“Uhh…augh… Al…ves…ta is…”

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“A…ah, my Lord…”


“Hah, hahahh… ugh…I couldn’t… take revenge… on my own, but…”


“The Black Rain… will no longer… fall.”


Elias could hear the delight in the voices of her comrades whom she had been training, sleeping, and eating with to bring Alvesta of the Black Rain down. They all lay on the ground because of the Bleeding Disease and were a little pale and short of breath, but…


“Mother… Father… *sob*”


I’ve been spending a lot of time in training lately, and my late parents, who I’ve been remembering less and less, come to mind. If this helps to reduce the number of orphans like me, even if only a little, then all my efforts have not been in vain.


I have heard that the previous Special Forces have all died in disappointment, but it seems we don’t have to follow that path anymore…


As I crawled on the ground, I looked up and burned the image of a silver angel borrowing the form of a beast standing under the moonlight in my mind…


“… Gurua, woua guruouuuh.” (… Leader, I could feel her staring at us.)


“Wuonh…” (Me too…)


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We have been feeling the gaze of the violet-haired, young female Templar Knight who lay on the ground, staring at us with moist eyes since earlier.


The Knights around us have also been staring at us while some of them have even brought their hands together in prayer… What the hell is happening!?


“Garuuuuh… Guru wauuua voruaooon.” (I don’t feel good about this… Let’s hurry up and go to Ax.)


“Wuoon.” (Yeah.)


Just as Blazer said, it’s honestly uncomfortable to see the Holy Knights praying quietly with smiles on their faces even while they were suffering. It’s as if this place has turned into a chapel of some sort.


Disliking that, the tall, skinny Kobold puts away the small Crossbow on his Gauntlet, and heads down to Ax who was standing at the end of the street. I also did the same and unloaded my Mechanical Bow and picked up the one-handed Curved Blade that I had thrown earlier as I followed Blazer.


“Guruaah, wauu.” (You brought him down nicely, Ax.)


“Kuunn, gauoruu.” (No, it was just a coincidence.)


“Uruoaru, garuguuorua uaoon.” (Don’t be so modest, that was a great surprise attack!)


Blazer, whose fur had now turned into a reddish-brown color, clapped the big, blue Kobold on the back. As I watched them, the white dove owned by Ernesta circled overhead and landed on a roof facing the street.


(Hmmm, so now that the situation with Alvesta has been settled here… We just need to regroup with Dagger and Lancer.)

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I had planned to have the fastest members of my group go ahead and obstruct Alvesta’s path, but contrary to my expectations, the Holy Knights in front of us stalled him instead… 


Taking a deep breath, I send out a signal to fall back by letting out an annoyingly loud howl throughout the Royal Capital in the middle of the night.




… And then, we waited.






After I confirmed the returning howls of the Spear-using Kobold and my Foxified sister, the three of us slowly walked along the late-night streets towards the Royal Academy of Magic to meet up with Ernesta and the others.


(It’s been such a long day… I’m feeling rather sleepy too.)


I wanted to go back to bed immediately and sleep, but Ernesta pointed out that both Blazer and I had a little bit of Alvesta’s blood on our bodies, so we had to wash it off with the well water from the outer citadels of the Royal Castle.


Well, let’s just assume that it’s better than Ernesta and the others who had to stay up all night to aid the Templar Knights who were laying on the street and dealing with the wreckage from dealing with Alvesta afterward. 



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The next day, I woke up just past noon as the sunlight filtered through the window.




I stretched out on a bed for the first time since I’ve been in this body. I had a pretty good night’s sleep.


By the way, the large room had enough beds prepared for several people, but the only ones who used the beds were me and my overly curious sister while the rest of our companions curled up over the bedsheets they laid out on the floor.


In a way, I kind of feel sorry for the maids who have to clean up. After all, it’s only been a day and the room is already covered in fur…


“Waoo, kyuu.” (Good morning, big brother.)


“Wafu, waoon.” (Yeah, morning.)


On the bed next to mine, my sister is rubbing her body against the sheets as if they feel good while she greets me. Ah, she’s getting fur all over the sheets too…


“Garuou, gurua.” (You’re awake, Leader.)


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“Gaou.” (Hey.)


Someone knocks on the door just as I pick up the Mithril Mask from the bedside table and put it on as I respond to Blazer.


“Garuoooau.” [Come in.]


“Pardon me for the intrusion. Everyone, lunch has been prepared. Would you like to have some?”


(We are… pretty hungry right now.)


“Garuaou.” [Yes, we would like to have lunch.]


The maidservant who entered the room ushered us into the guest dining hall, where we had some lightly-seasoned bacon, eggs, bread, and some bean soup. It seems the menu had been prepared while keeping the Kobold’s lifestyle in mind…


Seeing the joy in my friends who experienced eating eggs and meat together for the first time, I wondered if we could purchase some chickens in the upcoming deal with Lucua village…


After the meal, the same maidservant led us again not to the audience hall, but to the room where the King informally meets with Nobles. There, King Alexius waited and started with a huge grin on his face,


“Ku kukuh, how are you today, oh Holy Beast of Selkram sent by the Lord?”


“Wafi?” [I beg your pardon?]


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