The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 16: 16

Chen Ge accidentally swept the broom to the girl's feet.

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She is wearing a pair of small white shoes, white shins pick a pick, is also listening to Wang Yang there chatting about the car.

I'm concentrating.

Unexpectedly, the dirty broom swept on her shoes, smeared with dust.

There was a cry of surprise.

And this voice, apparently also attracted Wang Yangjiang Weiwei's attention.

"Mu Han, what's the matter?"

Jiang Weiwei hurried over to ask for concern.

Wang Yang is three steps to do two steps to rush over.

"It's OK, it's OK!"

Su Muhan raised her hair and slightly owed her body. She took out a wet towel and tried to wipe the dust off.

But the more you wipe it, the dirtier it gets.

Su Muhan has a habit of cleanliness, and she can't help wrinkling her eyebrows.

"Chen Ge, did you dirty Mu Han's shoes?"

Jiang Weiwei immediately stares at Chen Ge.

An aggressive look.

Wang Yang's face was full of anger:

"shit! Poor guy, do you know how much the shoes of Muhan cost? I can't afford to sell you! "

Finish saying that, also come over to seize Chen GE's collar.

"Nothing! It's not him

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Su Muhan saw that Wang Yang was going to fight, so he quickly stood up to dissuade him.

In fact, Su Muhan has been paying attention to Chen Ge for a long time, and she found that this person is somewhat different.

I can see that he should be very poor.

That's why Wang Yang and his colleagues called him around.

However, Su Muhan did not see that kind of look of inferiority because of poverty in his eyes. He was very indifferent.

In particular, Chen GE has a delicate and sincere face.

Let Su Muhan want to lose his temper, but also some can not.

Therefore, Su Muhan saw that Chen Ge was about to be beaten, and quickly stood up to dissuade him.

"Muhan, don't worry, at least you have to let the poor force compensate you for a pair of shoes!"

Wang Yang said maliciously.

Su Muhan is not from the Chinese language department, but from the broadcasting and hosting department next door.

But she and Jiang Weiwei have a good relationship.

I'm here to play today.

Wang Yang likes Jiang Weiwei, but he prefers Su Muhan, her best friend.

"No, I really don't need it. I'll go back to my dorm and change it!"

Su Mu Han said in a hurry.

He also nodded to Chen Ge.

"Lucky for you Wang Yang is quite satisfied with his performance in front of the two beauties today.

Then he looked at Su Muhan, who was going to leave, and said:

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"by the way, Muhan, after you change your shoes, let's go out and get together. We're tired of rehearsal these days. Today, I'll treat you, enchanting the orchard!"

"Wow! It's said that the fruit salad and steak are very delicious, but they are very expensive

"Brother Yang, we're going too!"

As soon as I heard the enchanting orchard, all the beauties cheered.

"Yes Wang Yang clapped his hands.

Jiang Weiwei took Su Muhan's arm and said with a smile, "Muhan, we'll wait for you under your dormitory building!"

It can be seen that Su Muhan doesn't want to go.

But just now Wang Yang almost had a conflict with Chen Ge for himself, and everyone was willing to.

If you don't say so at this time, it will certainly spoil everyone's interest.

Su Muhan nodded.

"Yes, I'll drive! Wait for you

Wang Yang succeeded in his stratagem. After a glance at Chen Ge, he went out in high spirits.

Jiang Weiwei stares at Chen Ge and says, "Chen Ge, what are you looking at? Yes? Do you think you're part of it? I'll tell you, your grant is not finished. You can stay here and clean up the meeting place. When I come back to have a look, if it's not clean, hum, wait and see! "

Damn it!

Chen Ge is listening to Wang Yang and Jiang Weiwei's ridicule.

In fact, I was very angry.

But now if he is angry, he can hardly get anything except being beaten by Wang Yang.

No, it's not wise to know that you have to be beaten.

"Let's go, Muhan. Let's take Wang Yang's A6 and feel it!"

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After a contemptuous glance at Chen Ge, Jiang Weiwei takes Su Muhan's arm and leaves.

The others went out one after another.

One car is definitely not enough. But how they got there, Chen Ge didn't know.

While cleaning up the mess they left behind, Chen Ge was thinking.

Do you have to start a car?

So I thought.

When Chen Ge finished cleaning, it was almost noon.Just then, Chen GE's mobile phone rang.

It was Yang Hui, the chief of the house.

"Lao Chen, are you finished?"

Chen Ge nodded: "busy finished!"

"Damn it, Jiang Weiwei is crazy. If she dares to ask you to apply for a grant this time, our brothers will discuss it and go to the department head together!"

Chen GE's heart a warm: "nothing to long!"

"By the way, Lao Chen, if you're ok now, let's go out to dinner together at noon."

Yang Hui's words suddenly changed, especially the last few words, said some whispers.

There was also a sense of embarrassment in the tone.

Chen Ge, who is familiar with Yang Hui, is naturally heard.

The big masters are usually very aggressive.

Why did you talk like that this time?

"Is there anyone else?" Chen Ge asked with a bitter smile.

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"Bingo! Lao Chen, do you remember Ma Xiaonan's birthday yesterday, sitting with Zhao Yifan, her roommate Xu Xia? "

Yesterday's birthday, Zhao Yifan the whole dormitory beauty all came.

Xu Xia and Chen Ge are impressed by her short hair, which belongs to the pure cute and lovely style.

However, she is similar to Zhao Yifan, yesterday, she did not give Chen Ge white eyes.

It's just that I haven't spoken. I'm calm.

"Yes! Yes? Did you ask her out? " Chen Ge is still a little surprised.

"Haha, when I went back to class this morning, I happened to meet her on the way. Her mobile phone was lost in the canteen, so I went back to help her find it. Fortunately, I was familiar with several window owners in the restaurant, so I adjusted the monitoring and helped her find it successfully!"

"This is fate. In fact, when I met yesterday, I had an eye on her, and then I plucked up the courage to say," do you want to come out for lunch, she agreed at once! "

Yang Hui some excited way.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge was very happy for Yang Hui when he heard this.

But because of some things with Zhao Yifan, Chen Ge really doesn't want to stay with Zhao Yifan's friends.

Mainly because they can't stand their white eyes!

"That's very good, otherwise you go, I won't be the light bulb for you, I wish you success!" Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Shit, get out of here, Lao Chen. You're so ungrateful. We'll all go. Besides, Ma Xiaonan will also go, and there will be a very important person. Xiaonan is sincere in setting you up this time. If you can really seize the opportunity, you will turn around in an instant!"

Yang Hui also thought about Chen Ge.

"A particularly important person?"

Chen Ge thought about it for a second, and then he understood: "depend on it, won't Zhao Yifan also go?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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