The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 188: 188

"There are too many people in the library, so I don't want to go there. I learn it in the dormitory!"

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Chen Ge replied.

"Oh, then we can come here earlier. Whoever comes early will take the place first..."

"Well, I have something else to talk about."

After Chen Ge returned the message, he threw the mobile phone aside.

It's really hiding from Qin ya. In fact, since she got along with Su Muhan, Chen Ge also deliberately keeps a distance with girls.

As for Qin ya, Chen GE's department may stay in school for three months to defend after the examination.

Qin Ya and her department may go out to practice or something.

I won't see you again.

It's mainly Qin Ya's circle. Chen Ge feels that she can't fit in.

There's no other messy idea.

So, two days later.

In the past two days, Qin Ya looked for Chen Ge almost in the morning and said that Chen Ge had already occupied a good seat and was waiting for Chen Ge to study.

Chen Ge all made excuses to push.

Qin Ya has always wanted to invite Chen Ge to dinner and express her thanks. She also knows that Chen Ge and Zhao Tongtong are not comfortable together. So she once said that she was the only one and let Chen Ge come out.

Chen Ge is still looking for reasons to push.

Until the next three days, the fourth day, the fifth day, three days in a row, Qin ya did not talk to Chen Ge again.

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It's like it's gone.

Chen Ge also did not feel what, in addition to learning to review every day, is to talk to Su Muhan about her recent situation.

Everything is normal.

This afternoon, Chen Ge went back to school from Li Zhenguo. He was at the milk tea shop at the gate of the school. He was going to take some drinks back to Yang Hui.

"Chen Ge?"

At this time, a female voice stopped him.

Looking back, it was Zhao Tongtong who also came to buy milk tea. Seeing Chen Ge at the moment, she was slightly surprised. At the same time, the expression on her face was very ugly.

Before she saw Chen Ge, she would always laugh at Chen Ge.

Now when I see Chen Ge, I hate him.

Chen Ge also doesn't matter, at this time the milk tea is good, Chen Ge said with a smile: "with this beautiful woman's, I paid a piece of it!"

"Well, come on

The little brother who sells milk tea just smiles and answers.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no

Zhao Tongtong scornfully glared at Chen Ge.

"I What's wrong with me, Tong Tong? "

Chen Ge doubts.

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"What's wrong with you? Well, you know, how many times have you stood up for Xiaoya

Zhao Tongtong frowned and said angrily.


Chen Ge also thought of it.

Zhao Tongtong said again: "do you know that Xiaoya got up 20 minutes earlier than before every day and ran to the library to occupy a seat. When we asked her why she was so early, she said that Chen Ge would study with us in the future, and then every time she occupied her position, you said you could not come because of something!"

"What's more, Xiaoya made an appointment with you that afternoon, and bought you some fruit. She told you that she would go to the library together in the afternoon, but you didn't go there."

"For two days in a row, brother, don't mention that she said she would invite you to dinner. She was afraid that you would not be used to eating out. She ordered a meal for you in the canteen and wanted to invite you to lunch. She was afraid that we would mock you and even we would not be allowed to accompany her. Lying in the manger, you pigeoned her again

"What are you hiding from? You can't be as big and square as a boy. Besides, I can see that Xiaoya is very fond of you. We don't know why she likes you, but you really cold Xiaoya's heart! "

Zhao Tongtong said all these words like a gun.

After listening to Chen Ge, a sudden burst of self blame.

Indeed, Qin Ya invited himself three times, but he refused.

Chen Ge just thought that Qin Ya was polite and polite again, but what she said was true. She invited herself in the canteen, and she had already ordered meals.

I'm sorry for Chen's song.

"Do you know what Xiaoya said about you before?"

"What do you say?"

"Xiaoya said that you are honest, kind-hearted, and some dull and lovely. She is very curious about you and says that this is the only male friend she makes who is very absent-minded. The result is I bah, now Xiaoya has an accident, you don't pay attention to it, and you still have the leisure to say that you invite the beauty to drink milk tea! Xiaoya is blind

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After Zhao Tongtong scolded, he felt more comfortable.

Chen Ge is a little surprised: "Qin ya, she had an accident?"

"It's not that Xiaoya had an accident. She was confused just now. It was her mother who was sick and difficult to cure. She was even more angry. The day before yesterday, Xiaoya didn't mean to ask you to go to the canteen together. This time, she took the food from home and sat in the canteen to wait for you. Then you specially said that you had something to do. It was just that. Her family called She said that her mother had fainted, so Xiaoya asked for leave and left! ""What's more, we can see that you didn't take Xiaoya as a friend at all. Why did you send Qin Ya such a valuable jade bracelet?"

Zhao Tongtong despised Chen Ge.

Then her milk tea was ready, paid for it, and she turned and left.

But Chen Ge is stupefied in situ.

An unspeakable pain surged into my heart.

Of course, it doesn't involve any love affairs.

It can be seen that Qin Yating takes himself as a friend.

However, she didn't really treat Qin Ya as a friend. Now something happened to her family, and on the afternoon of the accident, she was waiting for herself to go to dinner.

And in these three days, I did not contact her.

Now, Chen GE has opened her circle of friends. Sure enough, Qin Ya is saying, "Mom, I hope you can make it through this time. Everything will be better."! Dad and I will find the best doctor in the world for you, and I will definitely cure you!

The circle of friends was sent three days ago.

Alas, I didn't even care about the greetings!

I don't think I'm a thing.

I don't know how to help. At the moment, seeing Zhao Tongtong who has not gone far away, Chen Ge catches up again.

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"What are you doing?"

Zhao Tongtong said coldly.

"Ao, I want to ask Xiaoya's mother in which hospital, what disease?" Chen Ge asked.

"Lying trough, now I want to ask, get out of here!"

Zhao Tongtong cursed after drinking milk tea, but still said:

"in the provincial people's Hospital, the disease is very troublesome, many doctors are at a loss, and now they can't make a diagnosis. Anyway, it's rare in the medical field, and I don't know the details!"

With that, Zhao Tongtong left.

Chen Ge is struggling. Is he going to see him? Or not?

Go to visit, what do you say, and you can't help.

By the way!

Chen Ge suddenly remembered one thing, that is, he has now independent control of the emergency base.

Including armed medical and intelligence forces.

According to comber, these forces are among the best in the world. I don't know if my medical power can help.

Thinking of this, Chen Ge called the two brothers of Tianlong. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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