The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 152: 152

Yes, which in the society mixed with the rising tide of women, there are not a few men behind it.

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Just listen to this, Chen Ge heart some inexplicable small disappointment.

He also wants to help Tang Wan, not only because she is beautiful, but also because Chen Ge really likes Meng Meng.

Maybe Mengmeng is the life saved by herself. Let Chen Ge be natural and kind.

But I think it's too simple.

Tang Wan may not need his own help.

As for the reason for her disappointment, Chen Ge thought Tang Wan was that kind of woman. Otherwise, how could Meng Meng say that so many uncles came to her!

Oh, but this is the private life of others. What's your business!

After buying the gift, Chen Ge takes Meng Meng back to the community.

Suddenly, Meng Meng didn't know what she saw. She was still talking and laughing, but she grabbed Chen GE's arm nervously, and her face turned white.

And eyes, staring at a just stopped in the neighborhood downstairs soon black Mercedes Benz looking at.

"What's the matter, Meng Meng?"

Chen Ge asked in surprise.

"Uncle Chen Ge, the villain is coming again. He beat his mother and Meng Meng. This is his car!"

Meng Meng said nervously, hiding behind Chen Ge.


Chen Ge is slightly stunned.

No one in the car!

Just had a meal from others, Chen Ge can't have nothing to do with his own affairs and walk away!

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"Let's go, Meng Meng. Let's go up quickly."

Chen Ge immediately picked up Meng Meng and rushed upstairs.

After coming up, the door was open.

Inside, there was a lot of noise.

"Cheap woman, how come there are three sets of chopsticks in the house, saying, are there other men coming to you?"

It's the rough voice of a middle-aged man.

"Xu Dayuan, you are insane. How about my family? What's your business?"

Tang Wan retorted.

However, as long as you promise to help me with the business for one and a half months, you will be able to get through the business "Zaote has been swallowed up!"

"Now that it's finished, you dare to hook up with other men. OK, I'll collect the interest first today, haha! Think * you are not a day or two, suffocate me

Then there was the sound of the plate being pulled to the ground and smashing.

"Get out of here, you son of a bitch, asshole!"

Tang Wan cried.

When Chen getui opened the door, he just hit this scene.

"Stop it!"

Chen Ge yelled. Then he picked up a vase from one side and rushed straight up. It exploded at a bald man on Tang Wan's body!

A vase fell.

Xu Dayuan's head was broken.

"Who are you, sleeping trough?"

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Xu Dayuan clutching his head and holding his pants, angrily scolded.

"Mom, are you ok?"

Mengmeng quickly helps Tang Wan up.

The whole coat was torn apart by Xu Dayuan, and the white flowers showed a large amount of snow-white.

And Chen Ge touched the stool and stared at Xu Dayuan.

Chen Ge knows almost everything about it.

It was because of the investment that Tang Wan's company was almost finished.

Then he was killed by Xu Dayuan.

In exchange for Xu Dayuan's help.

To put it bluntly, or because they did not consider things, caused by the adverse chain reaction.

When Chen Ge saw Tang Wan being bullied, he felt some remorse in his heart.

"Shit, I know. Tang Wan, is he your little white face? Good, I really ate the heart of bear leopard gall, dare to beat me Xu Dayuan! Boy, you wait for me, I'll shave you

Xu Dayuan's face was covered with blood, but he still yelled and scolded.

Chen Ge was not afraid of him, so he swung the stool and rushed up.

Growing up in his hometown since childhood, Chen GE has suffered from any hardships. He had no money, was cowardly, but had strength.

Really anxious, this Xu Dayuan fat big, also dare not parry.

Was hit by the non-stop howling, finally embarrassed to grab the door and escape.

"Are you all right? Sister Tang Wan

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Chen Ge throws down the stool and asks with concern.

Tang Wan wiped her tears, shook her head and said, "I'm ok, this son of a bitch, you came up shortly after you left. Fortunately, Chen Ge came back in time. Otherwise, I would be killed by him today..."

"I don't want to talk about it. Anyway, Chen Ge, you saved our mother and daughter one after another. I can't let you resist this. You'd better leave here. Xu Dayuan is so revengeful. Moreover, their Xu family's power covers the sky with one hand in Jinling. Take advantage of the fact that he didn't pay much attention to your appearance just now, you should leave now!"Tang Wan looks flustered.

No one knows Xu Dayuan better than her. She once heard it mentioned that Xu Dayuan fell in love with a service girl in a bar and wanted to let the girl serve her with her. However, the boy friend of the girl was also working in the bar and was unwilling to do so.

Her boyfriend came out to stop.

As a result, Xu Dayuan sent his subordinates to beat the man severely, and all the tendons were picked out.

And then the girl was strong, and then let the men round.

In short, Xu Dayuan is a brute without humanity.

Relying on the Xu family as a big supporter, he ran wild.

Now, Chen Ge beat him in order to save himself. He can't spare Chen Ge. If he doesn't escape, he can't escape.

"I'm not afraid of him. Besides, if I leave, what will you do? Xu Dayuan certainly won't let go of your mother and daughter! "

Chen Ge is not afraid of him.

And let him run like this, then he Chen Ge also don't be a person, simply jump down from upstairs!

"Otherwise, you can take Meng Meng with you. I will stay and believe I can calm Xu Dayuan's anger!"

Said Tang Wan, biting his lips.

We all understand what this sentence means.

"I think so, let's hide for a while. You and Mengmeng follow me. I have a place to go. You can rest assured that Xu Dayuan's matter can be solved!"

Chen Ge is not convenient to explain his identity, but gives Tang Wan a firm look.

The main reason is that his mobile phone has been broken, and he can't contact Li Zhenguo.

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So can only hide, and then change their own mobile phone, I believe that the solution should not be too troublesome!

Tang Wan was a woman no matter how she said it. When she met this kind of thing, she had no idea. Seeing Chen GE's pledge, she had to nod her head.

Simply packed up, three people went downstairs.

Tang Wan didn't dare to drive his own car. He just reached out and stopped a taxi.

Just sat in.

At this time, a luxury car suddenly ran into the streets of Jinling, followed by three or four business cars.

Very overbearing.

Directly into the community, the exit will be blocked.

Later, Xu Dayuan, who had been simply bandaged, was held down from a car and did not know what to shout. A group of people began to rush upstairs.

At this scene, Tang Wan's face turned pale. Even Chen Ge was afraid.

If you come down a step later, you will be killed.

Damn it, it's not easy to be forced by poor people. If they are crushed to death like this, and still in the situation that Li Zhenguo and they don't know, can they not be afraid!

"The driver drives quickly, goes to the shantytowns near the hope primary school which is newly built in the suburbs!"

Chen Ge said in a hurry.

The driver stepped down the gas and left.

It may be that the driver is also frightened by the big scene and wants to drive quickly, but it is also because he is driving too fast.

Looking out of the window, Xu Dayuan's idea has been aroused.

He is standing downstairs, is turning his head towards the taxi driving here, looking at , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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