The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 165: 165

Lin Yi Yi, who was preparing to take a nap, was shocked.

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She picked up her mobile phone and looked at it in a hurry. Then, she was surprised and rushed out of bed and ran towards the canteen in her pajamas.

She was surprised that the people she had been longing for came to her school.

What's surprising is that Chen Shao was beaten in the face live?

At the same time.

Free fight club of Jiangnan University.

This is a large-scale association. It is a rich young person who spoke directly to the school and approved the land.

There are a lot of members studying, more than 300 students.

Now, inside the octagonal cage.

"Good! A cow

A player a dragon swing leg to knock down another player, the whole court immediately rang out the thundering sound.


The young man shook his neck and came out. At once, a little brother came and unscrewed the bottle cap. After a few drinks, he directly threw the water aside.

"Wow, it's so powerful and so handsome!"

Several beautiful girls with mobile phones into his arms, Jiao smile way.

"Handsome fart, just now you thought I didn't see it. All of you were staring at the mobile phone. What are you looking at? I don't even watch Ben Shao boxing? "

The young man snorted coldly.

"Hum, it was Liao Hong who beat people. Look, Liao Hong is teaching a poor loser!"

The girl took out the live broadcast and handed it to him.

"Wo Cao, Chen..."

The big and little body crazy shock, the girl in the arms suddenly pushed away.

"Bai Shao, what's the matter?"

The girls complained.

"Quick, quick, go and shout for me, then go to sulati restaurant!"

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This is Bai Xiaofei!

As soon as the boys heard this, they all gathered and ran towards the surati restaurant.

Even Zhou Zezhou Shao, who plays with Bai Xiaofei now, is the first to be eliminated.

Back to the sulati restaurant.

Wang Ling has slapped Chen Ge three times.

"Hum, dare to bully my sister Liao Hong, I'll kill you!"

Wang Lingxing's excitement was not fully enjoyed. The fourth slap in the face was about to fall, so she heard a cry:

"Damn it, they are coming! And so many people! "

A crowd of people blocking the entrance of the western restaurant immediately dispersed.

I saw a hundred or two hundred people rushing towards this side.

"Oh! Feige also came here. Hum, it gives me face. I know I'm working, so I'm here to support you

Seeing Bai Xiaofei, Liao Hong stands up directly.

This is a kind of respect. Although she is not Bai Xiaofei's person, Bai Xiaofei has great strength in Jiangnan University after all.

So it's pretty good to play.

However, when Bai Xiaofei rushes in and Liao Hong wants to say hello, Bai Xiaofei shouts:

"Damn it, I'll smash all the people standing!"

A group of people burst in, escorting Chen GE's several people, directly hit unconscious.

Even the tables and chairs in the dining room were smashed to pieces.

The men and women standing beside Liao Hong, not to mention, can't help but say that they are beating violently!

Liao Hong is almost stupid.

"Lying trough, lying trough! Bai Xiaofei, are you crazy? I'm Liao Hong. Why do you beat my Liao Hong's people

Liao Hong's eyes widened.


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White fly up is a mouth in Liao Hong's face.

"Cheap woman, I hit you

After he finished smoking, Bai Xiaofei ran to Chen GE's side:

"Chen Chen Ge, are you ok

Bai Xiaofei's cold sweat came out.

Chen Ge touched the face that was slapped three times, but also held back a stomach evil fire.

If Bai Xiaofei doesn't come today, maybe this group of people will torture themselves!

Fortunately, I came in time.

"Classmate Chen Ge, the girl just hit you. What should I do?"

In front of Wang Ling, she grabs Chen Ze's hair.

It's stupid.

You think about it, Zhou Ze is very famous in the school, and he is less white than xiaofeibai.

Now, they have brought so many people to save Chen Ge.

What's the relationship?

And now it's clear that they are in the underdog position.

"What else do you want? Take it down and call me!"

White small fly angry way.

Zhou Ze took Wang Ling to one side and directly asked her younger brother to start slapping her face.

"Crazy, crazy, Bai Xiaofei, are you really going to have a hard time with me for the sake of two losers today?"

Liao Hong didn't expect the plot reversal to be so sudden.How dare Bai Xiaofei treat her like this.

"Hehe, what can you do to you like this? You are just a chicken of Haishan group

Bai Xiaofei sneered.

"Damn it, you dare insult me!"

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Liao Hong is so angry that she wants to fight with Bai Xiaofei, but she is slapped on the ground by Bai Xiaofei.

The corners of the mouth are bleeding.

She really can't understand. Did Bai Xiaofei take the wrong medicine today?

However, Liao Hong couldn't bear to see the incredible look in their eyes.

And Bai Xiaofei still wants to fight.

At this time, Liao Hong's mobile phone suddenly rings.

The caller ID on the number.

Liao Hong's eyes immediately lit up and immediately connected.

"Big head, you are so quick to save me. If you don't come, you will never see me again!"

Liao Hong cried.

"Mm-hmm, sister Liao, someone called me. Would you please call Bai Shao now?"

The big head over there said coldly.

Give me a fart!

Liao Hong pressed hands-free directly in public.

"Hello, Bai Shao! Is there any misunderstanding in this? You know who she is, sister Liao! "

Said the big head.

"I don't care what relationship Xu Wei has with her. Let me tell you, it's Xu Haishan's woman. Today, I'd like to fight her too!"

It's funny. For Bai Xiaofei, who knows Chen GE's elder sister Chen Xiao, how strong his family children are, can't you tell which is more important?

Let's put it this way. If Chen Xiao, the boss of the company, is here today, it's not as simple as beating people!

"Well, it seems that you Jinling commercial group does not pay attention to Haishan group at all? Bai Shao, your business in Jinling is really powerful, but you can go back and ask your father. It has only been established for more than ten years, and how long has the power of our Haishan group been established? "

"Beating Xu Shao's woman like this is equivalent to beating Xu Shao's face!"

The big head over there said it word by word.

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"Ha ha, Bai Xiaofei, I tell you, my boyfriend is Xu Wei. He came back from Mashan. Once he knew that I was beaten, you Jinling business is very good, but you have to give my boyfriend face. Your father is only with Li Zhenguo. Even if Li Zhenguo helps you, he has to weigh the advantages and disadvantages."


At the same time, Liao Hong is also angry.

As for this, Bai Xiaofei can't do some things.

Look at Chen Ge.

If Chen Ge said to fight, it must be no problem, absolutely not afraid!

However, Chen Ge didn't say a word. He didn't know which little brother brought the electric stick.

Go over, a moment on the electricity on Liao Hong.


A sound, Liao Hong's whole body a excited, directly lying on the ground convulsion.

Some things, do have to bear with, step back, sea and sky, but, hear this woman holding the sea mountain group blackmail oneself, Chen Ge can't stand.

It's really a narrow road.

Last time, I was almost disabled by Xu Dayuan. To tell you the truth, this tone has not been completely swallowed.

Today, I was insulted by Liao Hong again.

This tone, swallow again, Chen Ge simply died!

Anyway, starting from Xu Dayuan, this account has been settled with Haishan group

Almost cleaned up, the meal must be unable to eat, and then Chen Ge took Su Qiang and they left.

As for the crowd, they were all quiet.

"I'll go. This man's name is Chen Ge. He looks like a loser. How can he be so powerful? Bai Xiaofei looks at his face!"

"Yes, I wonder? And Zhou Ze, who is said to have a lot of money in his family, just now he is fighting for the loser like Chen Ge! "

"Are you stupid? I'm a loser. Haven't you seen anything? What's his last name

"Chen Ge must be Chen? Lying trough, is it... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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