The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 184: 184

"Lying trough, such a beautiful jade bracelet!"

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When it was opened, the crowd was stunned.

Especially after seeing the receipt of Chen GE's receipt, he was surprised.

These two things alone cost more than 200000 yuan.

"We want to see it too!"

At the other end of the video, Lin Jiao jumped and cried.

Yang Hui and Li Bin hold jade bracelets and show them to the camera. Only the other roommates are holding the box.

Two boxes alone don't look cheap.

Now there is a point that we almost all believe in. Old Chen absolutely made it, and this did not run.

All of a sudden, the boy who held the door called out: "old Chen is back! Put it away

Yang Hui hung up the video in a hurry, and others put the box away.

In a hurry, he put the jade bracelet in.

At this time, Chen Ge just pushed the door in.

As soon as all the roommates stood looking at themselves, Chen Ge wondered and said with a smile:

"what are you looking at? Is it possible that I have money on my face?"

"Lao Chen, to tell you the truth, are you really rich now?"

Yang Hui asked curiously.

"Ah? How can I have money? " Chen Ge said it in a conditioned way.

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"Shit, keep it from us, brothers, beat him!"

Yang Hui and they went up together and put Chen Ge on the bed.

Pants, Spankers, whatever.

"Surrender, I surrender, yes, yes, I have money now!"

Chen Ge can't hide it.

Their various practices during this period of time have indeed attracted the attention of Yang Hui and Li Bin.

Yes, how could a once poor student suddenly become so rich, not only rich, but also obviously powerful.

Originally, Chen Ge didn't want to tell Yang Hui the truth. He was afraid that his brother's feelings would be gone.

But now, even if I don't want to say that I am Chen Shao.

They guessed it was seven or eight.

Therefore, Chen Ge just said that he was really rich, but how did the money come from, and what his identity was, Chen Ge killed and did not recognize.

Yang Hui and they have no way.

But after that, they were very happy for Chen Ge.

Chen GE has already made up his mind to help each other in his future career.

Then Yang Hui blackmailed Chen Ge how to spend these days in school. In the past, the dormitories helped Chen Ge, but now Chen GE's treat is no problem.

After reviewing, Chen Ge and they went out to eat, drink and have a good time.

As for Chen GE's sister Chen Xiao coming to Jinling.

I'm afraid it's time to go back to Chen GE's bathroom.

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After leaving the dormitory and coming to the bathroom, Chen Ge was connected. He wanted to ask Chen Xiao when he would come.

As a result, her sister Chen Xiao said she couldn't come.

"Brother, there's an important guest in the family now. Dad asked me to accompany him. I'm afraid I won't be able to go for a while. Dad asked me to tell you about it and tell you about it from the phone."

"All right."

Chen Ge was a little disappointed. After all, he really missed his sister.

"Do you remember that when we were in our hometown of Jinling, didn't my father have a brother in arms?"

Chen Ge nodded: "I remember!"

It's a long story to talk about. For some things, when I talked to my father on the phone some time ago, he said that their Chen family always had their children raised in poverty.

Dad is no exception.

At that time, my father was raised in poverty and failed to pass the college entrance examination. He was driven to be a soldier by my grandfather. It was a comrade in arms that I made at that time.

After two years of conscription, my father planted land in his hometown town.

After all, at that time, there was no money.

He managed to open a steamed bread room in the town by using the ex servicemen's fee. Later, because my father was nosy, he disabled a thief, and the steamed bread room was compensated to others.

And he borrowed a lot of foreign debt.

At this time, the poor had no money to celebrate the new year. My father went to find his comrade in arms.

This comrade in arms is from the county seat. His family is rich. His parents are civil servants. Of course, it's good to mix.

As a result, according to the address in the county, I found someone else for several times and said that he was not free. Finally, he did not see anyone.

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It was a bit cold at that time.

In the past, when I was a brother, I didn't want it. I also promised that I would have two boys in the future and form brothers. A man and a woman would form a husband and wife.

Hehe, that is to be a joke.

In short, since then, there has been little contact.Until my father was 22 years old, my grandfather told him that you are actually a rich second generation.

Then Dad was led out to start a business or something, and finally inherited the family.

It was not until after the birth of my sister and myself that my father and mother went back to their hometown and began to educate them on the poverty of their brothers and sisters.

Of course, when Chen Ge records, it's Uncle Wu and aunt Wu taking care of themselves. My parents have been making money abroad to pay off debts.

I visit my sister and brother two or three times a year.

This is the general process.

As for meeting his comrade in arms again.

It was in junior high school that I was promoted to high school. My father led me to find his comrade in arms again. I wanted him to run a school for myself. After all, I got good grades.

As a result, they met people in their parking lot. They said that they were busy with meetings and would talk about the old things later, which led to the diversion of the topic.

Finally, Chen Ge also went to a first-line high school with her own achievements.

The impression of that comrade in arms is limited to this.

That uncle seems to be a member of the system. He has an extraordinary status. He doesn't like Chen GE's family. He is also normal.

"What's the matter, sister?" Chen Ge asked, taking back her thoughts.

"Well, dad has been saying that he missed his old friends. But you know, dad is indifferent to fame and wealth. Now our poor education is over, and my father's identity can't go to see them or something. Although people didn't look up to my father before, my father always thinks that he is good. I can't see them either So, ah, this matter can only be put on your head! "

"This summer vacation, you are going to work at your stall in Jinling. Take time to go home and visit a friend of your father's past and a special friend. Then I will send you something in the past. The special friend you haven't met will also have information on it. Go and have a look. You can help if you can."

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"As for Uncle Wu, who has been taking care of us, help them build a villa on the mountain and give their children a lot of money."

My sister explained all these things and then hung up.

Chen Ge is a little puzzled.

Who's dad's special friend?

Do not want to understand, simply do not want to go back to the dormitory.

After returning to the dormitory, we will know.

There was no word all night.

To the next morning, Chen Ge is still holding textbooks to the library to review.

There are still a lot of people.

Chen Ge came to her window seat again.

At the same time, when I see this place, I remember Qin ya. The first time they met was here.

Also want to compensate for her jade bracelet, but now can not find people, and no contact information.

Therefore, Chen Ge came to the library to take a chance to see if he could meet her.

So after sitting down, Chen GE's eyes looked around from time to time.

At the same time, in the other corner of the library, there were five or six girls, especially those with temperament.

Both eyes are looking at Chen Ge.

"Hey hey, guess who this little loser is looking for?" A girl said with a smile on her cheek. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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