The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 121: 121

"Chen Ge?"

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And Chen Lin and Li Shihan came to see Chen Ge and Su Qiang beside him.

Today, Chen Lin and Li Shihan have made an agreement for a long time. They are thinking about graduating soon and stepping into society with a new identity.

Now, if you don't have a good tour of mountains and water, when will you play?

Some time ago, my alumni Ding Hao always said how beautiful their hometown is.

Invite everyone to play.

Now when I am free, I have made an appointment with my good sisters and all my good friends have come.

I didn't expect to meet Chen Ge here.

"Chen Lin, do you know this man?"

A few girls on one side frowned.

At the sight of Chen GE's appearance, it gives people a feeling that it's cheap. What's more, beside him, there is also a girl with a lower price.

Let a few girls pout their lips to show disdain.

"Ha ha, of course I do. It's my high school classmate who told you about me yesterday. Ha ha, it's really where there's something to do!"

Chen Lin sneered.

Last time, Chen Song met Zhou Ze and Zhou Shao, which really surprised Chen Lin.

Everyone thinks Chen Ge will be developed.

However, it was only after multilateral visits and investigations that this was the case.

Because I asked a friend to inquire, I knew that Zhou Shao had forgotten Chen Ge in a twinkling of an eye.

When people asked him if he knew Chen Ge, he said he didn't know Chen Ge. Who is Chen Ge?

Hehe, sure enough, it is said that Zhou Shao often makes no sense of it. It must have been the last time he was in the hotel, and it was on the spur of the moment that he got up with Chen Ge.

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But it's really scary. I don't know. I really regret Chen Ge.

So Chen Lin is in a good mood. Now it's even better to step on Chen GE's feet.

"Chen Ge, is this your girlfriend?"

One side of the letter can not help but ask a question.

But then he shook his head slightly.

What kind of girlfriends are really suitable for? Poor people naturally want to find a poor girlfriend. It's really cheap to see what they wear.

Now, Li Shihan really wants to laugh at the thought of having an affair with Chen Ge.

"No, this is my good friend!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"I say, although Su Qiang is poor, she is very beautiful. I guess it's not good to be forced to Chen Ge by this poor girl!"

Ding Hao said coldly at this time that he obviously knew Su Qiang. After all, Su Qiang's adoptive parents were in Yunmeng village.

"Ding Hao, do you know this man named Su Qiang?"

"Of course, let me tell you something about her..."

Ding Hao lowered his voice and began to whisper something to many girls.

Many girls listen, look at Su Qiang's eyes more disdainful.

Su Qiang knows Ding Hao is saying that she is an orphan, no one wants the child.

At the moment, his self-esteem was frustrated and his head was lowered by the corner of his clothes.

At this time, Chen Ge grabbed her wrist and told her that everything has its own.

"Rose, let's go back!"

Chen Ge is really enough for these high school students.

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I didn't want to say anything more, so I decided to leave.

"Whoa, I'm still angry. Don't go. Since you've caught up, I'll give you a mutton kebab for free. I don't think you've eaten much of it? Ha ha, it's just that we are short of buns. Let's leave you two here! "

Chen Lin said with a sneer.

In fact, this is what she thought of as soon as her inspiration came to her. Two free labors, no need for nothing.

Chen Ge doesn't want to talk to them.

"Su Qiang, do you want to go? You can stay with this Chen Ge. You don't want to think about it. If it wasn't for my father who built the road a few years ago, your parents' grave would have been flattened. Oh, now I invite you to have a meal and ask you to help string meat kebabs. Would you not like it? "

Ding Hao said casually.

He didn't talk much before. In the eyes of the public, he belonged to the kind with relatively low status.

But now it's not the same. The serious dismantling of the second generation has made him a core.

And his moral kidnapping is obviously very useful for Su Qiang.

Su rose stopped and said softly, "Chen Ge, or you go back first, I'll stay to help them string meat kebabs!"

Chen Ge and Su Qiang said their own things, also let Su Qiang help themselves hide identity.

So Su Qiang knows Chen Ge can't do this kind of crude work.

What's more, they are not qualified to let Chen Ge serve

That's why she stayed.

And Chen Ge, seeing that Su Qiang doesn't go, is embarrassed to go.

Oh, string meat kebabs on the string, accompany Su Qiang!

Finally, I decided to stay. He called Li Zhenguo to explain the situation and asked Li Zhenguo to go back first.Everyone saw that the labor force had been found. Ding Hao immediately called to order mutton, and asked people to move in a barbecue stove and a dozen cases of beer.

A bonfire picnic by the lake is the beginning.

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Chen Ge and Su Qiang almost wear a few hours, before all the mutton kebab good.

"Ah! I'll reward you with fifty strings. I'll take a small stove and bake it next to you. "

Chen Lin haughtily handed Chen Ge a string, and then went back to the campfire to chat around.

Chen Ge really wants to be like this.

But at this time, I heard a sound of surprise from the crowd over there:

"what poem letter, you and Ma Fei want to break up? Is it true? "

"Really, in fact, the two of us have been quarrelling for two days. I thought it might be really inappropriate. I decided to bring it to him tonight! And there's one thing I'm sorry to say, Ma Fei, he's been having an affair with other girls

Li Shihan said wrongly.

"Lying trough, this scum man, on the surface, how much I love you and carry you on your back. It's disgusting. Good to break up!"

Some girls should drink.

"I also agree that if Ma Fei is really such a scum, it's right for you to break up with him. There are more good men in the world, more rich and more handsome than him!"

Chen Lin said.

Li Shihan cut her hair and nodded.

In fact, from the last rural meeting, Li Shihan saw Ma Fei kowtow in front of Zhou Ze, and his heart was cold.

Ha ha, she has always felt that as long as the boys are good to her and have the ambition, as long as the conditions are not too bad, it doesn't matter.

But what I think is still too naive.

In front of the real rich second generation, you are nothing.

At best, they work for people.

Just like that Chen Ge, if you look at him now, even if he studies hard, what's the use?

In the end, isn't it just a mediocre?

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So Li Shihan's mentality is also slowly changing.

"Shihan, it's not the first time we've seen each other, and we're also friends. I'd like to advise you that if we don't go to the old one, we should always look ahead!"

At this time, Ding Hao said something.

Li Shihan looked up at Ding Hao, cut his haircut, nodded, and gave Ding Hao a smile that he would refuel.

There were many sensitive students present, who seemed to see some other meanings.

That is, Li Shihan seems to have some meaning for Ding Hao, and Ding Hao is also obviously interested in Li Shihan.

The ambiguous eyes of the two just now can be seen.

Think about it. Now Ding Hao has become the second generation of demolition. After that, he is definitely not poor. It is better to follow him than to follow Ma Fei, even if he is excellent.

How can Chen Lin not see this.

At the moment, her brow frowned, and jealousy welled up in her heart.

Ding Hao is one of his classmates. Li Shihan's best friend has Ma Fei, so Chen Lin never introduces her male friend to Li Shihan.

But now, since just knowing Ding Hao's transfer, Chen Lin has some ideas.

But did not pay attention to fire prevention and burglary, now instead to promote Ding Hao and Li Shihan?

Chen Lin was depressed.

At this time, Chen Ge came to get some kebabs.

Chen Lin has no place to spread fire.

He yelled at Chen Ge: "if you eat so much, you will know how to eat. If you eat to death, forget it! You stupid idiot , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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