The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 157: 157

There are more and more people now.

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Xu Dayuan is also more and more ignorant.

He led people to block Chen Shao. As a result, almost half of Jinling, from the military, ZF and business circles, came.

Even if his cousin Xu Haishan came, he would not have such a big face!

And Chen Ge is surrounded by so many people, it is also some can not stay.

If you stay any longer, your identity will be exposed.

In addition, the driver who has been knocked out has no one to take care of. Chen Ge said hello to these big men, and then ordered Li Feihong to do something.

First, I drove a car, bypassed the crowd and took the driver to the hospital directly.

As for Li Zhenguo, I believe it will be handled well.

"I'll go. There are so many people coming!"

Just at this time, Ding Hao with Li Shihan, they wasted a lot of effort to squeeze in.

I was shocked to see the magnificent scene in front of me.

Including Chen Lin and Li Shihan, are slightly open mouth.

"Isn't that Li Zhenguo, Li Shu?"

Ding Hao caught a glimpse of Li Zhenguo standing in the central commanding position.

When you say it with pride.

"Ah? Do you know any big guy like Li Zhenguo

Chen Lin and Li Shihan are even more surprised at Ding Hao.

"Mm-hmm, yes, do you remember the last time we went to Yunmeng Mountain for a picnic? In fact, that afternoon, Chen Shao of Jinling and Uncle Li also went to our village to investigate and signed a series of contracts!"

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"Hey, my father is the accountant of our village. This time, he was appointed as the accountant of the development project of Yunmeng Mountain Village. Naturally, I have to deal with Uncle Li. Didn't I say I went to hot spring villa last week? You don't believe it. Hum, my father really took me there! My father asked me to drink to Uncle Li

This project is Chen GE's first development project, of course, Li Zhenguo attaches great importance to it, and relevant personnel must receive them one by one.

"Hum, I really don't believe it. I don't believe you can go to the hot spring villa even if you die!"

The other two girls are quite envious and envious.

"Hehe, I'm bragging, right?"

Ding Hao raised his eyebrows.

"That's enough, boy?"

"What's more, this kind of person loves to pretend to be a grandson. Whenever there is a big scene, they just pretend that they know more about the scene, who they know and what kind of people they know?"

"That's right. You can go up there and say hello. What kind of competition is it?"

Before Chen Lin and they question it.

A few onlookers on one side said scornfully.

"Then wait and see."

Ding Hao didn't say much. He put his hands in his pockets and walked up in the eyes of everyone's surprise.

"Hello, Uncle Li. I didn't expect to meet you here!"

Ding haolue asked with some restraint.

Li Zhenguo is a Leng first, then will Ding Hao up and down to look: "you are?"

"My father is Ding Qian, nicknamed Ding cudgel. I met you last week as an accountant in Yunmeng Mountain Village."

Ding Hao was nervous, for fear that Li Zhenguo would forget him.

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"I remember, it's Xiaoding. There's nothing else. Don't ask. Leave here early and go back."

Li Zhenguo also attached great importance to Yunmeng Mountain Village and shook hands with Ding Hao.

And let Ding Hao get out of here.

"Oh, my God, look at the poem letter. Mr. Li Zhenguo really knows Ding Hao!"

Chen Lin is very excited at this moment.

If she could, she really wanted to shout.


While Li Shi's letter was shocked, he looked at Ding Hao with an absolutely different eye.

At the moment, Ding Hao is incomparably handsome. Li Shihan feels that the excellent boys he has seen before are all not human beings!

At this time, Ding Hao has been satisfied in the eyes of people looking at him full of awe.

"Come on, Li Shugang just told me not to let us stay here. There may be something big happening in a while. I think we'd better withdraw first."

Ding Hao said with a smile.

"Mm-hmm, brother Hao, listen to you!"

The crowd nodded in a hurry and then left. As for the embarrassing scene that Chen Ge slapped in the face just now, it had already disappeared.

Compared with Ding Hao, Chen Ge is no longer a human being. Hum!

Let's talk about Chen Ge.

At the moment, he has sent the righteous driver to the hospital.

As for the order to Li Feihong, that is to let Li Feihong look after the driver's brother's family and send a sum of money.

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To show gratitude.

As for Su Qiang's family, Chen Ge wants to wait for Li Zhenguo to solve the problem thoroughly before going back.Just when Chen Ge is worried about where to go now.

All of a sudden, I saw someone in the class group @ all the members.

It's Meng Cairu.

"At three o'clock in the afternoon, the whole class will gather on time in Block B of the university town's College Students' Entrepreneurship base. Everyone will be there!"

Chen Ge Leng Leng Leng, to start a business base to do what?

Just wondering, this time Yang Hui called.

"Where is Lao Chen? Have you read the news from the class? "

"Yes! By the way, what's up? "

Chen Ge asked.

"Damn it, it's not hanfei'er. Now the city's live broadcast has been upgraded to extraordinary live broadcast. Now Han fei'er still maintains the level of a first-line anchor under the support of the extraordinary platform. No, they have set up their own studio and will open a celebration tomorrow. So let's go over this afternoon and see what we can do for you!"

"Well, we don't know what to do after graduation. Look at Han fei'er, who already has his own company now."

Yang Hui sighed.

What can Chen Ge say, just smile.

Han fei'er can be said to be held up by himself. At present, he is the most powerful among his classmates. It is said that he is now earning 100000 yuan a month.

The absolute line.

As for Yang Hui and Yang Hui, Chen Ge will never forget. There will be opportunities in the future.

Chen Ge doesn't want to be involved in a lot of troubles now.

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But since it's the whole class, it's not good not to go.

"OK, I'll see you at the business base."

After Chen Ge finished, he threw the car to the bodyguard and took a taxi.

When I got to the place, I was half an hour late.

"Lao Chen, how can I come here?! But it's not too late, hehe. "

Yang Hui patted Chen Ge on the shoulder.

"I'm late for something. By the way, why are you all outside? Isn't it three o'clock? Damn it. Why hasn't the door opened yet, Han fei'er?"

Chen Ge looks at the gate of the base. The door of an independent studio is still locked.

He asked.

"Well, people are now big anchor, net red, we students, hang it out, Han fei'er hasn't arrived yet."

Yang Hui said something sour.

Yes, they are all from the same class. Most of the starting points are the same. As a result, Han fei'er has become a big net star overnight. Everyone is jealous.

"Hanfil is here!"

Suddenly, a classmate exclaimed.

After that, Hanfei got down from a Ferrari sports car and followed closely. Many boys were hanging around Hanfei to take photos and say hello to Hanfei.

As a result, Han fei'er Li, with sunglasses and under the protection of several assistants, walked directly towards the entrepreneurial base.

But Chen Ge looks at Han Fei Er who is not the same as before, but her eyes are slightly picked , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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