The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 148: 148

"You know?"

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Zhao Shan and others asked.

"Mm-hmm!" Zhao Yifan said with great certainty: "this is a luxury car that has been parked in the small park of Jinling University. It has been rumored that this car was bought by Chen Shao. Later, it was said that it was bought by a mysterious local tyrant in the literature department of our school. Some people said that ordinary is actually Chen Shao's online name!"

"So, this car should still be in our school. How can that ordinary local tyrant park this car here?"

"This is the villa that Chen Shao bought!"

Zhao Yifan frowned and said in disbelief.

Yes, everyone believes that Chen Ge is Chen Shaona. It's nothing.

But Zhao Yifan alone can't.

She was afraid, especially afraid.

Just now in the villa, she racked her brains to remove all this from Chen GE's body.

Just need a reason to avoid these halos from Chen Ge.

Finally, Zhao Shan gave a reason.

But how do you explain it now?

Ordinary God Hao's car stopped here, it is said that he is Chen Shao, and now almost certainly ordinary is Chen Shao!

Tang ran said Chen Shao had been here.

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Only Chen GE has been here!

Ordinary God Hao in the literature department, Chen Ge also in the literature department!

Zhao Yifan's breath is almost rapid.

Why, why all things show that Chen Ge is the mysterious Chen Shao!

"Well, it seems that the boy just now has some background. In this way, we will listen to my arrangement. When we meet him, we can hide. Even if we can't, we should treat him with courtesy."

Zhao Shan took a breath and ordered.

He is brave, but he accepted only one idea since he was a child. He should be cautious and cautious when dealing with matters related to old words.

Now it is.

Although I don't know Chen GE's identity, I'm Zhaoshan. When I see him, I'll treat him with courtesy. This is certainly OK?

After that, Zhao Shan looked at Zhao Yifan again: "Yifan, you don't have to think about it. In a word, you listen to me and see Chen Ge again in the future. It's good to show some respect for him! Big deal, for today's affairs, I'd like to apologize to him

"Polite? Sorry? Why should I apologize to him politely! Zhao Shao, you are the son of general manager Jinling. What are you afraid of Chen GE's such a loser? Don't you say that if I don't like it, you'll take care of them? OK, I'll tell you, I think Chen Ge doesn't like it. You help me kill him! As long as you kill him, I will be your man from now on! "

Zhao Yifan jumped up.

Because even Zhao Shan, who is omnipotent in her mind, actually admits to Chen Ge?

This does not mean that Chen Ge is more powerful than Zhao Shan!

Since it's a person you can't look up to, you must always be a personal scum. Zhao Yifan absolutely doesn't want Chen Ge to have such a reputation!

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So she cried out like crazy.

"Shit, are you crazy, Zhao Yifan?"

Zhao Shan said with some unhappiness.

Although Zhao Yifan said the conditions are very attractive, he Zhaoshan romantic, also has been willful, but special is not a fool, OK.

This Chen song is very likely to be Chen Shao, and killed him? Scold enough, his tongue can keep!

"I don't care. Chen Ge is not Chen Shao. Didn't you say that he might be a spy. How could he be Chen Shao! How could it be! Besides, he is a famous poor loser in our school

Zhao Yifan's eyes almost cried.

Zhao Shan also had some ups and downs in his heart.

And at this time, Zhao Shan's mobile phone rang, a look, on a face angry connection, and no taboo to open the hands-free!

"Shit! Su Jie, where did you die? Didn't you agree to come to Yunding villa with Lin Jiao tonight? What, you two have a room? "

Zhao Shan scolded directly.

"Don't mention Zhao Shao. I made a big accident today, and then my father beat me to death. My mother just gave me the medicine!"

"What? My uncle Su spoiled you to heaven and beat you? You have to be in trouble! Unless you offend the Chen family, or not? "

"I don't know who I've provoked. How can I offend the Chen family? I'm not stupid. To say the cause, I almost had a conflict with some boys in the literature department today. You know, even sister Zheng Yue beat me up! Because I offended a man named Li Bin and Li Shao in the Department of literature. Lin Jiao knows him! "

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"Wo Cao, Li Bin, Li Shao? Why haven't I heard of it? Sister Yue beat you up? " Zhao Shan is a little confused. What happened today!

"Wait, who are you talking about? Li Bin? Are you sure you know them, Jiaolin

But this words, is to make Zhao Yifan delicate body micro shock.

She went straight to the phone and asked.

"By the way, sister Yifan, you should also know each other. The woman Lin Jiao told me that you and their dormitory often get together! What's the origin of that Li Bin? The sleeping trough is too fierce"Mm-hmm, if so, I will know. But Li Bin is a poor loser. He has no influence. How could he cause such a big stir?"

"Who said it's not? I've checked it again. Li Bin has no background. His family is really difficult. The only thing that's beautiful is that in the Ming Dynasty, there was a flower exploration in their family. That's it. I don't understand why I was beaten by my father!"

Su Jie even found out the eighteen generations of his ancestors and became more and more confused.

But Zhao Yifan stopped. She seemed to think of something. She didn't want to ask that person, but she still couldn't help it:

"Su Jie, I'll ask you again. Is there a person named Chen Ge following Li Bin

Zhao Yifan asked solemnly.

"Shit, how do you know that? Yes, I followed a man named Chen Ge, who was one of Li Shao's attendants. I think the arrangement of hotels and restaurants was all arranged by Chen Ge. At that time, he also took up the bottle and smashed my cousin! But he seems to know sister Yue! "

Su Jie said all his doubts.

"Sure enough, it's him again!"

Zhao Yifan was shocked again.

What Li Bin Li Shao, he is a follower, Chen Ge, he is 90% possible, is the legendary Jinling Chen Shao!

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Chen Shao, who has countless family property!

"I'll go. It seems that Chen Ge, let's not make trouble with him. Next time I meet him, I'll apologize to him! If it's Chen Shao, we'll all be finished! "

"Yes, yes. Fortunately, I didn't say any harsh words to Chen Ge just now. When I caught him, I was just gentle."

Several girls are also scared pale.

Zhao Shan just nodded heavily for this.

I saw that everyone had counselled Chen Ge.

However, Zhao Yifan laughed: "ha ha, you're so bullied. A loser surnamed Chen scared you into such a situation. Well, you are all afraid of him, right? I'm not afraid of him. What's the great thing about Chen Ge! Chen Shao, I don't believe it! Chen Ge is just a loser

Zhao Yifan clenched his fist tightly, and his nails went deep into his palm.

In the heart, she is not high, how can she be convinced?

Let's talk about Chen Ge.

He has already gone back to his dorm to sleep. What should Zhao Zixing do about it.

As soon as I feel the light.

The next day, Chen Ge had nothing to do.

This reminds me of Lin Jiao. After all, he bumped her. Did you see if she woke up? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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