The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 113: 113

The girl obviously knew Chen Ge.

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Chen Ge was surprised to see this beautiful girl.

"Jiang Weiwei?"

Since the last time because of beating Wang Yang's things, I was completely broke up with Jiang Weiwei.

People have been secretly in love with Wang Yang, even if she later gave a dress to Jiang Weiwei, but in her eyes, she and Wang Yang are incomparable.

In addition, because of herself, the president of Jiang Weiwei student union almost didn't have to do it, so these days, Jiang Weiwei is cold eyed with Chen Ge.

Unexpectedly, I met here today!

"Chen Ge, what are you doing here?"

Jiang Weiwei said coldly.

"Chen Ge, do you know each other?"

Zheng Yue is standing by Chen GE's side at the moment, and her voice is a little ambiguous.

"Yes, I belong to her department!"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

Then he looked at Jiang Weiwei: "I'm here to see Zheng Yue's parents!"

"See your parents, what parents?"

Jiang Weiwei's face became colder.

At the same time, even the three members of the Jiang family all look at Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge is my boyfriend. What parents do you think he met?"

Zheng Yue said directly without taboo.

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She was really not interested in Jiang ziqiao.

In fact, unknowingly, after getting to know Chen Ge, Zheng Yue's criteria for choosing a boyfriend also improved.

I've seen something more powerful in my heart. If you come out with an excellent one, you can't be better than Chen Ge Chen Shao.

So Zheng Yue is now in the mood of choosing her boyfriend.

And this sentence is like a bomb.

It surprised everyone in the room.

Especially the Jiang family.

They came in high spirits. They heard that Zheng Yue had a close relationship with Jinling business group. Besides, he was very beautiful and had a good family environment.

All in all, it would be quite nice to be the daughter-in-law of the Jiang family.

But I didn't expect that Zheng Yue had a boyfriend, and now that she's bringing her son to the blind date, I know?

"Lao Zheng, what's the situation?"

Uncle Jiang Weiwei asked coldly.

The man named Jiang ziqiao is also looking at Chen Ge with a look of hostility at the moment.

Zheng Yue, how can he not like it.

At the moment, he looks at Chen Ge, which is to quickly find the flash point on Chen Ge, and then compare them.

Zheng Yue's parents apologized in a hurry, saying it was a misunderstanding and so on.

But in my heart, Chen GE's ancestors were all scolded. A lousy loser, what a mess to make today!

"Dad, don't be impatient. As Uncle Zheng said, there may be some misunderstanding. Besides, this brother is also a classmate of Weiwei."

Jiang Zicheng raised his watch.

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At the moment light smile way.

"Ha ha, classmate? Chen Ge, I finally know why you have become a little boy friend recently. To tell you the truth, Chen Ge, although you won the lottery and became rich before, it made me very uncomfortable. However, for the sake of clothes you gave me, I still hate you, but I'm not as disgusting as before! "

"But now it seems that you are more disgusting than I thought!"

"I said, how can you be so rich, a broken lottery ticket, how can not spend clean, originally, you are raised, and you two really have something to do!"

In fact, after entering the box, Jiang Weiwei didn't talk much.

As for Zheng Yue, she gradually recognized it.

It's not the woman Xu Chao pursues that Xu Dong and Lin Jiao caught on the spot last time, and Chen Ge, who is kept in the car by the woman.

I saw that scene myself.

But later some things, let Jiang Weiwei feel unlikely.

From her point of view, if you want to take care of xiaobailian, you will never take care of such dregs as Chen Ge.

But now, the woman has admitted that Chen Ge is her little boyfriend!

Therefore, Jiang Weiwei talks, also has no taboo.

Staring at Chen Ge, proud of his face, are you not a bull? Ha ha ha, so you are a little white face!

This made Zheng Yue's parents look ugly.

Listen to this, this son of a bitch seems to be a freeloader.

Zheng Yue's mother pointed to Chen Ge and said, "Zheng Yue, tell me clearly, what's going on with Chen Ge? Is he really a soft potato

"Mom, no, listen to me!"

Zheng Yue is also a little worried.

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How would not have thought, originally simple refuse marriage matter, will make this step.

This is called Jiang Weiwei is also really, early do not follow, late do not follow, but at this time follow."I don't listen, I don't listen, you say he is or not?" Zheng Yue's mother cut the railway.

On one side, Jiang Weiwei hugged her shoulder and walked to Jiang ziqiao's side and said with a smile, "brother, you don't have to worry. Do you remember what I said at home that big poor force in our department? She is so poor that she has no self-esteem. She is so poor that she is dumped by her ex girlfriend directly. She can be with a rich second generation directly! "

"Later, when he won a lottery, he didn't know his last name. Do you remember that poor loser? Oh, that's him

Jiang Weiwei heart way, since already tore a face, that tear.

You Chen Ge this time torment Jiang Weiwei is not light.

I thought you were rich and wanted to be friends with you.

Even when I thought you were rich, Jiang Weiwei was about to have that idea.

In particular, you gave yourself a suit of 50000 or 60000 clothes, saying that it was a help to you, but willing to give yourself such expensive clothes.

It's not true to say that you are not touched at all.

But, you Chen Ge is really a scum man, have a fart money!

She said it in public, and then let Zheng Yue know his past and kick the loser away!

Jiang ziqiao's eyes are shining at the moment. If he is really the poor man, he has no pressure at all.

"Zheng Yue, tell me clearly. Is this person what Wei Wei said? Is he a poor man

Zheng Yue's mother asked. What a shame. What a shame today!


Zheng Yue is at a loss.

I don't know how to answer.

"Yes, I used to be poor, but I wasn't so poor that I didn't even have self-esteem. I just wanted to earn money to live on, so that I could study hard and become famous in the future. Is this wrong?"

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Chen Ge is deeply impressed by Jiang Weiwei's words.

I can't help but tell my previous depression.

"Why do you always tell me what to do? Although I am poor, I have not offended you. Why do you all bully me?"

Chen Ge glared at Jiang Weiwei and yelled.

Because in the past three years, Jiang Weiwei has brought Chen Ge no less humiliation than Lu Yang.

In front of the public, she did not give her face. Once, she met her when she walked outside the classroom with Yang Xue.

"Chen Ge, how can you find a girlfriend? Oh, my God

"By the way, you go to clean the lecture hall. Don't eat with your girlfriend. Besides, it doesn't matter whether you go to the canteen or not. You can't afford to eat if you don't work part-time for a day!"

"What? Do you dare not go? Bang It's a slap in the face, "believe it or not, I'll break your grant and let you go!"

These things, are freshmen and sophomores, Jiang Weiwei in front of Yang Xue in the face of their own.

Yang Xue also quarreled with her for this.

But Chen Ge, like a demon possessed by the heart, has been repressed in his heart.

Junior situation is better, because Jiang Weiwei has been lazy to scold herself, ha ha

These things, Chen Ge are suppressed in the heart, he does not say, but does not mean that he forgot.

"Well, you are indeed a poor man. Don't delay my daughter. Get out of here!"

All of a sudden, Zheng Yue's mother got angry, picked up a cup of hot tea on the table and poured it on Chen GE's face , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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