The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 206: 206

Especially Liu Min, who had been reprimanding Chen Ge just now.

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My eyes are staring down.

Sleeping trough!

She is very clear about the details of this Chen Song. She is a poor man who doesn't have any money.

And who is Chen Shao?

He is a man of the day in Jinling and a figure who wants to change the history of Ping'an County.

Kill Liu Min also don't believe, these two people can also contact a piece.

However, Li Zhenguo and Zhao Zixing must know Chen Shao.

So Chen GE's identity must be right?

Lying trough, Liu Min is in a mess.

"Mr. Li, are you right? You call this poor man Chen Shao? "

Liu Min asked directly.

Li Zhenguo frowned slightly and looked at the stain on Liu Min's body, and said to the organizer: "what's going on? How can this woman be so dirty that she dares to come to the stage and is so rude to Chen Shao? "

"Sorry, Mr. Li and Mr. Chen Shao. It's our negligence."

The organizer's staff immediately nodded with sweat.

Immediately pointed to Liu Min and his husband Wang Qiang: "you! And you, get out of here

"Ah? Why? This man is a fake. He is a poor student. You are really wrong. I am her teacher. I am a poor man. Chen Ge, you say you are a poor man. They recognize the wrong person! "

Several people have come to push Liu Min and Wang Qiang.

But Liu Min is unwilling to cry.

First of all, people in public are going to be expelled, which is also a shame.

Secondly, how can Chen Ge be Chen Shao? If it is true, she Liu Min is really going to die!

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So now she just wants Chen Ge to admit it.

After all, this Chen song is really a loser. When I was downstairs just now, I was not called Chen Shao. Did he go two steps ahead of time?

At this time, Li Zhenguo also looked at Chen Ge.

It means asking what he means.

After all, if this woman really knew Chen Shao, Li Zhenguo did not dare to take the initiative to do too much.

Unexpectedly, Chen Ge said:

"I'm not too familiar with her, or I've taught me before!"

Chen Ge faint smile, "but you have to let me admit, OK, I will admit it, I am a poor forced, poor students, they recognize the wrong person!"

"Ah! Mr. Li, did you hear that? Hahaha, he admitted it. He just admitted it himself! "

Liu Min yelled.

I thought maybe I could get the appreciation of Mr. Li.

Li Zhenguo sneered and looked at Liu Min with a sneer: "come on, throw them two out to me!"

Someone had been waiting for a long time. In a flash, Liu Min and Wang Qiang, who were forced by ignorance, rushed out together.

The meeting hall is quiet now.

Chen Ge is also really tired of Liu Min, since playing in the bus station, Liu Min treated himself like that, in fact, this Liang Zi is even finished.

In the past, Chen Ge tolerated some things, such as Zhao Yifan's ridicule, because of Ma Xiaonan's face.

So Chen Ge can bear it.

But you, Liu Min, who are you looking for? Why give you face!

So Chen Ge made some decisions.

On this trip, Chen Ge also won a Mercedes Benz G500, but the organizers thought that Chen Shaohui felt shabby. After all, the event was sponsored by Chen Ge.

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But Chen Ge didn't say anything.

Big G is quite good in Chen GE's eyes.

And when I come back, I can't drive around in my Lamborghini.

At the beginning, I still wanted to borrow a car from Li Zhenguo to drive. It was just like this. A new car arrived.

The next step is toasting. When you talk about the topic, you can talk about the topic.

In a flash, a week passed.

Uncle Wu was also discharged from hospital.

On that day, Chen Ge had nothing to do, so he was ready to go to Li Zhenguo and stare at the project.

My sister called several times.

After chatting, it suddenly occurred to me that my father told him to visit his comrades in peace County. He had been back for more than a week, and had already forgotten his shadow.

On that day, Chen Ge was all right, so he bought some gifts and went to an upscale community in Ping'an County to visit the uncle Jiang Weidong.

As I have said before, in fact, the relationship between the two families has been weakened for a long time with the subsequent events.

But dad is a very nostalgic person.

He doesn't believe it. The reality is reality. But how can human beings have no human feelings?

I think of my father's indifference when he took him to high school six years ago.

Chen Ge understands dad's mood.It's just that I'm on the door this time? But I changed my identity!

I don't know if it will be the previous treatment, ha ha

While thinking, according to the memory position, Chen GE has also arrived.

Knock on the door.

"Who is it?"

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The door opened. It was opened by a middle-aged woman.

Chen Ge, a middle-aged woman, naturally knows her. Her name is Tang Lan. Chen Ge calls her aunt Tang. She is Jiang Weidong's wife. It is said that she is a leader in the bank. She is very good.

"Hello, aunt Tang, do you still know me? My name is Chen Ge. I've been to your house with my father before."

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Aoao, I remember that you are not the son of Jiang's comrade in arms Chen Jindong. I haven't seen you for several years. You've grown so big! Come in

Take a look at what Chen Ge is carrying.

Tang Lan's politeness is not a word, very insipid.

This scene is very common to her. If you look at Chen GE's appearance, you can see that she came to trust her relationship.

At present, I have planned how to refuse later.

But the etiquette is not too harsh.

Into the living room.

Chen Ge saw a middle-aged man with his legs up on the sofa reading a newspaper.

He looks like a big leader.

Naturally, he is the uncle Jiang Weidong in Chen GE's mouth, and now he should be the leader of the Development Bureau.

Standard official home.

"Hello, uncle Jiang!"

I don't know why, after many years, Chen Ge is still quite restrained to see them again.

"Mm-hmm, it's Xiao Chen. I haven't seen you for years. By the way, I heard that your father went abroad to earn money because he was in debt?"

Jiang Weidong threw down the newspaper and asked.

"Mm-hmm, it's making money abroad."

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Chen Ge said with a smile.

"You just graduated from college this year? What's your major? "

Jiang Weidong asked lightly, picked up the tea and blew it gently.

"In the Department of literature, Chinese language and editing major!"

"Cough, although this major is not popular, but the work is also arranged. By the way, have you found a job?"

Jiang Weidong asked.

"Not yet, uncle Jiang! I came here just to visit uncle Jiang, and my father told me to... "

"By the way, ginger, do you have a meeting this afternoon?"

At this time, one side of Tang Lan interposed.

"O'ao, there's a meeting. Well, I'm very worried about it. Otherwise, I'll leave Chen Ge for dinner later!"

Jiang Weidong said with a faint smile.

Chen Ge is not stupid. Of course, when Jiang Weidong and Tang Lan heard that they had come to visit, they thought they were asking them to arrange work.

So I'm going to drive myself in disguise.

Alas, it seems that there is no sense of friendship. If I go back to talk to my father about today's affairs, my father will die.

During the conversation, Chen Ge stood up and was ready to go.

At this time, from the second floor of the duplex room came out a girl, with headphones, very beautiful, very good-looking.

"Mom, my classmates will come home for dinner later. Are you ready? Can I help you? "

The girl said with a smile.

Suddenly a look at Chen Ge, suddenly eyes a coagulation: "Mom, who is he?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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