The Perfect Bride

Chapter 18

There was a tall tree that must have been hundreds of years old, with two pairs of old swings hanging from its thick, sturdy branches. It was an unexpected sight to behold, but thankfully there were no crowds.

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A place to sit.

Hesitantly, Natalie cautiously stepped into the peaceful garden. Only after checking several times that no one was around did she sit down on the swing and breathed properly.


It was still early spring, so the night air filling her lungs was cold. She could hear the sound of an orchestra playing and people talking in the distance with the cool breeze. Her panicked heart gradually calmed down.

‘After hiding here for a little while, let’s sneak back to the reception and tell my mother that I will be going home right away.’

She thought she’d just take a moment to gather her thoughts, but the harsh world would not allow her a moment’s respite.

Crunch. Crackle.

From somewhere, she could hear the crunch of grass and the sound of horses.

It seemed like nothing was going right for her lately. Natalie felt like crying.

She quickly got off the swing, crouched low, and hastily ducked behind a large tree. Against her wishes, the sound grew closer and closer.

‘I’m going to die.’

Natalie closed her eyes tightly.


“So which lady are you going to dance with?”

Charlotte asked, following closely behind Ian as he led the way.

“Whichever girl Marcus picks. Probably one of the pink ones.”

Ian deliberately chose an answer that would annoy his annoying twin sister.


“Oh, no. You look upset. You want to pick?”

His mischievous voice was full of laughter. He couldn’t help but laugh at how worried his sister was. Charlotte finally stopped, her brow furrowed.

Ian swaggered over and sat down on the swing. With a smirk, he motioned for her to stop and come over.

Today’s host of the ball, Charlotte, was particularly beautiful even to her own bloodline, but her face was murderous. However, it was pointless to get angry with someone who had the same face as herself. Ian didn’t even blink an eye.

It was Charlotte who was disappointed. Reluctantly, she approached the swing and sat down.

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“Okay. It’s better that way. No more of this nonsense about finding a bride.”

“And how is my sister going to be king, assassinating me?”

“Ian, it’s not a time for joking. Why do you seem to be playing more and more?”

Pah-ha-ha, Ian burst out laughing at what was funny. Charlotte made a face of astonishment.

“You really don’t think this is a big deal? Marriage is a joke?”

“I don’t know what the problem has been since last time.”

“Are you saying that marrying a troubled young lady and divorcing her a year later is the same as marrying a princess who can do no wrong and having an uneventful marriage?”

Charlotte lowered her voice in case anyone heard her, but she had no idea that there was a person right next to them, behind the tree.

‘What is going on now? What does that mean?’

Natalie’s face grew pale as she hid behind the tree.

If they were Charlotte and Ian, they must be the famous twin siblings of the Grand Batten royal family. It was not hard to think so as just a coincidence of having the same names. This was the Malik House, and there was a ball hosted by the princess going on at the moment.

Of all places, it had to be here in the princess’s garden. It may be understandable for a prince to get married, but divorce is another matter.

Perhaps she had chosen the wrong place to hide.

‘I don’t think I should hear any more.’

At the same time, it was so intriguing that her naive heart raced. It was unusual to see what the princess and the prince were up to after being away from the country.

Hiding behind a tree, Natalie swallowed hard as the prince and princess continued their discussion.

“I don’t know what a good marriage is.”

“You find a woman you can respect and depend on. There are few good princes, but there are many good princesses, and maybe you’ll come to truly love your wife.”

“Sincere love. Have you ever seen that in an arranged marriage?”


“I haven’t. I’ve seen many cases where they become enemies instead. Our parents are a good example. Just like how you think of arranged marriages as terrible, I also feel the same way.”

He wasn’t wrong. Her stigma against arranged marriages all started with their parents. The fear of an unhappy marriage was one of the many reasons Charlotte was putting off getting married.

“Arranged or contracted, it’s all the same to me. Whether it’s to a beautiful foreign princess or a troubled lady from Grand Batten.”

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“It’s different, Ian. Don’t make light of it.”

“Oh, they are different. The former is a lifelong commitment, the latter is guaranteed freedom in at least a year.”

“…Don’t get me started on that damned divorce plan. You’ll never be able to regain your honour if you’re labelled a divorcee.”

Ian smiled brightly at his sister’s outburst.

“Yes, the moment I’m labelled divorced, I’ll never ascend to the throne, Charlotte. My dream is to be a divorced man.”

“You’re so…. I can’t believe how calm you are about this whole thing.”

The parties involved seemed very at ease. But from the perspective of someone watching from the sidelines, this audacious and daring plan was quite uncomfortable.

And Natalie, who had unintentionally listened to the prince’s dreams, felt uncomfortable and almost crazy. Intrigued, she was momentarily overwhelmed by the barrage of state secrets.


Just then, a loud and chaotic shout was heard in the distance. However, it was not at all welcome or appreciated.

Maybe that crazy pervert hasn’t left yet. Natalie swallowed a gasp and covered her mouth.

At the same moment, Ian and Charlotte also reacted to the sound.

“…What’s that noise?”

Charlotte muttered as a figure entered the princess’s garden at a brisk pace.

“Your Highness, Your Highness the Princess.”

It was Marcus Peebles, Ian’s aide. Charlotte slowly got up from the swing and walked over to him.

“Marcus, what is the commotion?”

“Lord Humperwood is making a fuss.”

Ian’s eyes narrowed at the name Humperwood. Charlotte asked in an irritated voice.

“You mean the old count? What happened?”

“He’s looking for someone in the garden.”

“This is my private garden, what is he looking for?”

“He’s drunk, so he can’t give a proper explanation. However, one of the guards said he saw a lady and is searching the garden. If it’s just a lady who’s lost her way, that’s one thing, but if it’s an intruder, Your Highnesses will have to move on.”

Natalie’s eyes widened. If she was caught by the guards at this rate, it would attract a great deal of attention, and worst of all.

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She could be killed like a mouse or a bird for overhearing a secret plan.

She’d fallen into another shit while trying to avoid the shit. She scanned her surroundings urgently. Five paces ahead was the flowerbed she’d crossed to escape the pervert.

‘If the guards start searching this place, I’m screwed. If I go back the way I came, over the flowerbed, I’ll be undetected.’

She didn’t know which was the right choice. But she knew she couldn’t afford to be found out.

Natalie lowered herself, careful not to make a sound, and began to creep towards the flowerbeds. If she could, she’d sprint across it. She didn’t know how long she’d last.

“Hmmm. Marcus, you’re the first one to….”

Charlotte, who was as sick of gossip as Queen Violet, reacted sharply.

As she barked orders at Marcus, Ian was still sitting on the swing. His eyes lazily surveying the garden landscape, seemingly unconcerned by the fuss. He would soon be entering the noisy ballroom, so he thought he would enjoy this moment for a while longer.

As a refreshing breeze blew, he couldn’t help but close his eyes in pleasure. With his vision blocked, his other senses seemed to become even more sensitive.

He could now detect a sweet fruity scent that he hadn’t noticed before, carried on the wind.

Ian finally opened his closed eyes.

‘It’s too much to pretend I don’t know…’

Ian tried to enjoy the quiet contemplation, but it didn’t seem to be working. He turned his head and stared, sizing up the circumference of the thick tree. Or more precisely, what lurked beyond it.

Slowly leaning back with anticipation, what was hidden behind the tree gradually revealed itself.

Ian blinked once at the unexpected sight.


The scarlet hip, advancing with a high crawl, continued to advance without noticing his gaze.


His eyes grew big after a long time. The scarlet lump revealed by the bright light leaking from the mansion was definitely unmistakably buttocks.

It was also someone he’d seen before.


Laughter burst out without resistance.

At the same time, the bright red buttocks hesitated to move for a moment. Marcus and Charlotte, who had been speaking seriously, turned to look at him.

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“Why are you laughing?”

Charlotte asked, her brow furrowed. The sight of Ian, who was hanging from the rope while laughing hysterically, looked quite strange.


Ian clamped a hand over his mouth to stifle his laughter as he jerked his head towards Charlotte like it was nothing.


The sound of something running through the grass echoed through the garden, like a deer running away from a hunter.


Once again, unstoppable laughter erupted from between his hands.


Ian held up a palm to stop him as Marcus lunged after him, realising that something had escaped from behind the tree.

Marcus looked at the prince in confusion.

“They must have overheard our conversation.”

“Did you see the look on his face?”

Charlotte asked with a serious face at the words Ian spat out, struggling to hold back the laughter that threatened to burst out again, and he settled for a nod.

“I’ll send for the guards immediately, Your Highness.”

“It’s okay, I know that person.”

“What do you mean, someone you know?”

“I didn’t know it would turn out like this. I’ll go and talk to them.”

Ian finally cracked a smile and said in his usually casual tone

“What are you trying to say?”

“Your Highness?”

“I mean the guards should step back. Don’t arrest anyone.”

Charlotte and Marcus exchanged glances, wondering if Ian had really lost his mind with this unconventional move.

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