The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 119: 119

"Yes, Chen Ge."

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Zhao Yifan trimmed his hair and said softly.

"Oh, no! The goddess Zhao Yifan actually agreed to a loser's courtship? "

"What? Did I hear that right? My God, how many rich people in our department pursue Zhao Yifan. Zhao Yifan can't even look at him. Now he has become the loser's girlfriend? "

"Does the goddess love Diao Si? I would have pretended to be Diao Si if I knew, ah! Is this Zhao Yifan's first love? "

A group of boys fell into a burst of wail.

All the girls are incredible.

I think Zhao Yifan is crazy. This Chen song is really beautiful. But how does he look like Zhao Yifan with high vision?

But no matter how people understand it, Zhao Yifan agreed.

And took the flowers from Chen GE's hand.

Then some shy like, bypassing Chen ge back to his class.

"Treat, treat, treat tonight!"

Xu Xia and they are all very happy, skipping.

Only Lin Jiao choked a stomach sullen, and very angry to see Chen Ge, a face also left.

What do you mean by Chen Ge, including from the day when you fell in love with Xu Dong, do you know what I mean by Lin Jiao?

Now, you're chasing other girls face to face.

Let Lin Jiao's self-esteem is simply hurt.


Only Chen GE's big eyes and small eyes have not come back from the astonishment.

What is he doing here? It's to ask Su Muhan out to meet.

Damn it! How did he become Zhao Yifan's boyfriend?

Damn it, he didn't say a word. How did he become Zhao Yifan's boyfriend?

In fact, Chen Gegang wants to explain clearly.

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However, once surrounded by so many people, Chen Ge did not know what to say.

It's just this kind of hard work that changes the atmosphere.

Set off to here, the results said they are not to chase Zhao Yifan, but also some of the face.

There is also Xu Xia's strong support here.

Chen GE's explanation is not so good. If you don't explain it, you can't.

Zhao fan can't be sure if he doesn't understand! If Su Muhan saw it, he would jump into the Yellow River and wash it out! "

Chen Ge scratched his head and turned to go.

"Chen Ge!"

At the same time, Chen shouts.

Hearing this sound, Chen Ge was shocked.

It was su Muhan.

Chen Ge found that Su Muhan had been looking at himself in the crowd.

It's over. It's a big misunderstanding!

"Muhan, listen to me!"

Chen Ge said anxiously.

Chen Ge is also admitted, at the beginning, is very like that Zhao Yifan, because she is very beautiful.

But later some intersection, Chen Ge had no feeling for her.

What's more, what Chen Ge wants to pursue most is still Su Muhan. She is no longer a substitute for other girls.

However, it is the leakage of the house that often rains at night.

"Chen Ge, you don't have to say, I saw it all! Mm-hmm, it's good. I wish you well! "

Su Mu Han stares at Chen Ge and says word by word.

"Hum, disgusting scum man, while having sex with our family Su Muhan every day, once he changes hands, he goes after other girls. Shit, don't you just have a loser? What do you look like? Our family is blind

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"Bah, disgusting scum! It's disgusting! "

Su Muhan's roommates naturally know Chen Ge. At the moment, they are all scornful and scold Chen Ge. They are just spitting at Chen Ge.

"Get out of our broadcasting department. It's a shame!"

Several girls shared the same hatred.

"There may be some misunderstanding! Mu Han, listen to me... "


However, before Chen Ge finished, Su Muhan suddenly turned around and rushed to Chen GE's face with a mouth.

It's very loud.

Then I gave Chen Ge the look you like and left.

Chen Ge is confused.

I didn't expect it to be so noisy.

I don't even know how the people around me ridicule themselves and how they left the broadcasting and hosting department.

Why should I take into account Zhao Yifan's feelings at that time?

Why do you care so much about other people's feelings?

Why don't you just sort it out?

If we make it clear, there won't be so many things, right!

Chen Ge anxiously scratched his head.

Just at this time, Zhao Yifan sent a short message to Chen Ge."Chen Ge, Xu Xia, they said they would come out for dinner together at night. What are you going to do?"

Chen Ge sighed and wanted to explain it directly to Zhao Yifan.

I don't want to chase you or like you. It's all misunderstanding.

But for now, look at Zhao Yifan's eagerness and Xu Xia's enthusiasm.

Chen Ge doesn't know.

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Libra may be so tangled!

"You go. If I have something else to do, I won't go. I'll pay you for the meal!"

Chen Ge light back a sentence, and so on this matter after the wind in the past to explain with Zhao Yifan.

Believe this sentence, Zhao Yifan should also be aware.

What do you mean? What is it that you go? Chen Ge, is it too easy for me, Zhao Yifan, to promise you? "

Zhao Yifan sent a message again.

Chen Ge directly turned off his mobile phone and walked aimlessly along the campus street.


All of a sudden, the motors started to sound.

The sound has a sense.

After that, five Ferrari sports cars rushed directly into the campus, detonating the whole campus atmosphere instantly.

At the same time, a luxury car passed by Chen Ge, because Chen Ge did not pay attention.

I almost got hit by that luxury car.

Now one after another backward, a inattentive directly sitting on the ground.

"Ah! Luxury cars, many luxury cars, Ferrari

"My God, who is this? I'll go. I'd rather be dishevelled to be able to sit in such a car

"Fu Shao, it must be Fu Shao. Who are they coming to pick up?"

These five sports cars rushed in, almost not long ago, attracted more than half of the school's girls, boys also came to see a lot.

Anyway, on the school road, surrounded by a lot of people, all with a face of reverence.

At this time, the first to jump from the car a male student.

A horizontal face:

"shit! You are so blind. Seeing our Zhao Shao's car, you didn't hide and killed you! "

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The student was very handsome with red hair, pointing at Chen Ge and scolding him.

Chen Ge usually wears low-key clothes.

Let people see is that kind of honest students.

This rich second generation, of course, is not in the eye.

"Ah, Su Jie, look at this man. It's the kind of person who is stupid. What's your anger with such a person?"

"Ha ha ha, yes, Su Jie Ge, be careful of your voice and frighten the loser to death. Ha ha ha!"

There are also two girls in the car, all of whom are surrounded by Su Jie. It makes them feel proud.

"Well, I'll take care of him later! Go and see Zhao first

Su Jie eyebrows moved, then respectfully came to the middle of a car, opened the door.

"Zhao Shao?"

"Who is Zhao Shao? I'll go. This Su Jie is handsome enough and domineering. How can someone make him so respectful? "

"I know who it is? You don't know, Jinling business group, the new boss is Zhao, isn't it? Zhao Shao is Oh, my God

There are girls who are about to be excited about GC!

"Yes, yes, I've heard that Mr. Zhao's son is going to transfer to another school!"

There are also female gossip shouting.

Jinling commercial street, we all know that there is a Chen Shao who is very powerful. However, they are all rumors. How can they be compared with Zhao Shao so that they can be seen and touched?

In a word, Chen Shao can't reach her. Zhao Shao, the girls may be able to work hard!

Feelings of this kind of thing, who can say exactly!

At this time, Su Jie raised his hand to cover the car body, and the driver's seat big and small, slowly walked down from the car.

This moment, the whole campus, the atmosphere will solidify , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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