The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 14: 14

Just when Lu Yang and Xu Dong were trying to force each other in the studio.

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"Ordinary send an international cruise ship!"

"Ordinary send an international cruise ship!"

"Ordinary send an international cruise ship!"


Ten straight BRUSHES!

And the price of a cruise ship is 1000 yuan!


Han fei'er in the live room covers her mouth in a moment of surprise.

"Ordinary brother, mamda! Ordinary brother, I love you

Han Yuefei.

And the whole dormitory girls, also all look at the public screen.

One shot is ten thousand, which is too local tyrant.

Zhao Yifan and Yang Xue are both slightly stunned.

I've heard of making money from live broadcasting for a long time. I've seen it thoroughly today.

"Ordinary brother, are you from our school? Which department? "

At this time, many beautiful women came up to ask.

At the same time, Lu Yang and Xu Dong in the live broadcasting room are all at once depressed.

They do have ten thousand yuan, and each of them has a living expenses of twenty or thirty thousand yuan.

But they want to come back ten thousand times.

I can't make a profit at all!

Han Fei Er don't mention how excited: "yes, ordinary brother, I also want to know, which department are you from?"

Ordinary: "I am a Chinese language department!"

"Ah? Chinese language department? It's not our department

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"Who are so local tyrants besides Lu Yang and Xu Dong?"

"Never heard of it!"

All the beautiful women were surprised.

If it is, then in the future you will have to dress up carefully in the Department. What if you get the favor of this ordinary brother?

"Ordinary brother, what class are you from? I don't know if I have a girlfriend? If not, I can introduce it to you

At this time, Yang Xue can't help but come up to chat.

First of all, she is also a very beautiful woman.

Big legs, red face.

I once thought about making money by live broadcasting and hooking up with a local tyrant, but I could also prepare for the future.

She asked curiously.

Ordinary: "no girlfriend!"

"Ordinary send an international cruise ship!"

"Ordinary send an international cruise ship!"


Boom, boom.

It's five brushes.

"Ah, ah, ah

Hanfield is going crazy.

All the people present took a breath.

Han fei'er said excitedly: "ordinary brother, if you don't have a girlfriend, I can find it for you. We are all in the same department. Do you see these beauties behind me? And, of course, Phil. Which one do you want? "

In fact, hanfei'er has some regrets about the live broadcast in front of so many beautiful women.

Sharing boyfriends is a very uncomfortable thing.

Sharing local tyrants also makes Han fei'er uncomfortable.

Moreover, she looked at the ordinary account, just a moment later, has become the supreme member.

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It means that he has paid at least 100000 yuan! That's the icon.

If it's convenient, hanfei'er will do a private live broadcast for ordinary people now!

However, so many beautiful women, so many beautiful women, the interactive effect is still excellent.

"Ordinary brother, you say, which one do you want to be your girlfriend?"

Phil teased.

"Does the one behind you have a boyfriend?"

Ordinary typing channel.

And behind hanfei'er, naturally, is Yang Xue.

"Ah! I, I, I Guess what, ordinary brother? "

Yang Xue swallowed saliva in surprise.

But she knew that Lu Yang might still be in the studio, so she didn't show too much.

"Ordinary send an international cruise ship!"

"Send off an international cruise ship


It's five companies again.

At the same time, because of the luxury brush of 20 international cruise ships and the management of the live broadcasting platform, the hot degree of the live broadcasting room was immediately captured.

And in the home page to promote, more and more people with the school to join in.

The popularity has reached more than 5000.

Ordinary at this time typing: "I don't guess, just tell me!"

Yang Xueshen took a deep breath and blushed: "I..."

She was just about to bite her teeth and say no.

Han fei'er was very jealous and said: "hum, she has. Her husband is Lu Yang who just brushes the rocket!"

Yang Xue blushed and thought to herself, Han fei'er, what's so great about you? When you turn back, you can see who's popular.Hum.

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Ordinary: "ha ha, the rocket also means to take out brush? By the way, your bag seems to be worth more than 360000? Someone else gave it to you? That man seems to be the real local tyrant

Hanfil raised the Hermes in her hand.

"Ordinary brother, do you think this bag looks good

Hanfil began to show off her bags.

At this time, standing beside Han fei'er, Zhao Yifan said without saying a word:

"ordinary brother, you misunderstand that the man who sent the bag is not a local tyrant, but a loser in your Chinese language department!"

On hearing that someone misunderstood Chen Ge as a local tyrant.

Zhao Yifan was almost subconscious, so he quickly explained it to others!

"Loser? If you find out in the future that the person giving you the bag is not a loser? Or a real local tyrant, what will you do? You know, you can't judge a person by his appearance! "

Ordinary said.

Zhao Yifan said:

"ordinary brother, you speak very mature, but that person is really a loser! As for what happened to this bag, it's a long story! "

I don't know why. I just chatted with the local tyrant through the public screen.

Zhao Yifan has a feeling in his heart.

That is to say, this ordinary, mature and steady man, although he is a local tyrant, he is definitely not a very dandy rich second generation.

If it's convenient, Zhao Yifan really wants to know him.

"Ordinary send an international cruise ship!"


It's five brushes.

The scene shocked again.

"Ordinary brother, let's two add a wechat, Feier will broadcast it to you every day in the future?"

Excited Hanfei Er hurried to the public screen.

But for a long time no ordinary answer, look again, the original ordinary has been offline!

Han fei'er sighed with dismay. But Howe paid 20000.

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It's already very exciting for Humphrey.

At the same time, many girls in the dormitory have already downloaded the live broadcast software. They find the local tyrant in Han fei'er's live room. They want to have a private chat

Including Yang Xue

Boys' dormitory.

Chen Ge listens to the Xu Dong in the dormitory next door and constantly scolds the rich, great things and so on.

Lazily put the mobile phone aside, the corner of the mouth with a hard to say bitter smile.

Sure enough, as long as you have money, everything is right!

As long as you don't have money, it's a bully to do anything!

Ha ha

Just now ordinary, of course, is Chen Ge.

Seeing Lu Yang and Xu Dong pretending to be forced inside and abusing himself and his roommates, Chen Ge charged 150000 yuan at a time.

As expected, they shut their mouths.

Listen to the next door Xu Dong is still scolding, it is estimated that his self-esteem has been hurt

And just now, he tried to test Yang Xue.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xue didn't let herself down. She became a real girl who was greedy and vain.

Chen Ge, completely dead heart to her! Also is really tired, Chen Ge continues to sleep.

The next day.

Roommate Yang Hui, they ran back to the dormitory at 5:00 this morning.

Because of the class today, after breakfast, they rushed to the teaching building.

"Chen Ge, stop for me!"

Results just out of the canteen door, was a girl with a stern tone to call out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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