The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 167: 167

"Chen Ge, are you busy this afternoon?"

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Ma Xiaonan asked after the phone was connected.

"I'm not busy!"

At this time is to send Su Qiang to class, she went to class, he naturally did not have anything.

"Ao, I found you a part-time job. I can earn 5000 yuan a day. My job is simple. I know you don't lack money, but it's good to earn more, Chen Ge?"

Ma Xiaonan asked.

Of course, she knows that Chen GE has no money. The reason for this is that Ma Xiaonan knows that Chen Ge needs face and even likes to pretend.

But even so, this is also their own brothers, ah, two people's love will not change.

Actually, as soon as Chen Ge heard Han fei'er's name, he immediately wanted to refuse.

Especially today, there are Du Yue and Meng Cairu who are following hanfei'er.

Two chattering women are really bored to death.

But Ma Xiaonan's good intentions.

After a pause, Chen Ge still nodded and agreed.

It's all about Ma Xiaonan.

"OK, then you take a taxi to come back here and buy you clothes to dress you up!"

Ma Xiaonan smiles happily.

Chen Ge had no choice but to smile bitterly and took a taxi back.

They took Chen Ge and bought Chen Ge a suit and small leather shoes for Chen Ge.

Let Chen Ge wear it directly.

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Not to mention, even Han fei'er, who has always been very cold, looks at Chen Ge at the moment and feels that Chen Ge is really handsome after wearing a small suit.

I'm going to say a few words of praise.

Chen Ge carefully put his old clothes up, but also ready to carry.

It's a pity that he still can't change his loser attribute.

"Such expensive clothes, Chen Ge, you usually save a little. Today's clothes, together with the temporary expenses for you as a driver, are seven thousand yuan less!"

Meng Cairu was holding her shoulder.

"Mm-hmm, I see!" Chen Ge just nods with a bitter smile.

"Well? Chen Ge, is this your new mobile phone? "

At this time, Ma Xiaonan looked at the mobile phone in Chen GE's hand, and suddenly some curious way.

"Mm-hmm, I just bought it the other day!"

Chen Ge nods.

"Crouching trough, it looks so powerful. Show it to me!"

Du Yue also glanced at Chen GE's mobile phone, and suddenly came to be interested.

Whether Chen Ge is willing or not, the past will take it.

"Oh, my God, sister Fei, look, this is the mobile phone of * *, which is newly launched. The price is 28888! Chen Ge, do you use this kind of mobile phone

Du Yue screamed as soon as she saw it.

It's amazing. The most expensive one she used was bought by installments. It was only more than 7000 yuan.

She was forced to buy four songs in class?

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"It's true!"

Hanfil also glanced at her eyes and said something unexpected.

"Chen Ge, I don't know why you like to show off so much now, but what do you think you can do with such an expensive mobile phone? Phil is so successful now, but only about 10000 yuan. You know, you don't have a career, you don't have a job. What are you spending? Usually I don't care to say you! "

Meng Cairu, the guide, said this.

It's like she's been trampled on her tail.

Yes, just now Chen Ge was educated in a suit for 2000 yuan.

As a result, Chen Ge directly took out 30000 mobile phones, but Meng Cairu was not beaten in the face.

"That's right. What do you want to do with such expensive things? You want to learn from those rich second generation people. Hum, some people are poor and show off. Chen Ge, you know, only those who have no money can use such expensive ones. Those who really have money use cheap ones!"

Du Yue was also beaten in the face, naturally with the loss of Chen Ge a few words.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Chen Ge just nodded.

I don't want to argue with them.

Next, hanfil and mengcairu took Chen Ge to the car rental company, drove the big G and went to the hot spring villa.

Follow the planned script.

When Han fei'er gets off the car, Chen Ge respectfully opens the door for her.

Later, Han fei'er and others got off the bus and were warmly received by the hot spring villa.

As for why the hot spring resort treats the extraordinary platform people like this?

This is very simple, the extraordinary platform and the Yunmeng Mountain project that is being developed, although these two projects are not too strong.

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But, the people behind it are powerful.

Zhao Zixing's grand reception is actually for Chen Ge.

"OK, Chen Ge, you go and drive the car to the parking lot and wait. Don't take part in such an occasion, or you will lose face! As for dinner, if you can't, you can't go out and buy some bread. You can't get used to such a big meal anyway. "Hanfil is taking pictures of the staff.

He turned to Chen Ge, who was about to go in with them.

Obviously, it is afraid that Chen Ge will speak later, which will make Han fei'er embarrassed.


The day you cry!

Chen Ge is really enough for Han fei'er. He has self-respect. Do you look down on yourself?

In the heart scolded a, Chen Ge helpless, or the car drove to the parking lot.

After all, I can't reveal my identity now.

Of course, Chen Gecai won't wait foolishly.

When he came, he decided to find Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing to discuss the matter of the Haishan group.

When he came to Zhao Zixing's office, he was reading a newspaper.

When I saw Chen Ge, I immediately stood up, which was obviously very unexpected.

After a while, Li Zhenguo also rushed over.

Chen Ge talked about the recent events, and then both of them said what Haishan group knew.

On the whole, the Haishan group was a full-fledged family force before the establishment of the group.

In Jinling, it has a good reputation.

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Later, the more money he made, Xu Haishan set up a group and began to wash white for himself.

But no matter how they wash the white, Chen GE has seen some of their methods.

For example, Xu Chao and Xu Dong attacked Xu Wei, and the Xu family was directly destroyed.

And Xu Dayuan, who has so many horses under his hand.

The reason why Li Zhenguo treated them three points before is also because of the background of the Haishan group. After all, their underdog and their relationship with the underground forces in Jinling are too complicated.

The so-called amity makes money.

To understand here, Chen Ge is almost understood.

Suddenly, Chen's mobile phone rang.

At first glance, it was Chen Xiao, the elder sister who had not contacted for more than half a month.

"What are you doing, little song?"

Chen Xiao asked.

"Nothing. I'm having dinner with Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing." Chen Ge laughs and thinks about it, but she doesn't want to tell her about it.

No matter how my sister said it, she also wanted to give Jinling commercial street to herself and train herself.

If you have something to do, you will find your sister and talk about exercise.

"Not bad. Today I'm calling to tell you that I'll go to Jinling three days later, and I'll have to see my baby brother, ha ha!"

"Ah? Are you coming to Jinling? "

"Well, and I've got a big news for you!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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