The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 1264: 1264

"Elder martial sister, no, your Yang Qi has invaded our true Qi again!"

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Mr. Qidu's head is getting big.

"Cold water, stop. If we go on like this, we will not only take no advantage of it, but also be hit hard by your yin-yang Qi!"

Although Taoist Qinglong was very reluctant, he still preached at the moment.

To tell the truth, even himself can't stand it.

"Mr. Chen, you are really a good means. We admit defeat and we will win together!"

The cold aunt hurried.

"OK, I promise you three!"


With that, the true Qi of both sides withdrew.

Mr. Qidu fell back more than ten steps, and Taoist Qinglong fell back three steps.

At the moment, all three were a little shocked.

"Hehe, the yin-yang Qi of Taoist cold water is really powerful. I'm afraid we can't hold it if we don't stop!"

Seeing the decline of the seven poisons, Taoist Heifeng smiled.

"Cough, make a fool of yourself!" Taoist cold water waved her hand with an ugly face.

"Well, we also drank the wine we should drink. I think we'd better order directly. If you have anything to say, make it clear face to face!"

Chen Ge sat down, drank himself, drank a glass of wine and said.

"What Mr. Chen said is, in fact, we invited you three to come, but we just wanted to ask, what is the purpose of your trip and what can we do for you?"

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Taoist Qinglong asked.

"Yin blood bead! We're going to the general's tomb to find the whereabouts of Yin blood bead!"

Chen Ge said calmly.

Today, there is nothing to hide.

It's better to hurry up.

Because Chen Ge also knows that the purpose of these people is also the general's tomb. It's better to open the skylight and tell the truth.

Sure enough.

When they heard the speech, they were all stunned.

Looking at each other, Qinglong said with a smile:

"Hehe, Mr. Chen is really quick. Since Mr. Chen has said it, we have nothing to hide. We and the dealer have wanted to enter the general's tomb for many years!"

"However, we have the same purpose, but there are some differences. When we enter the general's tomb, Yin blood beads are only one of the small purposes, so small that we can abandon Yin blood beads!"

Said Taoist Qinglong.

"What are you looking for?"

Taoist Heifeng asked in surprise.

"Mr. Heifeng, in short, we are not looking for Yin blood beads. If the three really come for Yin blood beads, I think we can turn enemies into friends and cooperate!"

"Because the general's tomb is not an ordinary place, and the legendary headless general has achieved a very terrible cultivation. Although Mr. Chen is strong, I'm afraid he's still worse in the face of headless general!"

Qinglong Road, long road.

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"Yes, with Mr. Chen's accomplishments and the magic tools we have, maybe we can have the power of a war!"

Cold water Taoist said.

"Well, since Mr. Qinglong is so honest, we might as well join hands to break into the general's tomb!"

Chen Ge nodded.

"Mr. Chen is happy, but breaking into the general's tomb is no small matter. We still need to think about it in the long run. In addition, the more helpers, the better. Well, after seven days, it's the night of the full moon. We invited many friends in the cultivation world. Let's meet and discuss the general's tomb. How about it?"

The green dragon Taoist priest smiled.

"Well, that's the deal!"

Chen Ge nodded.

Then he took people away from the banquet.

"Mr. Chen, do you really promise them like this? These four are big demons!"

On the way back, Mo Longteng was surprised.

"Lao Mo, can you stop being so impetuous every time? When did Mr. Chen do something that didn't belong to the spectrum? You forgot what Mr. Chen said. If you don't go into a tiger's den, you can get a tiger's son. Now, I'm afraid the strength of the three of us can't really enter the general's tomb. We can see their strength. If we can go in, I'm afraid we won't drag it to today!"

Said the dark wind Taoist.

"Reasonable, alas, I'm abrupt!" Mo Longteng nodded.

"Therefore, we should be stable and can't take risks. Anyway, we still have time. As long as we have a chance to find Yin blood beads!"

Chen Ge said: "and now, the forces behind the four of them have not appeared, which is what I fear. After all, we don't know what people want to do. We have to be careful to avoid making chess pieces for people!"

"Therefore, we went to the appointment to see how big the background of these people is, and it seems that they don't seem to be lying today, otherwise, they can use immortal tools to deal with us today!"

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Mo Longteng said.

"You finally understand why Mr. Chen promised to cooperate with them?" said the Taoist Heifeng with a smile.

"I see!" Mo Longteng nodded.

The other side.

All four returned to Sanyang temple.

"I didn't expect that there was such an expert in the world. He was young and his accomplishments were so high!"

Mr. Qidu was badly beaten.

Now he said angrily.

"The reason why he is so strong, I'm afraid, is because of the yuan God power on him. I've noticed it several times. The yuan God power is not plain. Even several times, I tried to contact his yuan God and find out. Unexpectedly, as soon as I met him, a strong power rebounded!"

"Now, Chen Ge didn't give full play to the power of the original God. Otherwise, his accomplishments would be comparable to the master!"

The green dragon Taoist priest frowned.

"Yes, I noticed it too!"

Taoist cold water nodded.

"Hum, do you know what the power of the yuan God is?"

Just then, the statue spoke.

And with a flash, an illusory old man appeared in front of several people.

"Master! You've been here all the time. I'm ashamed of you today!"

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The four knelt down.

"Well, let's get even. It's not your fault. He has the nine turn yuan God, and he has inherited the skill and martial arts of the invisible immortal. You're not his opponent. I expected it long ago!"

The old man smiled slowly.

"However, Chen Ge also wants to enter the general's tomb. I'm afraid it's not just for Yin blood beads?"

Said Taoist Qinglong.

"At this point, Qinglong, you did a good job. To enter the general's tomb and deal with the headless general, there are many people and great strength. Moreover, Chen Ge is the most suitable candidate. With him, you have another chance of winning!"

"So, whether he really looks for Yin blood beads or not, it doesn't matter. The important thing is whether he can be used by us!"

The old man smiled.

"I see. No wonder you asked us to hold a full moon meeting and invited so many cultivation experts. The original intention was to gather them and enter the general's tomb together?"

Said Taoist Qinglong.

"Yes, so you should hold this conference well!" the old man carried his hands.

At this time, a team of Taoists from Sanyang Temple hurried in.

"No, Lord, there is an expert outside!"

"Who is so bold to break into our Sanyang temple?" Leng Li, the leader of Sanyang temple.

"He claimed to be the God of running thunder sword. We told him that the full moon meeting had not started yet. Let him go down the mountain first, but he blamed us for our neglect and wanted to kill him!", the fastest update of the webnovel!

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