The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 198: 198

It was not easy to get rid of Zhao Yifan, and a group of people began to play around in the celebration.

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Chen Ge, however, couldn't bear the pressure of others. He simply found an excuse to leave ahead of time.

Anyway, the goal has also been achieved. Xu Xia's mother, looking at Yang Hui now is like looking at a baby pimple.

Chen Ge directly took a taxi back to school.

"Driver, stop!"

But as soon as he got to the school gate, Chen Ge saw the scene in front of him and asked the driver to stop.

It's almost evening now.

There were several luxury cars parked by the roadside of the school gate.

And a few ruffian like boys, is surrounded by a girl who wants to enter the school, obviously want to block her, not let her go.

The girl is very angry, but also a boy's mouth.

They will become more and more serious, and they have to start directly.

"Well, some of the rich and the poor are now lawless because of the wealth and power of their families. Young man, don't worry about these things. We can't afford to offend some people."

The driver also looked over there and couldn't help laughing and shaking his head.

Chen Ge directly handed over a 100, said that do not look, push open the door and get off.

Towards the girl surrounded.

The driver couldn't help looking at Chen GE's back with sympathy: "Oh, boy, I hope you're lucky."

With one foot of gas, he drove away.

"Miss qinya, don't embarrass us. Our boss said that we must invite you over today and have a drink. It's OK, isn't it?"

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Several ruffians opened their arms and half surrounded Qin ya.

There are also passers-by, but no one dares to take care of it.

"Go away, I don't know your boss! Why drink with him! "

Qin Ya scolded with a cold face.

"Ha ha, Miss Qin ya, our boss is Shen Qiang. You should have heard of it. You and brother Qiang are predestined. Brother Qiang met you once in a business exchange meeting before, and I always miss you. But I can't find your contact information!"

"As a result, today's fate has arrived. A boy's mobile phone actually has your photo. I really heard it. Our brother Qiang has set up a table for you. If you don't appreciate it, we will be finished!"

Several ruffians laugh.

"Get out of here. I won't go if I say no. in this way, I'll call the police!"

Qin Ya bit her lip and said.

"Keke, since you are so shameless, miss qinya, we are not polite. We can only force you to go there. But after you meet our strong brother, you will fall in love with us, ha ha ha!"

"Brothers, please get on miss qinya!"

The chief ruffian finished, two or three younger brothers came directly behind him and pulled Qin Ya's arm to the car.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Help

Qin Ya cried out in fear.

She seems to have heard of Shen Qiang, who is a very powerful underworld organization.

And he's just a dandy.

What you've done should be disgusting and disgusting.

Qin Ya doesn't know how he hit his idea on himself, but once he is caught, the consequences can be imagined!

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At the moment, I was struggling in despair.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

And it was just then.

Suddenly, there were several explosions in succession!

Then I saw that three or four ruffians' heads had been blooming.

It's full of blood.

The man who rushed through was Chen Ge.

When he saw that the girl being teased was Qin ya, he got out of the car and turned out two strong and thick tree trunks from the side of the road, regardless of human life or anything.

It's a smash.

A total of five ruffians.

In the blink of an eye, he was knocked out by Chen Ge.

"Shit, who are you?"

The chief ruffian flustered, and then he was frightened.

"I'll kill you!"

Chen Ge didn't say a word, but he called when he went up.

And that ruffian also seems to often fight, from the ground to touch the brick, with Chen Ge tussle.

But in the end, Chen Ge couldn't beat him and ran away in a mess.

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"Chen Ge, you, you Are you all right? "

Qin Ya is also scared.

"I'm fine!"

Chen Ge wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Ah! Your head seems to be bleeding

Qin Ya Dun is very strict.

Maybe I didn't pay attention to it just now. Chen GE's forehead is scratched and broken.

It was attacked by that kid.

"It's just a small wound. How did they come to pester you?"Chen Ge wiped the wound on his face, and today is the first time that he fights like this.

The main reason is that Chen Ge doesn't care and greets the dead.

"I don't know. Today I just came back, and then they first called me to harass me, and then they came to the school gate to stop me. They insisted that I go to dinner with Shen Qiang. I didn't know him, and I didn't know who gave him my contact information!"

Qin Ya looks at Chen Ge who fights for herself. She is deeply moved.

At the moment, his eyes were red.

"It looks like Li Yue's bastard!"

Chen Ge murmured in his heart.

Of course, Chen Ge knows the cause of today's event. Li Yue is not captured by Shen Qiang at noon. How to teach Chen Ge doesn't know. But this time Shen Qiang focuses on Qin ya, and he must have something to do with Li Yue!

Although she has been hiding from Qin ya, Chen GE has subconsciously regarded Qin Ya as her friend.

In particular, knowing that Qin Ya had been good to her some time ago, and then betrayed her friendship, Chen Ge always felt guilty about Qin ya.

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So when Chen Ge saw that she had something to do, she would be desperate.

Originally Chen Ge saw that Qin Ya was ok, so she wanted to go back to her dormitory and dress it up.

But Qin Ya has to let Chen Ge go to the infirmary with her.

And along the way, Qin Ya is holding Chen GE's hand tightly.

I don't know what Qin Ya is thinking. Chen Ge was so nervous that she didn't wait for Chen Ge to say anything. Suddenly, Qin Ya suddenly released Chen GE's hand and let Chen Ge go by himself.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Ge a Leng way.

"No, I just thought, why should I be nervous about you and treat you so well? After all, you treated me like that before, and didn't treat me as a friend at all!"

Qin Ya suddenly and full of grievances said.

"You know, several times, I made food for you at home and brought it to you. If I want you to go to the canteen, let's eat together! I still want to learn with you, but you have been hiding from me, and my mother is sick, and you don't have a word of concern. I knew at that time that it was I who took myself too seriously. In the future, you will You will take me as a friend, even want to Oh, but I think too much

Qin Ya said.

"You shouldn't have saved me today. I've been very sad to you. But now you make me very grateful to you. I'm even moved. What do you want?"

Qin Ya stamped his feet in a hurry.

"I just don't want you to be hurt. I really take you as my friend!"

Qin Ya is a rare girl who doesn't worship money. She is kind-hearted and beautiful. She is good for herself. Chen Ge makes friends with her.

"Well, let me ask you something..."

Qin Ya moved to say a sentence, is tightly staring at Chen Ge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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