The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 182: 182

Just then, several policemen came in and pointed to them.

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"That's them!"

From behind the police, walked into a boy with white gauze wrapped in his head, pointed at Ding Hao fiercely and said.

And Chen Ge can see who this person is.

Isn't it Ma Fei!

Now the situation is very obvious. After Ding Hao beat Ma Fei, Ma Fei must have called the police after dressing up. It seems that the police found it all the way through the surveillance on Jinling commercial street.

After all, Ding Hao reserved a box in a hotel near Jinling commercial street.

"Well, a few, come with us."

A few policemen cold channel.

Ding Hao and Li Shihan were flustered.

Ding Hao, although I feel that he is very strong now, but after all, he beat people very guilty.

But still bravely said: "go and go, or let it out after two hours!"

"Ha ha, good, hit my brother, I want to see how you release it in two hours!"

A woman came over with her shoulder in her arms and said a word with the same arrogance.

"Elder sister, this boy hit me!"

Ma Fei stood obediently behind the woman.

"Don't worry. I've told the leader of the detachment that he will be fair to you."

Said the woman.

This sentence also shows that Ma Fei's family also has some relations, and it is not simple.

It made Ding Hao more nervous.

Li Shihan did not expect that Ma Fei had a very strong sister.

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And the woman.

She glanced at Ding Hao coldly, and then glanced at the people who ate with Ding Hao.

Can't help but eyes a pick, some surprised way: "Chen Ge? Why are you here? "

Chen Ge is also very surprised.

The woman in front of her is not Ma Xiaonan's cousin Ma Xiaoyun. What's more, Ma Fei has something to do with Ma Xiaoyun.

Ma Xiaoyun doesn't have a brother. This Chen song is familiar with.

In this way, one side is his high school classmates, the other side is Ma Xiaonan's relatives and friends. There are no outsiders.

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Aung, have a potluck here

"Well, you eat with the people who beat my brother. It seems that you, a poor loser, can't get rid of it. I'll take care of you in the future."

Ma Xiaoyun's face sank.

To tell you the truth, Ma Xiaoyun has complained about Chen Ge who ran ahead of time before eating since she invited her sister to dinner.

What's more, the most embarrassing thing that day was that I still wanted to let my high school classmates rise in prestige. As a result, I didn't know what happened to those female students of Xiaonan. Several girls whispered and didn't know what to say.

I didn't care about my classmates.

Anyway, it's embarrassing.

The culprit, Ma Xiaoyun, of course, blames Chen Ge, who is disrespectful.

I didn't expect to meet you like this today.

"Well, this man was there when I was beaten!"

Ma Fei added.

"All right, all right. Don't say anything. If you have anything to say, go back to the Institute and come with us all!"

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The police took all of them back.

And Chen Ge is really depressed, pour blood mold.

But now, what can I say!

When you get to the police station, you take a statement or something. With surveillance in place, Ding Hao doesn't want to admit it.

Then, they arranged all of them in a small room and waited for the result.

"What to do, Ding Hao? Do you think I will follow the record? I've just been admitted as a teacher, and I haven't been employed yet. If I put it on record, the school will definitely expel me! "

Confinement room, Chen Lin flustered.

"I don't know. After all, we hurt people this time. The evidence is conclusive, and Ma Fei Ma Fei's sister is very good! "

Li Shihan was also a little flustered.

Because you can see that Ma Xiaoyun is not a good woman.

Take a look at now, Ding Hao's face is pale, pacing back and forth without big things.

Li Shihan was a little disappointed again.

She has just learned from the side that Ma Fei's sister is very good at Jinling. She is a woman in society.

It shows that Ma Fei also has strength.

On such a comprehensive consideration, Li Shihan regretted that he was too cruel to Ma Fei?

What if Ma Fei surpasses Ding Hao in the future?

After all, Ding Hao can't do anything except pretend to be forced, and Ma Fei is very capable.The more he thought about it, the more confused Li Shihan was.

Oh, dear! Why?

I had feelings for three boys.

The first one is Chen Ge, but the goods have been passed for a long time and can't enter their own eyes.

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The second and third are Ma Fei and Ding Hao!

Now Li Shihan suddenly got tangled up.

"Well, well, don't say it. I've already informed my father. My father will definitely find a way for me, and you won't put it on record. Don't worry about it."

Ding Hao scratched his scalp and said.

"Ma Fei obviously doesn't agree to private affairs. This kind of situation should be put on record."

Chen Ge said at this time.

"Lie trough, use your mouth more, you crow mouth, really, who meets you, who is unlucky!"

Chen Lin scolded rudely.

"Well, Chen Lin, what's the use of cursing him now? He can say whatever he likes. After all, it's Ding Hao and I who participated in the fight! I think this Chen song is just a joke

Li Shihan said with a glance.

Not long after, Ding Hao's father came, the two sides were taken to the interrogation room to meet each other, the police came forward to mediate.

Ding Hao's father, he himself has some relations, after all, his son hit such a thing, it is impossible to turn to commercial groups.

It's not something that people look down on.

Then he used his own relationship to dredge up. As a result, the background of the victim was very hard, and the two sides were so deadlocked.

After all, no matter who started the fight first, whoever was serious was the victim.

"Dad, try to find a way. I don't want to be recorded. If there is a stain in the future, how can I mix up?"

Ding Hao knew that he was afraid.

"Don't follow me, uncle. You didn't come with me, but you didn't follow me, either."

Chen Lin asked.

Looking at the opposite Ma Fei: "Ma Fei, we were friends before. Did you forget it?"

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"Well, of course I didn't forget that Li Shihan was cheating on you! My sister will investigate this matter to the end! "

The horse flies hard airway.

Ding Hao's father sighed, and then frowned: "Miss Ma Xiaoyun, I know you have a wide relationship, but don't force people to death for some things. I know Jinling business group. Should we let the group mediate this matter?"

"Ha ha, you don't press me with people from business groups. How do you think you know the big guy?"

Ma Xiaoyun hugs her shoulder.

Ding Hao's father gnawed his teeth and began to contact business groups.

Ma Xiaoyun also started to contact Ma Xiaonan.


Because of the last thing, Ma Xiaonan told herself what happened at that time. Xiaomei said that a young man with white hair led people to drive seven or eight maybachs to save them.

"Xiaonan, I have something to trouble you about. The youth who saved you last time, didn't you have a mobile phone number? Please contact me. My brother has been hit now. He said that you can go to him if you have something to do. Let him help you!"

"Hello, Mr. Li, it's me. It's me. I'm the docking accountant from Yunmeng Mountain. Last time I had dinner, Li didn't say that I could do something later Yes, yes, yes, that's all right

People on both sides showed their magic power.

Chen Lin and Li Shihan were stunned.

Lying trough, Ding Hao and Ma Fei, whose background is not simple.

In the past, I thought Ma Fei was a small minion who could only struggle at the bottom line. But now, the relationship between his sister and his sister actually drives the Maybach team.

Li Shihan always felt that he had missed something!

Really, Li Shihan can understand a sentence now:

thirty years of Hedong, thirty years of Hexi, don't deceive the young poor! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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