The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 141: 141

At eleven o'clock that day.

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The gate of Jinling University.

There are three girls are standing at the school gate, looking around from time to time.

His face shows his impatience.

"Qin Fei, what's the matter? Well, I can see at the school gate. Why hasn't Li Bin come yet

"Yes, sister Fei, I thought Li Bin had to pick us up in a big car and a small car, but it made us wait so long!"

Two girls are impatient to ask the girl named Qin Fei in the middle.

The three girls are very beautiful.

Especially the one named Qin Fei in the middle is quiet and elegant.

"Well, Lin Yue, Li Bin, he is now starting a business. He has opened so many stores that he may not be able to be busy. He called him just now and said that he was already dealing with the matters at hand, and he would spend the whole day with us today!"

Qin Fei said with a smile.

Their school is in Hong Kong City. I've heard of Jinling's prosperity for a long time. I'd like to see it.

The girl named Lin Yue is Qin Fei's roommate.

It's said that Qin Fei's boyfriend Li Bin is very good in Jinling. Qin Fei is looking for Li Bin again today. Of course, the two of them have to follow.

On the one hand, to get a touch of light.

On the other hand, I'm a little jealous. I want to see if Qin Fei's boyfriend Li Bin is bragging.

If it's really so tough and nice to Qin Fei, it's really enviable.

"Hey, three beauties, are you waiting for someone?"

Suddenly, a black Passat stopped in front of Qin Fei.

The window rolled down and two flowing boys came down.

Qin Fei and their heads are low and they don't speak. This kind of boy chat up is too much.

And two boys, look at three people are very beautiful.

On the contrary, they don't go.

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"It seems that you are not students of Jinling University. Are you looking for someone? You can tell me, maybe I can help! "

Two boys got out of the car.

"Sorry, Li Bin will come to pick us up soon!"

Lin Yue said directly.

"Li Bin? Damn it, I haven't heard of it? "

The two boys took a look at each other. It was estimated that they were unknown minions in the school.

If it is some famous, the two boys will turn away. After all, one less enemy, one less enemy.

But, like this kind of no fame, two boys are not afraid.

Seeing Qin Fei and Lin Yue is really beautiful.

At least two boys have to ask for wechat.

"Ao, we don't know Li Bin, but it's so hot, you wait here and take care to tan your beautiful skin. Well, there's a coffee shop nearby. Can I take you to drink coffee and wait? Come on, get in the car

To be honest, Lin Yue has some impulse to get on the bus.

These two boys are rich at first, but Li Bin may have more money than them. Besides, he came with Qin Fei anyway.

Seeing Qin Fei shaking his head, Lin Yue also shakes his head.

"What are you polite about? Get on the bus and be your friends!"

A boy said, while daring to pull Qin Fei's hand.

"What are you doing! You're sick, you man

Qin Fei flung her hand aside.

And I was booed.

This public, make two boys are very shameless, they have chatted up a lot of girls, how can there be such a scene that girls refuse in public?

At present, the two boys looked at each other and sneered: "beauty, this is too shameless, right? Don't put your hand on the smiling face

Finish saying, still want to move.

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This time, however, it hasn't happened.

Listen to a bang, the head of a boy has been like a broken line kite like a kick to fly out.

It was Li Bin, Yang Hui and Chen Ge who rushed over.

When the three left the school, they had already seen two boys waving at Qin Fei.

At the moment, he rushed over in anger.

"Damn it, change our bin elder brother's woman, looking for death!"

Yang Hui also scolded one, along with Chen Ge, beat the other.

"Shit, are you three enough? How dare you hit me? "

The first boy called scolding, covering the cold sweat of waist pain all came down.

"Hit you? Who let you harass my girlfriend? I'll kill you

Li Bin is really red eyed.

I can see that he cares about Qin Fei.

And then he went up and hit again.

Chen Ge and Yang Hui are also tough.

The two were beaten up.

"Boy, remember later that when you see Li Shao's woman, you should keep your eyes open and get away from me. Do you hear me?"Chen Ge said coldly.

"Li Shao? Well, I heard it. Remember it

The two boys couldn't fight again, so they had to run away.

First of all, Li Bin has never heard of two loyal brothers.

You have to find out, and then you have to worry about it?

Chen Ge and Yang Hui have discussed with Li Bin for a long time. Chen GE's method is to help Li Bin hold up the scene today and play Li Bin's younger brother.

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According to the law, Li Bin depends on bragging, Chen Ge and Yang Hui should not help.

But it was also moved by binzi's feelings for Qin Fei.

Moreover, several people three or four years of brotherhood, also can't helplessly watch Li Bin so depressed.

So they were ready to help.

Let Li Bin pass the test first.

Did not expect, met Li Bin's girlfriend to be bullied, this is also good!

"Damn it! Sister Fei, your boyfriend is so handsome

Lin Yue is looking at Li Bin excitedly at the moment.

Said to hit, simple and crude, hit two people do not know how to fight back.

So heroic, so handsome!

"Li Bin, you can scare him away. Why do you start beating people? Can't you lose money if you break them?"

Qin Fei said Li Bin a little angrily.

"It's all right. It's all a joke."

Li Bin patted his chest and said, "by the way, has the dining place been arranged?"

Chen Ge immediately looked like a little brother and said with a smile: "don't worry, Li Shao, it's all arranged, and the place is chosen in the home kitchen. Shall we go now?"

Chen Ge deliberately arranged this.

Since you want to have noodles, you have to choose one in Jinling commercial street. The standard of hot spring villa is too high. It feels like cattle are forced to blow big. The kitchen of home is not too big. This is just right.

Li Bin was a little shocked to scratch his head and winked at Chen Ge.

It means home kitchen. It's a little too expensive. How can I afford it?

Chen Ge just gave him a reassuring look.

They took a taxi and went to the home kitchen together.

"Wow, this is Jinling commercial street, home kitchen, the standard must be very high, I heard my classmates in Jinling said it!"

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All the way, Lin Yue was excited to watch.

From time to time, I took out my mobile phone to take photos.

"Li Shao, when you buy a car after graduation, I'll come back to play with sister Fei. Don't you have to take a taxi?"

Lin Yue said with a slight regret.

"Of course

Li Bin wiped the sweat channel on his forehead.

But Qin Fei, is holding Li Bin's hand, the heart slightly joyful.

She is not the kind of girl who is open to money. However, her boyfriend is promising, and no one thinks he has a face.

"Hey, here we are. Get out of the car."

Chen Ge and Yang Hui ride in the front of the car, at the moment, Chen Ge bumps over to open the door for Li Bin.

"Let's go and eat together!"

Li Bin said with a smile.

Then they went to the front hall, ready to go to the box Chen Ge had already arranged.

"Sleeping trough! Li Bin, Yang Hui and Chen? How are you? "

At the moment, there was also a line of men and women in the front hall. They were also preparing to go to the box.

But a turn, one of the girls dressed up very coquettish, the face dew said in amazement.

It's obviously unexpected.

"Lin Jiao?"

Chen Ge is also confused, did not expect to meet this crazy girl

At the moment, both sides are some big eyes and small eyes. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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