The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 178: 178

"I'm fine, Li Yue. You don't have to worry about it!"

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Qin Ya said lightly.

This boy, wearing a suit, is very handsome.

And obviously looking at Qin Ya's indifference, Li Yue is not angry.

"Oh! Xiaoya, your bracelet is broken

Zhao Tongtong can't help exclaiming at the broken bracelet.

"Chen Ge, why are you so careless? Are you not happy to see Li Yue come to care for Qin ya? "

Another girl said.

This remark naturally attracted Li Yue's attention.

Yes, Li Yue likes Qin Ya very much. He likes to be obsessed with it.

However, Qin Ya has no interest in Li Yue at all.

Although Li Yue's home conditions are superior, but Qin ya to him, alas, no feeling is no feeling.

Of course, it's impossible to say that because Chen Ge saved her once, she had feelings for Chen Ge.

In fact, Qin Ya's roommates are all joking with Chen Ge.

Because everyone saw that it was Li Yue who grabbed Chen Ge and Chen Ge got rid of it.

"It's OK. It's just a bracelet. I'll buy another one!"

Qin Ya is also embarrassed, all take Chen Ge joke, after all, he also helped himself.

"Li Shao, we have seen that Qin Ya's bracelet was broken by you and Chen Ge. We must pay for it!"

Zhao Tongtong said.

Obviously, several girls should respect Li Yue when they speak to him.

"Ha ha, I'll buy a new one for Xiaoya. How can he afford to pay for this man?"

Li Yue looked at Chen Ge a little upset at this time.

"No matter for me, I will go back first, classmate Qin ya, you are good at self-cultivation!"

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Chen Ge knows that if he stays there, he will have to be teased by others. There is also Li Yue who looks at his eyes with hostility.

These girls, Chen Ge doesn't want to worry too much about them.

It's too easy to get absolute respect. Just drive your car and stop here.

After all, it's not because you don't have much money when people look at you as honest, or they see you as having fun and bullying!

What's more, it happened to help Qin Ya today, and Chen Ge didn't want to get entangled.

As for the broken bracelet, Chen Ge also thought, how much has something to do with himself, buy one to compensate Qin ya, this matter is like this.

Watching Chen Ge leave, Qin Ya has the heart to stop Chen Ge, but obviously, he can't adapt to such a circle.

When you get a chance.

After leaving the infirmary, Chen Ge went to the library to read.

In a twinkling of an eye, we saw noon.

At this time, Li Zhenguo called Chen Ge.

"Chen Shao, everything is done, Jinling, there will be no Haishan group again!"

Li Zhenguo said with a smile.

"Please, Mr. Li!"

Chen Ge said.

As for how to deal with it, there is nothing more than coercion.

In the past, the well water didn't invade the river. In order to make money with harmony, they were courteous to each other.

But if Haishan group wants to play really, how can it be the rival of its own family!

"By the way, Chen Shao, just now I checked. The boss has other industries in Jinling and also uses your ID card. Are you busy? If I'm not busy, I need you to sign a few more words. Of course, I can go to see you! "

Li Zhenguo said respectfully.

"No, I'll go there."

Chen GE's book is almost finished, and he is also planning to go to the Jinpu in Jinling commercial street to make another one of qinya's jade bracelets.

Give it to her.

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At this time the rain stopped.

Chen Ge took a taxi to hot spring villa. After signing, he turned to a jewelry shop in the commercial street.

"Boss, I want to choose a jade bracelet!"

Chen Ge looked around and found a piece similar to Qin Ya's.

"Sir, this jade bracelet is made of fine hetianzi jade. It's very valuable. Are you sure you want this one?"

A receptionist at the moment showed a professional smile.

But although smile, but how also can't cover up her face a touch of disdain.

Yes, the young man in front of me is not well dressed.

I want to buy jewelry, and it's made of hetianzi jade.

Are you kidding? No.

But good professionalism, so that she did not show on the face.

Chen Ge didn't care. After taking it up and looking at it carefully, he said faintly:

"wrap it for me! I'll take this one! "

"Ah? Are you sure, sir, this exquisite jade bracelet of hetianzi jade needs more than 50000 pieces Would you like to see something else

The receptionist's smile also faded a lot."If you want it, you can pack it. What a waste of words!"

Chen GE's tone is cold.

The receptionist had to pack it and take out the card reader.

But Chen Ge takes out a card to brush, the result drops a sound.

Chen Gecai remembers, lie slot, oneself bank card wants to brush 200 thousand at least!

"Hehe, when did Taihe Jinpu start the low-end line? What cats and dogs can come in? Where is our noble customer experience? "

At this time, a middle-aged man came in with a young woman in her thirties.

I just saw the scene that Chen Ge couldn't afford.

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At the moment, speak with contempt.

Man, isn't that it? If you don't step on others a few times, how can you present him as a force?

The receptionist apologized and laughed at the middle-aged couple.

Turn to look at Chen Ge, already a face impatient.

Yes, Chen Ge is just a poor boy to open his eyes. After all, the jewelry of Taihe gold shop is famous all over the country.

In the past, it is not uncommon for some people to come in and pretend to be forced to take a picture on their mobile phones. This is too common.

Obviously, in her eyes, Chen Ge must be such a person.

"Sir, if you don't want to buy, you should go first. Don't delay other guests from shopping!"

The receptionist went straight to the door.

"Who says I won't buy it. It's too cheap. I have to choose an expensive one!"

Chen Ge heart way, this is not oneself deliver face door.

At this time, the beautiful woman in the middle-aged man's arms sneered and said, "Oh, how can children be like this now? It's too vain to be proud!"

"That's right. If I have such a son, I'll just break my legs!"

"I'll take this and wrap it for me! Or swipe the card! "

Chen Ge did not hear the same, pointing to a jade bracelet in the middle of the road.

"Hehe, this is made of famous jade and polished by the master himself. The market price is up to 200000. Are you sure you want this one?"

The receptionist's tone was already sneering.

"Not only this one, but also the 50000! Buy one Chen Ge is a light way.

"Pooh, that's 260000. Ha ha, this silly boy doesn't pretend to be like this!" The middle-aged man said with a smile.

And the receptionist really swipes the amount on the card machine.

This loser seems to be stubborn. The receptionist is also in a bad temper. She has to make you lose face.

"Well, don't you know what's good or bad? This man isn't!"

The beautiful woman hugged her shoulder and was very interested.

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But immediately, their husband and wife, including the receptionist, were all staring.

You can see that Chen Ge swipes the card and presses the password, which directly shows that the account has been received successfully.


The three were surprised.

Suddenly, I felt hot on my face. I thought I was a poor loser, but I didn't expect that he was really rich!

"Pack these two for me. The packing should be excellent. If the bag is wrinkled, you should get out of here!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"Yes, yes, sir. I must be careful in packing!"

The receptionist bowed respectfully to Chen Ge.

Ha ha, Chen Ge is used to this. Sometimes it is. You are polite to others, but you are treated as humble. Only by this attitude can you be respected.

"Sir, please wait in the rest area!"

The receptionist said in a hurry.

Chen Ge did this and waited.

The one with 50000 yuan will be compensated to Qin ya, and the one with 200000 yuan will be given to Su Muhan later.

This is what Chen Ge intended.

"Shihan, please, can you give me another chance? I really love you

"Ha ha, good? You love me, don't you? Come in and buy me a jewelry

"Ha ha, don't worry. I won't compare you with Ding Hao. You can buy me a cheap one. If you can buy it, I'll follow you, OK?"

Just then, a pair of young men and women came in noisily.

Chen Ge looked up and couldn't help but raise her eyebrows.

Isn't this Li Shihan and her ex boyfriend Ma Fei? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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