There is an area of the forest called “The Ancient Forest” where the Elves’ country, the “Grove of the Village Shrine” is located. And currently, four World Trees exist there.

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A World Tree will drop 1 to 2 seeds in its long life span of several thousand years, but it is not a tree that could grow densely either. Also, the seeds can become mature trees in about two years if the conditions are right, and if they are carefully taken care of by the members of the White Elf Clan.


And because of this, the Elves’ residential areas roughly cover the World Trees’ area of influence.


The World Tree has the property of circulating the earth’s vitality by stretching its roots around the earth’s veins and sharing a portion of that power to the Elves, who turn it into magic power, which plays a vital role in their daily lives. 


… They depended on the life force of the World Tree.


In other words, most Elves, except those who truly have magical qualities, could not use magic beyond a certain point in the World Tree’s area of influence, even though magic is heavily incorporated in their everyday lives.


In the center of their cities was a “Forest of the World Tree”, and from there, concentric residential areas in the city which divide the White Elf Clan Quarters, the Bronze Elf Clan Quarters, and the Black Elf Clan Quarters are built in that order.


Furthermore, since there are 4 World Trees, there is roughly the same number of Elf cities of varying sizes around each tree. The largest of them all is the Royal Capital Elfast, which houses about 12,000 residents. And within that city lies the Royal Capital branch of the Industrial Arts Guild which is located in the Bronze Elves’ area. 


“I’m still not convinced! Why was Asta imprisoned!?”


“… Because he was the one who made the magic tools and armor used in committing the crime.”


The angry, blue-skinned Apothecary Mira admonished Sheyard the Guild Master.


The rejection of the bill stipulating that “..any Elf, regardless of the color of their skin, can become a Senator…” was still fresh on their minds when the extremist side of the group of Elves who supported Freedom and Equality attacked the legislature with weapons in their hands.


It was the day before yesterday when the magic tools and weapons used in the attack by the extremist reformers were investigated and the Blacksmith Asta, who was Mira’s childhood friend and the one who created the magic tools and weapons in question, was imprisoned.

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“But Mr. Sheyard. We have no idea how our creations are going to be used, don’t we? That sounds just like an accusation from a bunch of old conservatives…”


After the attack, it was announced that the Prime Minister, Delphys, who was a moderate conservative, had been assassinated by the reformists, and Lord Theodore, who was a conservative radical, became the new Prime Minister.


Since then, Queen Aristia, who had been pushing for reform policies, disappeared, and the conservative extremists gained strength and cracked down on the reformers.


“Wido, don’t think of such unnecessary things… The Chief has already decided that the Bronze Elves will take a neutral stand on this case. We can’t take sides.”


“I don’t care about that! I want to know what happens to Asta!!”


With a loud thump, Mira hit the table in the Guild Master’s office.


“I have already made an appeal for them to consider the extenuating circumstances… He will only be charged with the crime of aiding and abetting at best, so there probably won’t be any severe actions.”




Shaking with anger, the petite, Bronze Elf girl stormed out of the room, and after a slight shrug, the Alchemist Wido also followed after her.


After seeing them off, Sheyard called a guild officer and asked him to keep an eye on Mira, then let out a small sigh as he slowly leaned back against his chair’s backrest.


“As long as I can comfortably experiment and develop things, that’s all that matters…”


That was the long-cherished desire of the Bronze Elves, who were a clan of engineers with various specializations.


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(Now, I wonder how this will pan out…)


Since the reform extremist raids, the idea that “it is foolish to insist on liberty and equality through violence” has been gaining ground among the dark-skinned Black Elves.


Ironically, the words of Lord Fors, a moderate conservative who became the first casualty as he tried to stop the reform extremists’ attack, had been spread through propaganda.


If the idea of nonviolent resistance could reunite the Elves beyond their conservative and reformist views, then the situation could be turned around, but…


“I hope it works out…”


But the Guild Master’s whispered hopes are betrayed, and the situation makes a turn for the worse.


The following week, Marcus, an Elven Priest of the Black Elves who had attempted to unite the conservative and reformist factions of the Black Elves by calling out for non-violent resistance, was assassinated.


A single arrow pierced his chest while he preached about the pointlessness of hating each other despite belonging to the same race. The perpetrator was said to be a conservative extremist who did not like him or an extremist from his own people who were losing their unifying force to the moderate reformists.




“Kuh, aah… D-do not be consumed with anger because of this… I f-forgive, ugh, everything, Someday, a day will come when we can all la-laugh together regardless of the color of our skin…”


“Minister Marcus!?”




His last wishes were drowned out with angry shouts, but it caused a new spark amongst the handful who heard it. It would be some time before his words would be engraved onto a stone monument and resonate in the hearts of many Elves.

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As the “Grove of the Village Shrine” met with further chaos, the Philland Republic, which was a nation adjacent to them, also suddenly began to run into a panic.


“…Is that true, Sir Leiard?”


“Yes, this is definitely good news for us.”


The Half-Elf, who was also a relative of Landes, the Chairman of the Republican Council, nodded at his question. Although Landes looks older in appearance, Leiard was a man who had already lived several generations before him. 


“For the past few months, we have been exploring the forest along the borders, and only recently did we stumble upon a break in the barrier surrounding the Elven cities.”


At his news, several “oohs” were heard among the cheering council members.


“I have also dispatched the Half-Elves under my command on an intelligence mission so that they could infiltrate the inner barrier at the slightest break in the wards…”


“Good work, Sir Leiard.”


“With this, we could finally extend the life of our World Tree!!”


After the Battle of the Forest Garden, 600 years have passed since the World Tree was acquired according to the post-war treaty.

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Ordinarily, the World Tree should be alive and well at this point, but… the World Tree in the Philland Republic had gradually fallen ill due to the over-harvesting of its branches and leaves, which were used for various medicines and magic tools in exchange for the importation of food from the time of the great famine.


“But will the Elves be willing to help us?”


The Chairman reined in the excitement of the Council members and offered his opinion.


“Chairman Landes, once the break in the Elves’ barrier is repaired, then we cannot contact them anymore and we might miss the opportunity if we take our time…”


During the battle 600 years ago, when the World Trees were mere saplings, it was only with the Sage Morozof’s power that they could break through the barriers and successfully cut down the trees, but… If the barriers of the mature World Trees and the White Elves’ barriers were combined, then the land would be inaccessible to humans.


Thus, it was recorded that the humans were forced to cut down the trees before their lands were taken away from them. After that, the wars that followed were also mainly fought within the forest, but they were unable to invade the Elves’ cities.


However, if the cities around the forest were surrounded, then they would have no choice but to give in. And as a result, a truce would have to be signed.


But it would be impossible without investing a reasonable amount of money and manpower…


“If you think about it practically and realistically, then we would have to resort to tough measures,” the male Half-Elf casually stated.


“You’re a Half-Elf, aren’t you? Aren’t you worried about them?”


“My homeland has always been the Philland Republic, so my country’s interests come first.”


(Besides, I don’t really care about the Elves in the “Grove of the Village Shrine” who abandoned the generation of captive Elves where our parents belonged…) 


With a cold look in his eyes, the Half-Elf, who was with the Republican Council, replied.

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