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 I woke up on my bed. But it’s not my bed… I wondered where I was.


 I looked at the ceiling and saw a soft white ceiling.


 I turned my head to the side and saw a wall with vertical stripes of different widths, made of soft white, slightly dull red, and subdued golden color.


 Yeah, I’ve never seen anything like that before. It was a stylish wallpaper I had never seen before. I wondered where I was.



 I tried to get up, but my body was too weak to do so. I tried a little, but my body was surprisingly heavy.


 The place where my heavy body sank down was a soft bed. …It was so soft. The feeling of my body sinking into it is amazing. The comforter on me is the same. It is very soft. As someone who usually sleeps with just a blanket, this is a little… how can I put it, it’s rather unsettling.


 I was wriggling around in a way that I couldn’t move, when all of a sudden, I heard a clunk.



“…Huh? Tougo, have you finally woken up!?” (Fay)



 The person who was standing there was… Redgarde.



“Is your body all right? Are you feeling any pain? Can you move? Oh, can you recognize me? Do you know where you are?” (Fay)



 Redgarde came right up to me and asked me a lot of questions at once. Yeah, I can’t answer that many at once.


 …Besides, there is something that worries me more than the place.



“That wound…” (Tougo)



 Redgarde has a bandage on half of his face around his left eye… And one of his hands is also wrapped in bandages and hung with a triangular bandage…



“Hmm? Yeah, well, it’s no big deal. How are you?” (Fay)


“Well… I think I’m fine, although I feel heavy. Where am I?” (Tougo)


“Our guest room, I brought you in.” (Fay)



 …I see. This is Redgarde’s house, isn’t it? Certainly, for some reason, the atmosphere in the room, or the smell in the air, is certainly something like that.



“What happened after that? What about your injury? And what about the dragon?” (Tougo)


“Calm down… for now, drink this.” (Fay)



 With the support of Redgard-san, I raised my upper body. Sitting was a little difficult, but I did my best. Then, he put a soft cushion behind my back so I could lean against it, so I leaned back half-buried in the cushion.


 Then I was handed a cup with a drink in it, which I drank while holding it with both hands. It was fruit juice. It was sweet and delicious. It tasted invigorating.



“Is it good?” (Fay)


“Yes.” (Tougo)


“I see. Then it’s fine. No, you don’t express much with your face…” (Fay)



 …Is that so? I think I’m the type who is relatively easy to read.



“For the time being, you probably want to know about the Red Dragon, right?” (Fay)


“Yes.” (Tougo)




 By “Red Dragon,” he meant the scarlet dragon I drew in my blood. I knew it wasn’t a dream, kind of.



“I knew it. You brought it out, didn’t you? It came out of nowhere, so I was surprised and so were all the people in the black market.” (Fay)

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“Yeah. I drew it.” (Tougo)



 I was surprised, too. I didn’t think it was really going to appear… or maybe I thought it would. Maybe I really did. I’m not sure.



“…that red dragon turned everything upside down.” (Fay)



 After saying that, Redgarde said that and pulled out a chair next to the bed and sat down.



“I’m not going to go deep into the ocean of details, so I’ll just conclude by saying that we managed somehow. I got you out of there, and I beat up the black market. If summarize, I’d say we’ve rounded up all the evil that’s been spreading in Redgarde territory. …I got myself in a bit of trouble, though. I’m alive as you can see.” (Fay)



 Redgarde says so and laughs, but I can’t laugh when I look at him.



“Um… your eyes.” (Tougo)


“Yeah. Still have one.” (Fay)


“Your hand.” (Tougo)


“A few fingers and some. Well, I was lucky I didn’t die. And you’re okay, so that’s good.” (Fay)



 …it hurts just looking at it. Just because I’m safe, I don’t want you to smile like that. I don’t want to see you making that face.



“Hey hey, Tougo. Don’t make that face. For me, it’s a bigger problem if someone other than me is endangered because of me.” (Fay)


“… so do I.” (Tougo)



 When I say that with the intent to protest, Redgarde just smiles happily.





“Still… you see, it was worth an eye, a scar, a finger, and a couple of bones. Look.” (Fay)



 Redgarde climbs onto my bed and opens the window beyond me. Then he whistles out the window… and I hear the sound of wings outside the window.


 Just when I heard the sound of the cloth flapping, a scarlet dragon peeped out of the window.



“Look, Tougo! …It’s my summoned beast, the Red Dragon!” (Fay)



“It became your summoned beast?” (Tougo)


“Oh! Surprise! Are you surprised?! I was surprised too, really!” (Fay)



 …yes. I was surprised.


 The dragon I drew came out of the picture, saved Redgarde, and became his summoned beast.


 In other words, Redgarde’s dream came true.



“That’s great. …Congratulations. It was your dream, wasn’t it?” (Tougo)


“Oh! It came true! It was something I never thought would come true, but it did! It’s like a dream, really!” (Fay)



 When Redgarde reached out his hand through the window, the scarlet dragon stretched out its neck and began to rub its cheek against his outstretched hand. The dragon is a big dragon, so it looks pretty scary, but the way it squints at you and rubs up against you is kind of cute.


 …Hmm? What?


 Um… it’s kind of weird.


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 The scarlet dragon poked its head out of the window and was being patted quietly… but I don’t remember it being this size.



“Could it be that that dragon has gotten smaller…?” (Tougo)


“Huh? Is that so?” (Fay)



 Yes. It has definitely shrunk. I mean, it broke through the ceiling. It’s not the size of a car, it’s the size of a multi-story building. …I think bigger than the giant bird that comes to bathe in the spring, but…



“Hmm… If it shrank, it would have to be that one. Lack of magic power. I’m the contractor, so I’m going to need more magic power.” (Fay)



 Oh, I didn’t know there was such a thing.


 …Redgarde looks a little apologetic, but I think this dragon, in this size, is quite cute.



“The first thing to do is to quickly find a good magic stone that can be used as a medium…” (Fay)



 Redgarde was stroking the dragon’s neck as he said this. Then the dragon cries out looking quite happy.



“That’s why I’m fine. If only you woke up immediately, everything would be fine.” (Fay)



 Redgarde patted me on the shoulder. It didn’t hurt like it did when he had hit me on the back before. He seemed to be concerned about me.



“How long have I been sleeping?” (Tougo)


“Ten days.” (Fay)



 …Ah. Of course. Actually. No wonder I felt my body was weird. If you stay asleep for 10 days, this is what happens. I see.



“…I’m so glad you’re awake. Truly.” (Fay)



 I probably caused you a lot of worries. I’m really sorry about that, and I’m also sorry that I left you to clean up the whole mess for 10 days.



“Well, there’s nothing for you to worry about, especially that sort of thing. You can go back to the forest again, but until you feel better, you can stay here and take it easy. I owe you, my life.” (Fay)



 Redgarde said so to me and laughed. Furthermore, he stroked my head like he was patting me so gently.


 …If he says I saved his life, then he should know he saved my life, too.


 He has always been there for me. If I hadn’t been there, he might have done better on his own. Still, he never said a single word against me.


 That’s… it’s too much, isn’t it? I am so sorry.



 It was about that time. There was a knock at my door.



“It’s open.” (Fay)



 Redgarde answered before I did, and the door opened… and two people entered.



“Oh… you’re Tougo. Good thing you’re awake.” (Young Man)



 The first is a young man who looks a little older than Redgarde.


 He has hair that is almost more golden than Redgarde’s and rose-colored eyes. He had a softer demeanor than Redgarde and seemed to be more mature.



“I hope I didn’t startle you with my sudden appearance. I’m sorry.” (Old Man)


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 The second man was a middle-aged man. He had almost brown hair and dark red eyes. He had a sturdy-looking body and a sturdy atmosphere that made him seem dependable.


 These men must be Redgarde’s brother and father.



“I’m Van Milio Redgarde. I am the lord of the Redgarde territory, and I am also the father of Fay Bullard Redgarde who was helped by you all this time.” (Old Man => Van)


“Ah, hello, I’m Tougo Uezora.” (Tougo)



 I was in front of two adults, and I wanted to be polite, but unfortunately, my body would not move. I sat on the bed, buried in the cushions, but I managed to lower my head a little. I wonder if I am being rude. I’m very worried.



“I’m Roses Rufus Redgarde. I’m Fay’s older brother. My brother has caused you trouble this time. I’m afraid even you got dragged into it…” (Young Man => Roses)



 And Redgarde’s older brother said so and looked apologetic toward me.



“No, I was the one that caused trouble.” (Tougo)



 In a panic, I hurriedly corrected him. I would be troubled if they misunderstood that.



“Redgarde saved me. That’s why…” (Tougo)


“That may be so. I’m sure he saved your life. He’s that kind of guy.” (Roses)



 But in the middle of my correction, Roses said this… and then he laughed, a laugh much like Redgarde’s.



“But I’m told that my brother came back alive because of you. You helped him, and he certainly helped you. Thank you so much.” (Roses)


“I hope you’ll take some time to relax until you’re feeling better… or even after that if you want. Thank you so much. I am thankful for your courage.” (Van)



 His father also said this, squeezed my hand on the comforter, and smiled at me.




 …It was strange. why would they laugh?



“…Um, aren’t you angry?” (Tougo)


“Huh?” (Van)


“If I hadn’t been there, Redgarde might not have had to get hurt like this.” (Tougo)



 I can’t seem to get the words out because they are stuck in the back of my throat. However, I… I felt like I was getting angry, and I also felt hateful. I think. Or maybe I wanted them to get angry at me.


 If someone gets hurt, the person who was with him at the time gets blamed. That’s the way it is, whether the injured person cares or not.


 I thought it was natural, but…



“Hmm… angry, you say. If it weren’t for you, Fay would probably be dead.”



 Saying this, Redgarde’s father looks troubled.



“Because you were there, I was able to get by with just this level of injury. There’s nothing better than keeping my life. It’s normal to say that one or two injuries are badges of honor. It looks like if I get some good medicine, perhaps, even if my eyes are impossible, I might be able to get my fingers back.” (Fay)


“Really?” (Tougo)



 A medicine. Is there such a thing? This world is certainly a different world, so I think it would be nice to have something like that…


 It gives me a little bit of hope. Maybe they, too, have hope.



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“But that’s not going to happen if lives are lost. …So, it’s not your fault. It’s because of you that I am alive. I don’t know how to be angry about that… but I’m grateful, and not even angry.” (Fay)



 …I’m not sure how you are not angry about that. …and it bothers me when people say it like this.


 Somehow… it feels weird. There are words that I heard that were completely different from what I expected, and how should I put it… yeah, I’m extremely confused, like I am lost at sea.



“I’m glad you’re okay. Thank you for waking me up.” (Tougo)



 Furthermore, I don’t know what to do… when you even say something like that.



 …I’ve been treated so well, and given such warm words, and no one blames me. That makes me terribly uncomfortable.


 What am I going to do?



 Then Redgarde’s father and brother shook my hand firmly and quietly left the room. They seemed to think that since I was sick, it would be a pity to make me too anxious. I was so surprised that they cared so much about me.



“… Well, that’s what it is. I’ll say it again. Thank you very much. Thanks to you, I was saved.” (Fay)



 Redgarde, who remained in the room, said the same thing, and then he, too, was leaving the room.



“Then, go to sleep for now. I’ll bring food brought to your room later.” (Fay)


“Umm…” (Tougo)


“Hmm?” (Fay)



 I caught the hem of Redgarde’s clothes as he was leaving the room and asked him,



“…when I get my body working properly… would you mind if I paint a picture of you?” (Tougo)



“……a picture?” (Fay)


“Yeah. A painting. A portrait.” (Tougo)



 It’s an outlandish request. I know that. But I really want to paint him.


 If you want, I want to do what I can do.


 …And apparently, Redgarde didn’t mind my outlandish request.



“Me? Hmmm, well, I don’t mind.” (Fay)



 Redgarde looked at me with a puzzled expression and then smiled a slightly embarrassed, yet slightly pained smile.



“If you’re going to draw me, you should have done it before I got hurt.” (Fay)



 … He told me not to worry about it. Though he got the “Red Dragon” also known as the scarlet dragon, it’s fine. But there is no way that he would not feel something about his injury. It must be painful for him. I’m sure it must have been hard for him. …but he still didn’t say anything about it.



“Well, it’s fine. If you are going to draw me, make me at least three times cooler.” (Fay)


“……I will.” (Tougo)



 I didn’t know if it would be successful, so I didn’t say anything to raise his expectations.


 But… now that I have healed the horse’s horns and wings, I believe I can restore a person’s eyes and fingers.


 …I want to give them back to him, and I will.


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