The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 202: 202

The little nurse took Chen Ge to the toll counter downstairs.

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Why are you so skeptical.

When I look at Chen GE's dress, it's that kind of money free.

The 130000 yuan is not a small number for ordinary families. How can he pay it.

But Chen Ge soon hit her in the face, Chen Ge not only paid 130000 surgical expenses, but also paid the following hospital bed fees.

Two hundred thousand!

The eyelids don't blink.

The little nurse was stunned.

But Chen Ge also ignored her, went straight up again.

They're still arguing.

"Big brother, second brother, third sister and fourth sister, please don't quarrel. I've already paid the money!"

Chen Ge said.


The scene just quieted down.

The brothers and sisters were all dumbfounded.

Then Wu Qian and Wu Chao are all staring at Chen Ge in disbelief.

"Finished? Chen Ge, how about 130000? Where did you get the money? "

The boss asked in surprise.

"Well, it's not 130000. This handsome guy has paid 200000 yuan, and he has also paid all the hospital expenses!"

Little nurse did not know when to follow up, said immediately.


People were even more surprised.

Wu Qian and Wu Chao are even hotter on their faces. They just mocked Chen Ge just now. Now Chen Ge really takes out the money. This is not a slap in the face!

"This money, can't be stolen?"

"Yes, I read the news on the Internet a few days ago. Some people said they lost money. Did you pick up the money and didn't give it back to others?"

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"I think that's what it looks like! Be careful of the police. The 200000 yuan will be taken in and you will be sentenced to death! "

Wu Chao warned fiercely.

After all, he is an enterprise and institution and knows a lot.

It was just these words that frightened aunt Wu: "Xiaoge, how did this money come from?"

"O'ao, I won the lottery and won some money. Don't worry, aunt Wu!"

Chen Ge said with a faint smile.

There is nothing to hide from Aunt Wu about her identity. However, I don't know how to tell Aunt Wu about her status.

It's just a fluster.

But when Wu Qian and Wu Chao listened, their eyes widened.

Especially Wu Qian.

"How much did you win?" he asked quickly

This kind of words, such as the eldest brother and the second, I'm sorry to ask directly, but the little girl film like Wu qian can't help but be suspicious.

You know, my grandfather used to nag that Chen Ge was a good young man, and he wanted to be betrothed to Chen Ge.

But who would like Chen GE's poor loser.

So Wu Qian refused.

Now hearing Chen Ge say that he won the lottery, she was shocked.

Lie trough, if really become rich, that oneself is not intestines all want to regret green?

"Tell me, Chen Ge, how much have you won?"

Wu Qian jumped her feet.

Chen Ge just laughed and then held out five fingers.

"Ah? Five hundred thousand? " Wu Qian's eyes widened in surprise.

Aunt Wu was very happy: "ah? Xiaoge, did you really win half a million? "

Chen Ge said with a wry smile: "Auntie, you don't care how much money, you can rest assured. No matter how much money you spend this time, I'll pay it!"

Wait for Aunt Wu to sit down.

But Wu Qian is worried about ants crawling in her heart.

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What to do?

Listen to Chen GE's tone, he seems to have won more than 500000?

Is it five million?

Oh my God!!!

The more anxious Wu Qian wants, but Chen Ge is also joking. He doesn't say the specific value. Let them guess!

In the past two days, Chen Ge did not go back. He stayed with Uncle Wu in the hospital. Fortunately, his condition was not serious. He only needed to stay in the hospital for a period of time.

At noon, Chen Ge served Uncle Wu and aunt Wu finished her meal.

I was hungry, so I prepared to go to the canteen of the hospital for dinner.

"This is not Chen Ge! You are really back

I was playing at the stall of rice when I was patted on my shoulder.

Chen Ge looks back, is a girl with a horsetail, looks very good-looking, wearing makeup.

But even with her make-up, Chen Ge recognized it.

"Are you Li Mingxue?"

Chen Ge was surprised.

Of course, this girl, Chen Ge, is her high school classmate and classmate. At that time, she seemed to be the representative of English class. Her name was Li Mingxue.

At that time, she was only beautiful.But I haven't seen you for three or four years. With makeup, it's really sexy and beautiful.

It has changed a lot.

In fact, Chen Ge had long been prepared to meet high school students after returning home.

After all, those who should go to work have already gone to work.

"Today, I saw your picture in the group represented by our English class. It was taken by Mr. Liu min. you were carrying a luggage bag, and I knew you were back! What a coincidence

Li Mingxue trimmed her hair.

Although graduated, but some teachers will leave some contact information of class representatives with good relationship, which is very common.

Sleeping trough! Chen Ge was stunned.

When did Liu Min shoot himself? How can I not know?

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Maybe she took it when she got out of the car.

After all, when she called herself to carry her luggage, she was shaking her cell phone at herself. It was probably taken at that time!

Damn it! The girl

Chen Ge scolded in the heart, enough evil!

"By the way, you are in the hospital. Are there any patients?"

At this time, Li Mingxue simply talked with Chen Ge. Before, she talked to herself very little, but now, after the baptism of the society, she will have a good time.

"Well, my uncle is in hospital here! what about you? Do you have any patients, too? " Chen Ge asked.

"Ha ha, I have more patients. You can say hello to me when you go back to your uncle. Some procedures need to go less!"

Li Mingxue smiles faintly.

"Oh, I see. Are you a doctor here?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Mm-hmm, clinicians who do internships here can become full-time doctors after a period of time!"

Li Mingxue with a touch of proud color.

"That's good!"

Li Mingxue's family seems to have some relations, but this is normal. When it comes to graduation, these things are indispensable.

What matters depends on the relationship, and what doesn't matter depends on the miracle.

That's all!

It's Chen GE's turn to play rice.

"You don't have to fight. I'll ask you, auntie, to serve me two meals today."

Li Mingxue waved the brand in her hand, and her aunt full of rice gave it to Chen Ge and Li Mingxue.

It's all good food.

"How to say that we are all high school classmates, we have not seen each other for several years. Would you like to invite you to dinner?"

Li Mingxue covered his mouth and chuckled.

Chen Ge shakes his head: "how can, thank you very much, this is very good!"

They sat down.

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Li Mingxue opened a talk box to introduce her own situation in the past two years. In fact, it was a show. She was better than other students.

Chen Ge just listened and occasionally praised.

At this time, a young male doctor in a white coat came to Li Mingxue.

"Mingxue, who is this?"

"Ao, this is my high school classmate. If I met him, I invited him to dinner! Hey, Chen Ge, let me introduce you to you. This is what I told you about my boyfriend Li Gang. His father is vice president o'clock! "

Li Mingxue said with a smile.

"Oh, your high school classmate, please have a meal. How can you eat in the canteen? How can you arrange a hotel? Also, you can talk about the past well!"

Li Gang said with a smile.

"Cough, I still have to go to work in the afternoon. How can I have time? Besides, Chen Ge, you don't dislike it?"

"Good, good!" Chen Ge nodded repeatedly and took a few mouthfuls of rice in his mouth.

In fact, I really think this is very good.

The rest is to listen to Li Gang and their conversation.

"Li Chao is on duty tonight. I want to see some of my classmates tonight, right?"

Li Gangdao.

"Ah? Then you can transfer me to work. Li Chao, they were my good friends in high school. When they came back from their vacation, I had to invite them, even if they asked for leave. They haven't seen each other for three or four years. By the way, have I reserved your hotel yet? "

Li Mingxue asked.

"Yes, Jin Ruyi!"

"No, that grade is too low. Go to Baoshan hotel. After all, I haven't seen my high school classmates for three or four years. Can't you let me be so miserable in front of them?"

"Well, then change it! By the way, please invite your director when you want to solve this matter? You know, your director is the dean's man, and my father can't do anything about it! "

Li Gang gave a bitter smile.

"Hum! I'm angry when I mention him. I'm tired of not eating any more! "

Li Ming threw his chopsticks in a huff.

Chen Ge also heard that Li Mingxue seems to have something to , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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