The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 2: 2

It turns out that the parents and sisters are cheating themselves when they go out to work.

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Next, Chen Ge made a special phone call to his parents. They were angry at the news that his sister told Chen Ge that he was the second rich generation in advance, and then apologized to Chen Ge.

Father also said that such a grandson, of course, he had to carefully cultivate, in short, the father said a lot!

At last, Chen Ge took 100000 cash from the bank and some gold cards sent by her sister.

Chen Gecai was completely convinced.

It's not a dream!

"Oh, Yang Xue, if you haven't broken up with yourself, maybe you can get anything you want now?"

"And Xu dongluyang, you two rely on the wealth of your family, a group of people around you, several times bully me, do not know what will happen in the future?"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

And from the bank to the school gate, it is almost noon.

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rang, a look is she long call.

"She Chang!"

"Lao Chen, are you ok? Why are you not in the dormitory?"

"Oh, I'll come out and have a look!"

"We were scared to death. By the way, today is Ma Xiaonan's birthday. She couldn't get in touch with you. She asked me to ask if you would go to celebrate her birthday. She said that she mentioned her birthday to you the other day!"

Chen Ge smell speech, turn over the missed calls, it turns out, a lot of missed, also including Ma Xiaonan.

Ma Xiaonan is Chen GE's deskmate. She is also very beautiful and has a good relationship with Chen Ge.

In addition to Yang Xue's love relationship, Chen Ge is Ma Xiaonan's only female friend.

She did tell herself that she had to go on her birthday, but at that time, her own meals became a problem, so she didn't make a statement.

But now Chen Ge decided to live like a normal person and have his own circle of friends.

Why not?

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"Must I buy some presents?"

After hanging up the phone, Chen GE's eyes glanced. Among the gift shops around, only one branch of Hermes was the most attractive.

This is a world-famous luxury store, the things inside are expensive, but it has attracted a lot of rich second-generation campus, mainly for face!

But I didn't expect to send my sister the global shopping card.

I can't help feeling excited.

Spend money reluctantly, spend shopping card, Chen Ge guilt to a lot less!

Immediately, Chen Ge took a deep breath and walked towards the Hermes house.

"Hello, sir. What can I do for you?"

The beautiful waiters inside are very good-natured and greet Chen Ge politely.

However, she looked at Chen GE's dress, although on the surface polite, but her eyes still flashed a trace of imperceptible contempt.

Come in to see the world she knows, but a rotten street clothes, also want to come in to see the world?

"I'll take a look at it first..." Chen Ge said, the first time I came to such a shop, I really don't know what to buy.

At the moment, the waitress's attitude is a little cold, but also a look at Chen Ge who looks like a loser.

"Brother Yang, can you buy me a bag?"

At this time, a girl's Elegy of high appearance appeared in the shop.

Chen Ge turns a head to see, instantly facial expression is a change.

Yes, it's Yang Xue and Lu Yang.

"Why? It's Yang Shao. Is this your girlfriend? How beautiful

And the maid beside Chen Ge, when she saw Lu Yang, her attitude suddenly changed to 180 degrees, and she quickly welcomed her with a smile.

Lu Yang's family is rich, and no matter where he goes, he laughs at the waitress and says:

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"Sister Zhang Ru, this is my girlfriend Yang Xue. Take her to have a look and buy a bag!"

Yang Xue's pretty face flashed a blush. She was really Yang Shao. She had face wherever she went.

Now Yang Xue pointed to a famous brand bag and said, "Yang Shao, I want this one!"

The bag is placed in the cabinet, it is very luxurious and grand.

Zhang Ru, a shopping guide, said with a smile: "this bag is a collection version developed during the celebration of Hermes's 200 years of history. Only 200 sets have been produced in the world. If you want to buy it, it will cost at least 360000!"


Yang Xue was scared to cover his mouth.

Lu Yang's eyelids leaped slightly, and then he said with a smile, "Sister Zhang Ru, if I'm not mistaken, this is Hermes handmade and well-made. It just came out the year before last, and won the top ten in the world luxury list?"

Zhang Ru slightly surprised, "Yang Shao, it seems that you know a lot!"

Lu Yang shook his head: "I just like to study luxury goods, I can't understand it." Finish saying to look at Yang Xue: "dear, you also really have a vision, one eye on this, and then change individual bar, five or six thousand can!"If you want Lu Yang 360000 to buy a bag, kill him!

Yang Xue skimmed her lips, "our dormitory is gorgeous, and her husband bought her a bag of more than 8000!"

"Well, I'll live on more next month!"

At the moment, many people have heard the introduction of Lu Yang and Zhang Ru just now, and they are surrounded by this luxury bag.

They are both young boys and girls who are eager for luxury goods.

Lu Yang simply started to explain and discussed with Zhang Ru about the brand luxury goods of 30000 yuan or even 200000 yuan.

People feel that knowledge is too rich!

Chen Ge saw that the shopping guide ignored himself and wanted to go now. When he met Yang Xue, he didn't want to stay more.

At this time, a young shopping guide came over and bowed to Chen Ge.

"Hello, sir I What can I do for you? "

She looks like a new shopping guide.

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A little timid.

But this politeness makes Chen Ge feel warm.

"Oh, I want to buy a gift for someone!" Chen Ge replied.

"Sir, do you have our shopping card? If you have a shopping card, you can get a discount? "

Chen Ge is her first customer. She doesn't wear Chen GE's face. She just communicates with Chen Ge in terms of training.

"Oh, yes, look at this, don't you?"

Chen Ge took out the global shopping card given by her sister.

I saw the eyes of the shopping guide, and it was very big.

"This, this, this Black gold card? "

Her face was unbelievable. How can an ordinary student, who is not a famous rich man, have a black gold card?

Chen Ge was stunned: "what is a black gold card?"

"It's a super card. The amount of consumption in it can be overdrawn to 30 million yuan, and the minimum consumption is 300000 yuan! Dear sir

Chen Ge is even more confused. He knows that his sister is very luxurious now. He didn't expect such luxury!

"Sir, in addition to a collection bag, you can't consume other luxury goods! I'll take out the bag of the collection edition and show it to you! "

The waiter bowed repeatedly, which made Chen Ge embarrassed to leave.

And over there, Yang Xuezheng looks at Lu Yang admiringly and introduces these luxuries.

I saw a small shopping guide, took the key to get the collection version of the package.

Zhang Ru frowned and said, "Wang Xiaofei, what are you doing?"

Wang Xiaofei kneaded Nono and said, "I'll take out the bag and show it to the customer!"

"Is this kind of thing a mess? Who wants to see it? "

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Zhang Ru wrung her eyebrows.

Wang Xiaofei looked at Chen Ge respectfully, "it's this gentleman!"

Lu Yang and Yang Xue also looked at the speech, but this time, everyone's eyes were stunned

"Ha ha ha ha!"

When Lu Yang saw that it was Chen Ge, he burst into laughter.

If he could, he would lie on the ground and laugh.

"What are you talking about? This man wants to see this collection bag? "

Lu Yang points to Chen Ge.

It's like a big joke.

Yang Xue also looks at Chen Ge with disdain. In front of so many people with status, this Chen song is really too humiliating.

Zhang Ru's face also pulled down: "Wang Xiaofei, I think you are dizzy. Can such people afford our bags? Are you kidding me

"No, he has a black gold card in his hand. He is our top customer!"

"Poof!" Lu Yang directly laughs, "return to the supreme level customer, this is our school famous poor force just!"

Yang Xue even scolded Chen Ge: "Chen Ge, if you want to know the word disgrace, go away quickly!"

Ha ha

Chen Ge listened to several people's ridicule, and even a shopping guide looked at himself with disdain.

At the same time, he strode towards the counter and slapped the black gold card on the table.

"I'll buy this bag today!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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