The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 210: 210


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When the voice was finished, the box was suddenly silent, all looking at the young man who was talking.

Give you a face?

Who are you? Give you face?

And the speaker, of course, is Chen Ge.

Originally, Chen GE has been staying outside the box, to see Lin Dong eat embarrassed, Chen Ge is just happy to watch a lively side.

After all, no matter what you do.

However, Liu Li obviously put his eyes on the heads of several girls Jiang Ran Ran Ran and Xu Xin.

Jiang Ran Ran, because there are less reasons for her.

Although Jiang Ran Ran is polite to himself on the surface, Chen Ge knows that this girl film doesn't look up to him.

I don't have to pretend to be forced in front of her.

But, with Xu Xin here, if Chen Ge really doesn't care, I'm sorry.

After all, Xu Xin was nice to herself from the beginning and didn't look at people with colored glasses.

Maybe in Xu Xin's heart, this is nothing, but in such a contrast, Chen Ge is still very grateful to her.

So she stood up and decided to take it for Xu Xin.

"Chen Ge, what are you talking about? Don't go away. You don't understand the things on some occasions!"

But Jiang Ran Ran said with a cold face.

She was drunk. Jiang Ran Ran grew up in a small town and had a wide range of knowledge. Things on this occasion naturally lasted all night.

Wang Jiangran didn't dare to pour a bottle of wine to himself, but he didn't even dare to go out?

But did not expect, this time Chen Ge unexpectedly comes out to play a hero, she is really drunk.

I want to give Chen Ge a slap or two.

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"Face you? Why are you? "

Liu Li eyebrow a wrinkle, the rest of the big men also have to look at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge put his hands into his pocket and said with a faint smile: "this girl is my friend, so I'll carry it for her. If you really want to drink, Liu Shao, if you really want to drink, you'd better wait for me to finish the phone and I'll let someone accompany you to drink it!"

A little punk, Chen Ge naturally won't put in the eye.

At the moment, Xu Xin smiles.

"Stinky boy, heroes have to pay a price for saving beauty, and I want to find someone to compete with me, Liu Li. Ha ha ha ha, you don't look at your loser's appearance. Do you deserve it?"

Liu Li looked Chen Ge up and down, then sneered.

"Chen Ge, you don't have to worry about this matter, you go quickly!"

Xu Xin said worried at this time.

Chen Ge looked back and gave her a reassuring look and said with a smile: "it's OK. Don't worry about it."

Then he looked at Liu Li and said, "how about Liu Shao? Do you dare? My people will come over later and have a good drink with you

"Good, good, in Ping'an County, for the first time, I dare to make a contract with me in front of so many big men! Well, we really need to see it today, but I'll put the scandal in front of me. Later, I won't spare you. What will happen to those who offend me, Liu Li, will be clear if you ask me about it! "

Liu Li grinned coldly, as if watching a clown.

And Chen Ge, at this time is to let Xu Xin and Jiang Ran Ran Ran and their several girls hurry away.

Xu Xin looks at Chen Ge worried. She wants to stay with her.

But Jiang Ran Ran, at this time, just like looking at an idiot, glanced at Chen Ge, and then forced Xu Xin to leave.

Liu Li didn't stop him, because he knew very well that there must be a sequel to this matter. When time came, he would find several girls. It was not so simple to let them drink only a bottle of white wine.

So, Chen Ge is on the phone.

Of course, I called them.

"Shout, shout as much as you can, ha ha ha!"

And Chen Ge finished the phone, but also looked at Liu Li with a faint smile.

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Chen Ge, for various reasons, has to keep a low profile in front of acquaintances, just like today at Jiang Weidong's home, because he is an elder after all.

Chen Ge is not a dandy in essence, so some things will be swallowed up.

Because if Chen Ge wants to hit their family in the face, it's really a matter of lifting hands.

But this time Liu Li is different, just like dealing with Xu Wei of the Haishan group. Chen Ge doesn't mind at all.

And soon.

Listen to bursts of sudden brake sound, see the door of KTV, a car of luxury cars directly stop.

A team of black bodyguards poured down, and the two headed by it were Tian Long and land tiger.

As Chen GE's current base manager, they are Chen GE's bodyguards.

Where Chen Ge is, they will naturally appear in order to provide support at any time.

"Chen Shao is in there. Rush in!"The dragon and the tiger waved violently, and a group of people poured into the KTV.

Right now in the box.

Liu Lizheng was playing with his glass and looked at his watch: "boy, it's been five minutes now. You don't even have a phone call there. Are you kidding me?"

I'm talking and laughing.

The door of the box was kicked open with a bang.

A group of people came straight in.

Several big guy's bodyguards are also alert, immediately want to start.

But have not yet shot, have been several black bodyguards directly dry overturn to the ground.

The action is swift and violent, like the fierce tiger pours on food!

"Who are you?"

Liu liyileng.

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Seeing these people's skills and the cold and sharp breath on their bodies, Liu Li also knows that these people are not simple.

"Chen Shao, is that him?"

Tian Long and di Hu came to Chen Ge and whispered in a low voice.

"Well, teach me a lesson."

Chen Ge nodded lightly.

"Lying trough, dare you? Do you know whose territory this is? "

The middle-aged man named LONGYE said coldly at the moment.

Although his face was fierce, his forehead was full of sweat.

I thought that this time I had a hard stubble!

"This is the territory of big brother Fei. When big Fei comes, you can't stand out one by one."

Liu Li also called out.

"Hong Jie, call big brother Fei quickly!"

At the moment, he winked at her.

Hongjie nodded: "hum, I've just sent a text message. Big brother Fei is bringing people to come here. Then, I'll wait for a good show."

And on the other side.

"Lindong, you stop the car, I want to get off!"

Lin Dong, they have been driving in a mess.

But in the middle of the race, Xu Xin suddenly wanted to get out of the car.

"What's the matter, Xu Xin?"

Jiang Ran Ran Ran asked.

"No, I can't. I still can't trust to leave Chen ge there alone! Everyone knows who Liu Li is. He will break Chen GE's tendons and tendons! "

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When Xu Xin thought about it, she would cry with worry.

"Well, what are you worried about him for? He deserves to punish the hero at random!"

Jiang Ran Ran despised the way.

Now she can see clearly that Chen Ge and Lin Dong are hardly comparable.

One is a fool, the other is a flexible husband.

Especially when Lin Donggang set an example for everyone and took the lead in killing a bottle of wine, Jiang Ran Ran was moved.

Men, no better!

But at the thought of that Chen Song, Jiang ran ran just shook his head in silence.

"Yes, Xu Xin. Besides, you are not familiar with each other. What does he care about us? You see, people ignore him. You don't tell me, Xu Xin, do you like that poor loser? "

Lin Dong asked as he drove.

"I know how you like to think. If there is no Chen Ge today, everyone can't get away so easily. If you stop, I'll go down and have a look."

Unable to bear, Xu Xin was really in a hurry, and Lin Dong stopped the car.

Xu Xin got out of the car and ran back.

"Xu Xin, you come back!"

Jiang Ran Ran Ran also called out in a hurry: "Lin Dong, what do you say to do? In case Xu Xin is in danger, how can she tell her grandfather? "

"Well, I think so, let's turn around if we can't!"

"Ah? No, Dong Ge, do you want to save Chen Ge

"Lying trough, what can I do to save him? I'm afraid that something will happen to Xu Xin. Let's go back and let Xu Xin look at the situation from a distance, so that we can grasp the situation!"

Lin explained.

Everyone agreed, and then the two cars turned around together and returned , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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