The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 1290: 1290

Seeing Ziyang Zhenxian raise his hand, Chen Yang has two more Dharma decisions in his mind.

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It is the universe in the sleeve and the two magic powers of casting beans into soldiers.

"These two magical powers, after you find the inheritance of this immortal statue, you should be diligent in cultivation, coupled with your fetal transformation and shape change, whether it is used to fight the enemy or avoid natural disaster, are enough!"

"However, you are still just cultivating your true physique. You have not entered the fairyland. You can't officially practice two kinds of magic powers. In order to give you life to live, find yuan Dan and inheritance, do it for a good teacher, and give you a set of magic tools!"

With that, Ziyang immortal raised his hand.

A golden light flashed.

Chen Ge looked down and saw nine golden rings in front of him.

"Hahaha, Ziyang, I thought no one in the world loved his apprentice more than me, but I didn't expect that you went too far than me. If I'm not mistaken, this is the nine robbery rings, the closest immortal tool you rely on most in your life?"

Uncle Qin's eyelids beat hard.

To tell the truth, when he saw the nine robbery rings, he couldn't help but envy.

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"Alas, since I already have a inheritor, besides, I can't use this immortal tool now. What's the use of staying with me?"

Ziyang said helplessly.

"Xiaoge, you made a lot of money this time. Do you know what the nine robbery rings do?"

Qin Boxin said happily.

"What role?" Chen Ge asked curiously, but he already felt that the nine robbery rings were very extraordinary.

"First, it can be used to subdue the enemy. No matter how strong his cultivation is, once he is bound by the nine robbery ring, once you read the spell, he will love the three souls and pass on the five souls!"

"So I will have to obey you!"

Qin Bo said.

Hiss, isn't this a bit like the hoop curse in journey to the west? And it sounds stronger than a tight hoop.

"Second, it can also be used as a body weapon. With one blow, it can wear the immortal soul and evil spirit and seriously damage its original God!"

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"If you wear it on your arm and the nine rings are complete, it will also trigger the field of killing gods. In this field, all the abilities of your enemies will be weakened to the greatest extent!"

"So, this is the treasure!"

Qin Bodao.

"So it is. Thank you, master!"

"Well, I'll tell you the location of the spell, Yuan Dan and inheritance. You can keep it in mind. I hope you don't live up to your teacher's entrustment!"

With that, Ziyang immortal passed the information to Chen Ge through secret language.


The other side.

In the sleeve is the secret place of heaven and earth Dharma.

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"Zhu Shengsan, it's all your fault. If you hadn't seduced our brothers, how could you fall into this abyss?"

Black and white Erzi is very angry at the moment.

At that time, after they entered, they changed abruptly, and a huge suction was about to devour them.

At this time, Zhu Shengsan looked at the situation and seemed to take the lead in flying up.

Black and white thought it was Zhu Shengsan's plot.

So in a hurry, he pulled Zhu Shengsan down with a bundle of fairy rope.

The three were tied together and ran around looking for a way out. Later, they had a big fight.

However, the road is gone. It is an indisputable fact that they will be trapped and die here.

So, there's this scene.

"You blame me? If you hadn't tied the fairy rope, I would have gone up!"

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Zhu Shengsan was also furious.

"Well, since they will die sooner or later, my brothers and I will kill you together today!"

"Do you think I'm really afraid of you two? I just don't want you to leave my sight. I really think I can be trapped?"

With that, Zhu Shengsan was about to break free from the fairy rope around his wrist.

"I said, you three had better not withdraw, otherwise, you will want to fight later, and you don't know who to fight with!"

Just then, a voice came from the void space.

Black and white Erzi was very surprised.

But Zhu Shengsan recognized whose voice it was: "Chen Ge? It's you. Are you still alive?"

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