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 I may not be able to draw.


 That would be a fatal flaw for a “family painter,” wouldn’t it?


 If someone ordered a picture of a mochi and the mochi arrived, even the Redgardes would be troubled. Consequently, I would be troubled.



“…Huh? What does that mean?” (Fay)


“I mean, well, I can make a ‘picture materialize,’ but I can’t make a ‘picture not materialize,’ other than to cut corners when making a picture…” (Tougo)


 …As soon as I said that, everyone at the table fell silent. Yes, that’s right. Yeah.



“Eh… You…” (Fay)



 There, Fay regained his focus faster than anyone else.



“Are you still wetting the bed, by any chance?” (Fay)






“No, I am not…” (Tougo)


“But your magic leaks, right?” (Fay)



 What do you mean, magic leaks? …maybe in this world, “magic that you didn’t intend to activate” is treated like bed-wetting or something like that!?



“Ahahahaha! No, my bad, my bad! I know, you’ve only been in this world a short while! In a way, you’ve just been born. It’s nothing to be ashamed of… fufufu.” (Fay)



 He is full of laughter that I may be leaking magic, but Fay is leaking laughter. He can’t hold it in.



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“Hahahahahaha! I see! You, with that face, a serious face, but you couldn’t control your magic? Yet, you speak normally, you act nicely, and act like you look like you’re in control! I see.” (Fay)


“Ugh, you don’t have to laugh…” (Tougo)



 It’s awkward. I feel very uncomfortable. Fay is laughing, and both his brother and father are grinning. “Well, I am from another world.”


 …Based on values that I don’t understand at all, they are somehow amused. Or they are made to laugh. It doesn’t seem like they’re being malicious, and that’s good, but how should I put it…



“Fay, your otherworldly friend is very much like this… always making you feel cheerful, isn’t he?” (Roses)


“Now you see? Brother, you’re jealous, aren’t you?” (Fay)



 …It’s kind of embarrassing.



 In the end, the conversation ended at the breakfast table by saying, “Let’s practice magic control later” and “Think about the idea of being our painter later.”


 The Redgarde family was not inclined to drop their offer of a painter even though they knew I was unable to control magic, and they were rather interested in me as a person from another world. He even asked me if I wanted to live with him. Yes, I’m glad to hear that he is interested in me. But I’m kind of sorry, and I’m still kind of embarrassed…



 …So, I went to practice magic control with Fay.



“Alright. First of all, you should be aware of your magic!” (Fay)



 Fay says so but… this is the first difficult part.


 Until now, I have been able to materialize pictures without being aware of anything in particular. That means, “I don’t know how the picture materialized”.


 Since I am not aware that I am using magic, I cannot control it. I had to start by sensing my own magic.




“You, when you consume magic power, don’t you feel it?” (Fay)


“Hmm… I might be.” (Tougo)


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 When I heal one of the horse’s wings or horns. Or, when I materialize the Scarlet Dragon. At times like that, I feel like something is flowing out of me. Maybe that’s magic power?



“I see. Then try to become aware that the thing you consumed at that time is in your body.” (Fay)



 … No, that’s difficult. How can you have some kind of awareness of something invisible in the body?



“…Is it no good?” (Fay)


“Yes.” (Tougo)



 When I said that I was giving up, Fay sighed… then handed me something.



“Then take this!” (Fay)



 The thing that was handed to me was something with a wooden grip had a brass-like metal pattern inlaid on it and a clear stone that looked like a crystal ball was attached to the end of the grip.


 When I grasped the grip… the metal pattern glowed, and the crystal ball at the end of the grip glowed.



“Oh. That’s good. Feel that properly.” (Fay)



 Furthermore, the light slowly changes color inside the crystal ball, passing through the handle and entering my body.



“…woah.” (Tougo)



 I was surprised.


 Your hands felt fluffy and warm. And then it becomes cool. … The feeling that enters my hand is different depending on the color of the light in the crystal ball



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“Do you understand? This is magic power.” (Fay)


“…Yeah. I understand.” (Tougo)



 I think it’s a tool to bring out magic inside me and put it back inside my body again. That’s interesting. Just by pulling it out, I am now aware of what’s there. I’m starting to realize that, this, magic power is definitely flowing through me.



“So, expand your awareness from your hands. See? You can see it flowing through your whole body, not just your hands, can’t you?” (Fay)



 After I become aware of it, now, I can certainly feel it. I do indeed have magic power.


 It is something that glitters inside the crystal ball, changing color. Is this my magic power? It’s beautiful. I see. Something like this is flowing inside me? It makes me a little happy.



“This tool is amazing.” (Tougo)


“Oh, of course. I’m glad you’re pleased, it is so much better because you are.” (Fay)



 After practicing feeling my own magic for a while, I give the tool back to Fay. Then, as soon as Fay gripped it, a scarlet flame flared up inside the stone.


 …I see. Fay also said that magic power differs from person to person. Is that what he is?



“By the way.” (Fay)



 Then Fay said, with a smirk.



“This toy is something we give babies in this world.” (Fay)



 …I see.



 Well, I’ve only been in this world a little while, a baby, so to speak…


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 I was a little angry, so I poked Fay in his side, and he laughed.



 That whole evening, I practiced holding the “baby’s toy” and feeling magic.


 It’s funny how once you know the magic inside you, you start to know what’s outside of you.


 I can feel the magic in Fay, in the flowers in the garden, in the wind, and so on. Yes, this is interesting.



“Good. Then it’s time for the next step! Next, we’ll practice making sure the magic doesn’t leak out! If you can do this, you might even be able to keep the painting from materializing! Good luck!” (Fay)



 The next day, I’ll be studying magic with Fay again.


 …I think I made a step forward because I was able to feel the magic inside me but it’s hard to know what to do after that.


 The first thing to do is to practice to prevent the magic from leaking out, so today I am holding such a tool, like a candle made of gold and a goldsmith’s craft.





“……It is useless.” (Tougo)


“Oh… yeah, well, just try harder. Yeah.” (Fay)



 Like yesterday’s tool, this tool is also a tool for practicing magic control. This candle-like object channels magic power when you hold it and its tip light up. So I’m practicing not to light up while holding this candle, but…


 In a way, it may be like stopping your own blood flow with only your will. It is that level of difficulty.


 The candle-like light doesn’t go out at all. I know that magic power is flowing from my hand and being channeled into it and that it is becoming light, but I don’t know how to stop it.



“I don’t know what to do.” (Tougo)


“Really?” (Fay)




 Seeing me like that, Fay grabbed my wrist.

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