The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 173: 173

Chen Ge and Yang Hui arrived.

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Ma Xiaonan's sister Ma Xiaoyun, they are already there.

Besides, there was a young man in 278, who was in suits and leather shoes, sitting next to Ma Xiaoyun.

Ma Xiaoyun is very feminine.

A good social player.

Chen Ge and Yang Hui have had a lot of contact with her. How to say that, a proud person in their heart, looking for a part-time job for Chen Ge and Yang Hui is totally based on Ma Xiaonan's face. As for Chen Ge and Yang Hui, they are not appreciated by others.

"Sit down, Chen Ge, you guys!"

Ma Xiaoyun said lightly.

Chen Ge sat down.

"What happened last night really made everyone sweat. Later, I will have a good drink with you. In addition, I'd like to introduce him to you. His name is Meng bin. He is my high school classmate and the leader of the Investigation Detachment of Jinling! I just called him! "

"Ah! Hello, brother Meng bin. Thank you for saving us! "

Du Yue, hearing the title, couldn't help but favor it.

"You're welcome. This is my duty. In addition, we have arrested the suspects last night, and found out a bigger case behind them. Speaking of it, I thank you. Otherwise, Zhujiang, a big fish, will not come to the surface!"

Meng Bin said with a smile.

"Xiaonan, you can see how much your classmates can speak, and you should also toast your benefactor to your great benefactor!"

Ma Xiaoyun see his sister so can't come, hastily remind a way.

"O'ao, in addition to thanking captain Meng, I also want to thank Chen Ge today. After all, without him, we don't know what danger will happen!"

Ma Xiaonan said.

After all, no matter what, this information was released by Chen Ge, otherwise, there was no such information.

"Xiaonan, what are you doing! I want you to thank captain Meng. Why do you thank Chen Ge? " Ma Xiaoyun is not happy.

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"That's it. What did this loser do? She also said that she was going to report to the police. I guess she was scared to death at that time. If sister Xiaoyun didn't know it in time and told captain Meng to send out the police as soon as possible, we would have been finished! "

Du Yue said.

And Meng bin just shook his head and laughed bitterly.

"That's right. Even if we want to thank you, we should also thank sister Yun and team leader Meng. First of all, I'll give you a cup of tea instead of wine. It's because I didn't take good care of Xiaonan, so I'll do it first!"

Meng Cairu said with a smile.

Obviously, people don't care about Chen Ge.

And Ma Xiaonan.

She actually felt a little strange.

I always feel that the whole process of this Meng bin did not show up, and last night's white wolf is stronger than this Meng bin in both gas field and strength.

So Ma Xiaonan felt something was wrong.

Coupled with the public ridicule of Chen Ge, Ma Xiaonan himself can not see past.

"Xiaonan, I know that you and Chen Ge have a good relationship. So, I'll try to find a relationship later and arrange a job with five risks for Chen Ge."

Ma Xiaoyun also doesn't want to let her sister lose face too much, the next way.

"Really, cousin? Can't you find one with five insurances and one gold for Chen Ge

Ma Xiaonan said.

"This is too much. In the current market, only some powerful companies have a gold medal. But Chen Ge, cough, it's not very easy to arrange, but I'll try my best."

This meaning is very obvious, that is, Chen GE's basic ability is not good.

"Yes, sister Yun, if you arrange that kind of strength for Chen Ge, the competition will certainly be great. If you put Chen Ge in, it will serve as a foil for others."

Du Yue said straightforwardly.

"Yes, Chen Ge is such a character, that is, in some clerical work, clerks and other professions are mixed up. It's true. I told the director about him some time ago."

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Hanfil also smiles bitterly and shakes her head.

Chen Ge heard his scalp explode.

Damn it, every time, it seems that you don't talk about yourself. You don't have a topic to talk about?

I used to be honest, which doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Why be honest? You can't be honest if you don't have money or power.

Chen Ge is silent.

Just at this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rang.

It's from my sister.

Chen Ge immediately went out and connected.

"What's up, sister?"

"Brother, are you busy? Let me tell you something. One of my housekeepers and some of his subordinates have arrived in Jinling in advance. You can find someone to pick me up. Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing have been assigned other jobs by me. You can arrange some people to meet them at the airport and find a place to live for them! "

"Oh, no problem!" Chen Ge nodded.

To tell you the truth, this is the first time Chen GE has dealt with family members."Hey, I'll be here the day after tomorrow, so we can meet again!"

Chen Xiao said with a smile.

Of course, Chen Ge also missed her sister.

After a brief chat, Chen Ge hung up.

Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing are busy, and Chen Ge is too embarrassed to disturb them.

Who will be arranged?

Cough, think about it. Anyway, there are hanfei'er here. They don't want to eat here.

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Why don't you pick it up yourself.

After all, she is the housekeeper of my sister.

So Chen Ge went in and said to Ma Xiaonan that he had something to do and left.

"This Chen song is very busy!"

Ma Xiaoyun said something sour.

My ma Xiaoyun invited you to dinner today. It's enough to give you a face. Ha ha, I have something to go!

"He can't stay here any longer. By the way, brother Meng bin, tell me quickly, what position is that handsome man with white hair?"

Du Yue said at this time.

"Ha ha, to tell you the truth, I've always been curious about the topics you're talking about. What do you mean, Maybach, a cold, handsome man with white hair, how could our police force have these?"

At this time, Meng Bin said in embarrassment.

Last night, he was a little bit big. In fact, he was out of action.

It is said that the relevant leaders in the province also came to investigate.

There's a lot of movement inside.

At that time point, Meng bin just received a call from Ma Xiaoyun, saying that his sister had been kidnapped. There were four girls and so on.

Meng bin listen, this is not exactly the same as this big case?

So Meng Bin said that the police had been sent out.

And when he went with the army, the gangsters had already been captured, and the hostages had been rescued.

As for the situation, it is not his level that can know.

So the meal was a bit weird.

Otherwise, how could Meng bin smile in embarrassment before.

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Until now, he understood that it was two gangs who saved people.

Take in your own net.

"Ah? Not from your police force? I think so. It's impossible to drive Maybach so extravagantly Du Yue was puzzled.

"Captain Meng, it's not your people who saved us?" Meng Cairu was also surprised. How could this little thing be so troublesome!

"Strictly speaking, no, because by the time we arrived at the scene, you had already been rescued!" Meng bin explained with a smile.

Without going into detail, I gave a general account of what happened at that time.

There is no need for him to take credit for these things.

"Ah? After a long time of fighting, is it still said that someone specially came to save us? Who is it? " Four girls were surprised again.

And then, hanfil's cell phone rings.

"Hello, who is it?"

, as like as two peas, miss Rex, we bought your suit yesterday. You bought a suit for your boyfriend yesterday. Then, late at night, he asked for a set of identical ones. At that time, we only had the smaller one. We gave it to your boyfriend first. Today, I want to ask if he is the one who asked for it. Replace it? He was in a hurry and didn't give us a phone number. "

"My boyfriend? You mean the old song of yesterday? Isn't he my boyfriend? Besides, what does he buy two suits for? "

Han Fei Er is a little silly.

And Meng Cairu, who obviously heard the voice of customer service, was also a little silly.

"So, Chen GE's suit last night is not the suit that Fei Er bought. He cheated us on purpose! But why did he cheat us? What happened on the train last night Is that... "


Meng Cairu suddenly exclaimed , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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