The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 200: 200

"After the exam tomorrow, shall we have lunch together? Well, I'm waiting for you

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Qin Ya sent a series of news to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge naturally saw it.

Think about it, or reply: "thank you, I don't go, and so on after the exam, I still have to rush home!"

Due to the scattered examination before several subjects, the so-called final exam, there are only two subjects left tomorrow morning.

Chen Ge doesn't want to continue to entangle with Qin ya.

Then directly reply, reply, on the phone off, early rest.

The next day, Chen Ge finished all the subjects.

I packed up.

Put your quilt into the snake skin bag.

Originally, according to Li Zhenguo's intention, of course, he sent a special car to Ping'an County.

After all, the project in Ping'an County has been ready to start since yesterday's call.

Naturally, Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing, who stayed behind, were busy and had to struggle back and forth.

But Chen Ge didn't want to be so high-profile.

After all, the first thing he did after he went back was to see Uncle Wu and aunt Wu.

Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing should do the investment themselves.

It is also to take advantage of this nearly three months of summer vacation, Chen Ge a good heart, read books to learn something.

When the summer vacation is over and I come back for three months, I will start my internship.

At that time, I was really busy. Now I can relax!

Turn on the mobile phone, and the message on wechat is still from Qin ya.

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Chen Ge replied: "I have returned to my hometown, goodbye!"

"Oh, all right! Then I won't disturb you! "

Chen Ge didn't come back, and Qin Ya didn't talk.

Anyway, I think that in the future I won't see you again, will you?

Sitting on the Golden Dragon Bus like this, Chen Ge seldom looks at the scenery outside the window quietly.

Can't help but fall into melancholy.

Think about it. A few months ago, when I took the Golden Dragon Bus, I had only 200 yuan. At that time, I thought about how to deal with the future life and tuition fees, and it was about to arrive at Yang Xue's birthday. How could I raise money to buy her a birthday present?

And I still remember that day when I came to school by bus, it was raining heavily and I was sitting in the car. Yang Xue didn't forget to call her and said that she had arrived at school and was waiting for her to have dinner together.

She brought delicious food from home.

At that time, Yang Xue was a very good girl.

But this time, so much happened.

I was surprised to learn that it was the second generation of rich people.

Yang Xue, she also changed, two people also broke up.

But one thing is the same. When I went back to school a few months ago, I thought about how to spend the money. Now I go home, I still want to spend the money!

Ha ha!

Chen Ge is looking out of the window.

"Chen Ge?"

At this time, a female voice nearby rang.

Obviously, she recognized Chen Ge.

Chen Ge looked around and saw a beautiful woman about 25 years old sitting on the seat beside the bus aisle.

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She's wearing light make-up, and she's very beautiful.

"Miss Liu?"

Chen Ge also did not expect to see acquaintances in the car.

And I was an English teacher in my high school.

Her name is Liu Min, a substitute English teacher in high school. She taught Chen Ge for two years. She is very young and beautiful. She just graduated from university and went to teach in high school through family relationship.

And Chen Ge is so impressed with her.

Or because this teacher Liu has almost all the characteristics of modern girls.

For example, dress is very exposed ah, that line, wearing a miniskirt, revealing the navel of the clothes for students to class.

Moreover, with her beauty, everyone knows that she has found a particularly rich boyfriend. Her boyfriend also bought her an Audi A6. It's so hard to beat!

Of course, the most obvious feature is that she is a little bit poor and loves the rich.

It's similar to Meng Cairu.

Rich students are brothers and sisters.

No money, no power. You can die where you like.

Sometimes she doesn't care about her words. It's very impressive for Chen Ge.

"I went, so coincidentally, from small to big, the first time I took a bus, unexpectedly met you!"

Liu Min gave a bitter smile.

It's as if she's afraid that she'll be the kind of woman who often takes the bus in the future.

"Minmin, who is he? Your students? "

Next to Liu Min, a handsome young man in a suit said.

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"Mm-hmm, I told you before. There was a poor student in my class who brought two steamed buns and a bag of pickled vegetables to school every day, and only had one meal, you know.""Oh, I remember!"

"Well, that's him! I haven't seen him for nearly three years! I went to Jinling university to study! "

"Well, there was a boy named Li Xiao in our class at that time. In fact, that child was really good. Unfortunately, the University was not smooth. If God had an eye, he should be admitted to Jinling. Unfortunately, he didn't go where he should have gone, where he shouldn't have gone! Really

Liu Min said discontentedly.

"But Chen Ge, don't say, I haven't seen you for two or three years. Your temperament has improved very well. You don't have the inferiority complex in your eyes. It seems that big cities can exercise you a lot."

Liu Min said lightly.

"Thank you, Miss Liu. So are you. You are more beautiful than before."

Chen Ge replied.

To be honest, he has a bad impression on Liu min.

But it doesn't matter. After all, it's a teacher. What kind of feud is there.

"Ha ha, you're still learning slickly. You'd better be pragmatic and honest. Don't learn from other people's words. It's also praising words. I can't hear it well from you!"

Liu Min has a straight face.

If the rich praise you, you will be strong; if the rich praise you, you will have no sense of achievement.

It's not easy.

Chen Ge thought to herself.

However, the topic was diverted: "Mr. Liu, what did you do on this trip?"

"Ha ha, we are traveling abroad. Otherwise, you think we will come back by bus, really! Anyway, you don't understand

Liu Min holds the arm of the man in a suit.

Chen Ge nodded.

Seeing Liu Min not looking at himself, he did not speak. He turned his head out of the window and continued to squint for a while.

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Soon, the bus arrived in Pingan County.

The passengers got off the train one after another.

Chen Ge also carried his own luggage, ready to fight back.

"Well, Chen Ge is here. Just let him carry our suitcase to the exit. Your driver is really true. He can be late for this matter. He can drive back!"

Liu Min and her boyfriend share a suitcase. It seems that neither of them wants to mention it at the moment.

I always feel that it may lose face if I carry it.

Just when she saw Chen Ge, Liu Min waved to Chen Ge:

"Chen Ge, please come here and help us carry the luggage out! I can't lift it! "

Without waiting for Chen Ge to speak, Liu Min pushed the suitcase to Chen Ge.

Can't you lift it? I can't carry you to death!

Chen Ge scolded a sentence, but think also forget it, help the teacher carry a luggage, oneself also can't do without two two meat.

With one hand carrying his luggage and the other holding two people's suitcases, he followed them to walk outside the station.

"Honey, can your family get the investment in the big financing of Ping'an County? If you get it, you will really get rich! Ha ha, think about the future of our Pingan County, will become a county-level city, excited! "

Liu Min said, holding her boyfriend's arm in one hand.

"Ha ha, certainly no problem. My father's company is more potential in Ping'an County!"

The boy friend said with pride, "eh? Why are there so many cars outside the station? And they are all special cars of the county government. It seems that these leaders are here to meet people? "

"Yes, isn't that Jiang? He's here, too? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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