi, miracle…” 




Before he could finish his words while staring coldly at the suffering woman, a lone Kobold who gave off a silvery glow under the moonlight descended from one of the roofs with a roar.


“Ughh… uaahh… aahh, my Lord!”


“Ah, aah, it’s a Sacred Beast……”


Due to the coincidental timing, the Silver Kobold seemed like an Apostle of God in beast form sent to Elias and the others in response to their prayers.


【Title Added:The Sacred Beast of Selkram】




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A little while back before the silver Kobold was recognized as a Sacred Beast without his knowledge …


“Kyuu, woruann.” (Big Brother, I’m going ahead, okay?)


“Kuuruu guruuaoon.” (We’ll go around and hold his head.) 


With her superior leaping power, my sister leaped from the street to the roof of the building on the right, while Lancer used a wooden crate on the side of the road as a stepping stone to get up on a roof of a building on the left.


From there, she leaned forward and kicked the roof, accelerating as she and my sister split to the left and right directions and pulled ahead of us.


I get the fastest of my companions, Lancer and Dagger, to get ahead of our prey’s path and hold him back. Leaving them in charge of containment, I and the other two are going to save our energies and catch up to them to put a stop to that menace.


“Wauu, voruaonn” (Ax, I’m going ahead!!)


The tall, skinny Blazer pulled ahead as he called out to Ax who started to slightly lag due to his huge frame. Ever since we were children, it was always the big, blue Kobold Ax who chased the backs of his friends in pure pursuit after all…


“Woaruou, wauu.” (I’ll leave the rear to you, Ax.)


“Waonn, woaaoruan.” (Okay, I’ll catch up to you later.)


I also accelerated after leaving a word and jumped up, chasing Blazer by using a foothold to make a triangular jump to get on top of the roof and creating a magic whirlwind near my feet.


The two who went ahead caught sight of him faster than I expected as they sprinted from roof to roof, shoulder to shoulder, avoiding buildings taller than the one they were using as a foothold.

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