The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 145: 145

"Hey, miss, is that boy in front of you? Would you like to see him dishonest outside? "

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The driver is very talkative and laughs.

"To tell you the truth, none of the people who often come to Jinling commercial street are indifferent. Why? Because if you come here often, you must have money

"Don't talk nonsense, keep an eye on me!"

The girl growled coldly.

The driver didn't say anything. He followed the car.

And this girl is not someone else. It's Lin Jiao.

Why did Lin Jiao Fei follow Chen Ge?

May as well from Lin Jiao and Su Jie leave home kitchen to say simply.

After leaving, Su Jie can be described as a mixture of shame and anger. He was slapped in public. He didn't say anything about it. Even sister Yue, his patron, was offended.

My brother was also blown up.

The woman lost her panties again. She didn't pay for it again!

Anyway, it was terrible.

Who is to blame?

Su Jie blames Lin Jiao for all his sins.

Damn it, if she hadn't been there, she said that Li Bin and Li Shao were poor.

How could Su Jie do things so thoughtlessly.

Let my brother sukai blow people's heads.

It's also Su Jie who knows today that Lin Jiao once offended Yue Jie like that before.

Therefore, Su Jie blamed Lin Jiao as the culprit.

Naturally, they quarreled. After the quarrel, they threw Lin Jiao away.

Lin Jiao is full of anger.

She also thought, what is the reason?

Li Bin is definitely not Li Shao, which she knows very well, because when the earliest dormitory friendship, Lin Jiao investigated everyone in Chen GE's dormitory.

If you want to find any potential stocks, the result is none, and Lin Jiao also found out that Li Bin's family is very poor.

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But after she told Xu Xia about it, no one talked about it.

In a word, only Chen Ge didn't investigate. Did you still need to investigate? A loser whose poor pants are almost gone.

But I didn't expect that the surprise of Chen song to himself was endless.

Today's affairs, she all gathered to Chen Ge.

It must be Chen Ge who can make Zheng Yue like this. Even if he is not Zheng Yue's little white face, he must have an indescribable relationship with Zheng Yue.

Moreover, this Chen song always gives people a very mysterious feeling.

He is not rich second generation, but sometimes feel that he is better than any rich second generation.

Today is another witness!

So, Lin Jiao plans to follow Chen Ge and see what happened to him!

Secretly follow Chen Ge and Yang Hui for a long time!

Chen Ge doesn't know anything here.

Get off the bus directly at the school gate to see it's evening.

The small park was sparsely populated.

I came to the small park, where I put my car.

Prepare to drive to Yundingshan villa.


Two clear lights flashing.

Then the door opens automatically.

Chen Ge, who is familiar with the road, just got ready to drill in and drive away.


I heard a burst of mobile phone falling behind me, and fell to pieces.

"Sure enough I'm right. It's you

Then a woman's voice of horror and indescribable alarm rang out.

Chen Ge looked back and was startled.

"Lying trough, Lin Jiao, why are you like a ghost? Have you made any noise?"

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Within ten steps behind her, Lin Jiao is staring at herself.

Her hand was startled to cover her mouth, the mobile phone in her feet became two.

Even the whole body was shaking.

"Chen Ge, is this car yours? Is it yours? "

Lin Jiao reacts and looks at Chen Ge in shock.

My God, this luxury car Lamborghini that has attracted countless Jinling girls is actually Chen Ge's.

18 million luxury cars.

What's the concept?

Lin Jiao is struck by lightning.

If it is not seen by her own eyes, Lin Jiao would not believe it is true even if she killed her.

The owner of the luxury car is actually the one who is familiar with himself but not familiar with him.

"Well, now that you've seen it, I'll admit it's mine!"

Chen Ge sighed helplessly.


Lin Jiao's eyes were full of tears.

"Well, if there's nothing else, I'll leave first. As for the car, you can keep it secret for me. Don't make it to the end. Everyone is unhappy, ha ha!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

I'm ready to get into the car."Chen Ge, don't go!"

Did not expect Lin Jiao to directly come over, a hug Chen GE's back, embrace dead.

"Damn it! Lin Jiao, are you crazy? What's your problem? What are you doing

Chen Ge was frightened and struggled in a hurry!

"No! I don't let go, song. I won't let you run away from me. I love you. I really love you! Give me a chance, will you? "

Lin Jiao hugs Chen GE's waist again, and the whole person sticks to Chen GE's body.

Sleeping trough!

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She thought that all the girls who knew about Chen Cai's love had already seen her love.

But did not expect, Lin Jiao is more cruel than Yang Xue.

Yes, Lin Jiao has already gone out of her way.

Chen GE's past, plus now that he drives, even if Chen Ge only says that the car is his, Lin Jiao believes it.


Because her brain is too fast, Chen GE's current car, as long as he has a lot of things in the past, it can make sense.

I doubt it.

In addition, Lin Jiao can see that Chen Ge is a kind of soft ear, and hard on people, especially for women, he is easy to tangle.

It is precisely this weakness that has caught Chen Ge.

That's why Lin Jiao put her hand to it.

"Shit, come on, please, I'm getting goose bumps!"

Chen Ge was in a cold sweat.

"I don't! I will always follow you, unless you give me a chance

Lin Jiao died.

Crazy, crazy, crazy!

Chen Ge hard heart, a little force, will Lin Jiao's hand to break open, and then take the opportunity to suddenly get into the car lock the door.

If you turn on the automatic fire, you will run away.


Listen to a slight sound, Lin Jiao actually lie in front of the car.

"Sister, sister Jiao! What are you going to do

Chen Geji yelled.

"Chen Ge, I want to ask you a question. Are you other than rich? You tell me, just tell me? "

Yes, now Lin Jiao suspects only one.

That is the rumor that the Secret Super God Jinling Chen Shao is Chen Ge!

Otherwise, why did Bai Xiaofei, Zheng Yue and Li Zhenguo of hot spring villa respect Chen Ge so much!

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Plus today's events, now the sports car!

Intelligent Lin Jiao can guess eight or nine points no matter how stupid.

Chen Shao, who is forced to the sky by the ox, is Chen Ge!!!

Now she was trembling, almost in the rhythm of high tide, and wanted to know a truth.

"I tell you, I don't know what Chen Shao is, but if you don't roll, I'll step on the accelerator? Don't doubt the horsepower of my car

"I won't go. If you don't admit it, I won't go!"

Damn it!

Chen Ge a anger, a foot gas pedal really went down.

However, she stepped on it gently, and then she was afraid to let Lin Jiao get hurt, and then she slammed on the brake.

But I didn't expect this kind of inertia on the wheel.


Lin Jiao flies out like a kite with a broken line.

Hit the ground directly, lying in a big font.

"Damn it!"

Chen Ge just wanted to scare her, but there was an accident.

Open the door and rush to it.

She's in a coma.

He patted her in the face.

"Lin Jiao, don't you scare me? Are you OK? I didn't want to throw you out just now? "

Chen GE has some remorse.

It's not the Virgin Mary. It's because although he hates Lin Jiao and even wants to slap her in the mouth sometimes, he will never be cruel enough to hurt or even lose her life.

Look at Lin Jiao's expression of pain.

Chen Ge picked her up and threw her into the car, then drove all the way to the hospital , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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