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 Three days have passed since we called the Dioren family. Nothing much happened, and we lived peacefully.


 During that time, I became somewhat better at horseback riding. I guess I can now be more balanced riding the Pegasus.



“Oh, that’s good. Before you know it, Tougo, you’ve learned to ride properly.” (Fay)


“Yes, it’s because I had a good instructor.” (Tougo)



 Fay was very happy to see my improvement in riding. Laocles is looking a little satisfied beside him. Thank you for your guidance.



 As I got off the horse and patted his neck to thank him for accompanying me to practice today, Fay, who was watching me, suddenly said,



“You, if your magic power stabilizes properly, it might be good to turn these guys into your summoned beasts.” (Fay)


“Eh?” (Tougo)



 A summoned beast? …Oh, I see. Fay is walking around with fire spirits and the Red Dragon in his jewels, right?



“If it’s a Pegasus, it would be handy for transportation, right? If it’s a unicorn, it can be an escort. It would be good for you, wouldn’t it?” (Fay)



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 …It would certainly be useful if I could put a horse in a jewel and ride them for transportation, just as Fay uses his fire spirits for transportation. But how would that work for the horses?


 … I was a little worried and looked at the horse and saw that it was flapping its wings as it came closer and closer to me. …I don’t think I need to worry. Yes. However, there may be disputes about which horse I would use as my summoned beast. I had a lot of trouble deciding which horse to ride, and if it was my summoned beast, I wonder if there would be more trouble.



“I’m not going to worry about that right now, will I?” (Tougo)



 But my worries aside, Laocles seemed to be on board.



“I’m not sure I’m going to be able to protect him on my own. It would be reassuring if he had a summoned beast.” (Laocles)



 …I feel like it would be fine if Laocles was alone, but he seems to be worried.



“Well, I would like that too. However, if Tougo, who is not in control of his magical power, uses a summoned beast, he might end up pouring all his magical power into the summoned beast. That could be a big problem If he’s not careful, he might get taken by the summoned beast…?” (Fay)


“That’s right…” (Laocles)



 While listening to Fay and Laocles, I couldn’t understand what was going on. But for the time being, it seems like I can’t have a summoned beast right now.



“Well, in the case of Tougo, if he has art supplies, he can manage to some extent…” (Fay)

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“…On the contrary, if his art materials are taken away, and if he doesn’t have the time to draw, he can’t do anything.” (Laocles)



 That’s right.


 I can manage to do a certain amount of things as long as I can paint, but on the other hand, if I can’t paint, there is nothing I can do. I can manage to some extent as long as I can draw.



“Then, for the time being, in order to prevent the confiscation of his art materials, prepare a ‘weapon-like thing’. …A sword will be impossible, so a dagger or something like that. And, even if you don’t have a summoned beast yet, you should have a magic stone that can home a summoned beast. At any rate, someone who can reassure the other party that ‘I confiscated his weapon’.” (Fay)


“I see.” (Tougo)



 If it’s true. I don’t want to think about this, but apparently both Fay and Laocles are getting more vigilant. Even for me, I somehow feel that the people of the Dioren family might come again, so I nodded. I’ll have fake weapons ready for later.



“But it’s not a good solution. As soon as possible, we should prepare a summoned beast.” (Laocles)


“I know. …So, as far as I’m concerned, I want Tougo to do his best to control his magic as soon as possible, okay?” (Fay)



“I know.” (Tougo)



 I feel like I will have to do that too. However, as long as I’m wearing a powerful sealing tool. It means I can control it, so I don’t mind drawing. So, for now, I’m stuck with that. …But, I will do my best.


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“If Tougo had a summoned beast, it would be a Pegasus and a Unicorn, right? With your magical power, you can have any number of summoned beasts.” (Fay)


“A number is a bit…” (Tougo)


“It would be cool if there was an army of unicorns. Send about twenty at once, line them up on the front line…” (Fay)


“We could just get on our horses and get away before that happens, so we’d only need one.” (Tougo)


“Even in that case, it’s better to have a summoned beast who can slow them down. If you have a dragon, it can be a threat.” (Laocles)


“Oh, that’s great. You should have a dragon too. You know what? Red is not Tougo-like, but why don’t you get a fluffier color? Pink or something.” (Fay)


“I don’t like pink.” (Tougo)



 After that, I had a discussion with Fay and Laocles about summoned beasts for a while, but I didn’t really understand the creatures in this world, so I didn’t really get any idea.


 …I’m going to buy something like a monster book the next time I go to town.



 So that night.


 I couldn’t sleep for some reason, so I was lounging around on my bed.


 Laocles was lying on his side facing the window, so it looked like he wasn’t sleeping… I couldn’t see his face because he was lying down facing the window, but I guessed he was awake. He probably noticed that I was awake.


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 But I felt hesitant to talk to him. I was wondering what to do, and I was just lying around.



“…put your shoes on.” (Laocles)



 Laocles said.



 …I did as I was told and put on my shoes, made sure my portable watercolor tools were in them, and also carried my “fake weapon bag” that I had made on Fay’s advice, “You should also have a fake weapon in case something happens to you.” I carry everything with me.


“Fake Weapon Bag” is more like a waist pouch, or rather, a working belt, or a holder, rather than a bag.


 I have a large knife Fay prepared for me and two crystal that I drew. I hope this looks like my weapon…


 I also have a sketchbook and a pencil, both about the size of a notepad, just in case. And some candy as emergency food. In addition, there is a small leather bag that doubles as a wallet so that no one will think this is a fake weapon bag. Inside the bag are three gold coins, seven silver coins, and about five copper coins. (This is the change I got when I went to buy a ham.)


 Equipped with the above, I readied myself from what’s to come. Laocles was already equipped with his sword and shield, and he was standing by the window, keeping a watchful eye.


 …and then.


 It suddenly becomes bright outside the window.


 Even though it is night, for a moment it becomes as bright as noon, and my eyes are dazzled.


 And when I opened my momentarily dazzled eyes again, I saw…

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