The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 101: 101

Li Zhenguo and Huang Hongyun, father and son, went to the high stage together.

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And it's automatic in a row.

In the eyes of everyone's consternation, he bowed 90 degrees to Chen Ge:

"met Chen Shao! Congratulations on Chen Shao's purchase of Yunding villa

The voice was very consistent, as if it had been negotiated.


This speech, like throwing a heavy bomb in the crowd, directly shocked everyone.

"Chen Shao! It turns out that he is Chen Shao! "

"My God! Chen Shao in Jinling, is that the absolute national rich Chen Shao? "

The crowd opened their mouths and were pleasantly surprised and excited.

"What? Chen Shao, Chen Shao is Chen Ge

Tang ran directly and powerlessly fell back a few steps.

At the last family gathering, some people speculated whether Chen Ge was Chen Shao?

Later, it was denied by Tang ran.

Because Chen Ge is not like at all.

But, in front of the scene, directly let Tang ran dizzy, Chen Shao! Chen Ge is Chen Shao!

No wonder 800 million is nothing in his eyes.

I didn't blink when I touched 20 million luxury cars.

Because he is Chen Shao, the second generation of the top rich!

The son of the biggest family!

Tang Ran's face became cloudy and sunny! She's really sorry!

Under the stage, Li Wangfeng, whose face was almost green, was also very regretful.

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Just now, it was Chen Shao who wanted to shake hands with himself and smile at himself.

This is a good opportunity for carp to jump the dragon's gate!

As a result, I didn't even look at Chen Shao.

What did you say about yourself? Insulting Chen Shao is a man of no three and no four?

He even talks too much about educating people. Chen Shao laughs directly but doesn't speak!

Fang Qing, Xu Na, Wang Shuai, Li Mingfei, now has her mouth open enough to hold eggs.

In short, these people want to find a place to die!

Chen Ge on the stage, looking at them in amazement, is also indifferent to smile.

You don't have to be angry about them.

That's good. It's much better than beating them up.

Chen Ge looked at Tang ran: "cousin Tang ran, I have bought the house. Should you give me the key and then take me to have a look at the cloud top villa?"

"Ah? I, I, I It's Chen Shao! "

Tang Ran is very difficult to say this sentence.

She doesn't know what to call Chen Ge!

Turn around, with Chen Ge and his party, soon came to the foot of Yunding mountain villa.

"However, we also want to go. Can we ask Chen Shao to take us up and have a look?"

Fang Qing and Xu Na, two beautiful women, are running here at once.

Come to Tang Ran's side, they deliberately say very loud, is to let Chen Ge hear, their heart sincere repentance.

Now don't talk about the face problem, there is a fart to face!

The most important thing is to make Chen Shao happy and forgive them. They believe that with their own beauty, even if they won't be favored by Chen Shaoqing, they can stay with Chen Shao and become a maid in the future?

"I I can't ask Chen Shao! " Tang Ran's brain is short circuited now, can you still ask for help?

"Chen Shao, can we go up and have a look? We were wrong just now, really wrong! How can you forgive us? "

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Fang Qing and Xu Na both have tears in their eyes.

To tell you the truth, looking at two people like this, Chen Ge in the heart have some look down on them.

Is that too fast?

In addition to the atmosphere just now, Chen Ge met them directly: "well, if you want me to forgive you, just learn a few barking dogs and let me listen to them!"

It's just angry. It means to get them out of here.

"Woof, woof, woof!"

"Woof, woof, woof!"

Unexpectedly, the two women called directly in public.

"Chen Shao, do you think I've learned? What kind of little bitches do you want to see? Would you like to learn from them

Two people stick out their tongues at Chen Ge!

"Damn it!"

Chen GE's scalp is about to explode.

These two women are really Chen GE's life has seen, than Yang Xue has no bottom line of two women!

Let them call, really?

In fact, here, Fang Qing and Xu Na are all willing to go, this Chen Shao, two people must die to bite, no matter what he let himself do!

It really works.

Chen GE has been completely speechless, waved: "you love to follow it!"

"Chen Shao!"At this time, Li Wangfeng roared, carrying his hands, bending over from the crowd, directly ran to Chen Ge.

"Chen Shao! I didn't know Mount Tai just now. I'm Li Wangfeng. I met you just now

Li Wangfeng, with his hands hanging, wants to shake hands with Chen Ge.

This is Chen Shao. A hundred Li Wangfeng can't afford to offend him. You'll be finished every minute!

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"But I don't know you!"

Chen Ge said faintly, putting his hand in his pocket.

"This Chen Shao I have offended my little girl just now. I'll make it up to you! "

Li Wangfeng green face, quickly wave, Li Mingfei this just commiserate aggrieved stand over.

The loser is Chen Shao. Nobody can think of it!

"Chen Shao, I'm not good!"

"Oh, aren't you a purist? Just now I was sitting behind you. You were crying and changing your seat. Now, I'm not addicted to cleanliness? You're so close to me, aren't you? "

Chen Ge smile, really just smile.


Li Ming Fei blushed. Did her appearance lose her attraction to Chen Shao?

Chen Ge laughs bitterly, shakes his head, also did not pay attention to them, turned to take Li Zhenguo and others up the mountain.

This is the first time Chen Ge stepped on people. To tell you the truth, just talented people can't do it. Now this step on people makes me happy!

What's more, the scene of Tang ran, the proud second cousin, who is so proud that she is holding the door key behind her, makes Chen Ge feel that it's really cool to have money!

In fact, Tang Ran is more tangled now, because at the moment, she seems to have a different mood for Chen Ge.

That is to think that Chen Ge Shuai, unlimited domineering handsome!

Although he was beaten in the face, Tang ran felt that it was very good to play, because his ambition for many years seems to have a new opportunity.

At present, Chen Shao doesn't hate himself.

And I will be the housekeeper of this Yunding villa in the future, destined to have a lot of intersection with Chen Shao.

Sister, is sister sorry for you?

Most of the morning, of course, is fun.

Chen Ge strolled around the house for an hour or two. It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and then he took the people down the mountain.

Just walked to the foot of the mountain, the class group suddenly flashed a few news.

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There are some pictures of Meng Ru.

"Students all forward, space and circle of friends!"

"Help this classmate. Her sister is seriously ill and she has no ability to earn money. Please donate money to help her family get out of trouble! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you

As for the content of the photos, it is Meng Cairu's Guide to shoot.

It's Holland.

She asked Hao Lanlan to stand on the platform of the class with a sign of "please help me" and ask for help.

At the moment, Hao Lanlan was pale, closed her eyes, and clenched the cards in her hands. It was obvious that her fingernails were deeply involved in the cards.

"Students, this is what I designed to raise money for Hao Lanlan. Do you think there is anything that needs to be improved? If not, I will start to inform the Department? If you think it's OK, deduct 1. "

Yellow hair: "1!"

Hanfil: "1!"


This is the woman!

This is to throw one's self-esteem on the ground and crush it!

Chen Ge doesn't know when Hao Lanlan will go back to school or what she started to raise money.

However, Chen Ge knew at a glance that it was Meng Cairu's idea to raise money and hype.

Because he Chen Ge, Meng Cairu forced him to do this before! What to say to show love, increase class honor!

"Damn it!"

Chen Ge feels Hao Lanlan's mood at the moment!

I can't stand this humiliation, not to mention Hao Lanlan, who has stronger self-esteem!

"Yonghao, prepare a car, I want to go back to school immediately!"

Chen Ge said in a hurry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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