The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 213: 213

"Yes, sir, ten thousand!"

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The waiter said with a smile.

Lin Dong's face suddenly looked very ugly. He thought he had thrown a thousand yuan to pack it up. But he didn't expect that the vase of flower arrangement was so expensive.

If you take out your father and yell.

Definitely not.

This western restaurant is headquartered in Jinling, and the boss is very arrogant in Jinling. His relationship doesn't matter at all!

Can let oneself really give ten thousand yuan, where does oneself have money?

"Well, ten thousand is ten thousand. What's the big deal?"

Jiang Ran Ran said in a cold voice.

She even tried to hit the waiter in the face with the money.

Now, in front of Chen GE's face, if you don't steam steamed bread, you still have to fight for breath!

At the moment, he looked to the side of Lin Dong. She knew that Lin Dong must have a way!

Lin Dong touched his pocket and whispered in Jiang Ran Ran's ear: "I have two or three thousand yuan left on me now. How can I have money?"

"Ah Jiang Ran Ran thought that there must be five or six thousand in Lin Dong, but he still had five or six thousand in his body. He also thought that two people would come together and mix face and finish the job.

But I don't think that's what Lin Dong is like!

At the moment, his face was a little embarrassed.

"That waiter, put it on my account! I'll pay for them first! "

Chen Ge saw them chattering, but he didn't want to help.

But it can be seen that Lin Dong may be in short supply.

Jiang Ran Ran Ran's face was even more difficult to see.

Although these two people did not put themselves in the eye, but to look at Jiang Ran Ran Ran embarrassed, Chen Ge is quite embarrassed.

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After all, when we met, Chen Ge also said to others that if you have any difficulties, you can find him.

Now it is the initiative to say.

"Hum, Lin Dong doesn't want your money. He has many friends!"

Jiang Ran Ran Ran said.

Who is Lin Dong going to pick up the ten thousand yuan? Besides, if he really borrows it, his father must know it sooner or later, and he has to chop himself.

Now I want to borrow nothing.

He said, "OK, Chen Ge, you'll lend me ten thousand yuan first! I'll give it back to you tomorrow! "

"No problem! By the way, you must give me an IOU

Chen GE's faint smile.

And the waiter immediately brought a pen and paper.

Although Lin Dong's face was ugly, he wrote an IOU and handed it to Chen Ge.

Then he picked up the thousand yuan he had left on the table and stuffed it back into his wallet.

Then he took Jiang ran out.

"Hum, however, this fool's money is not borrowed for nothing. Ha ha, I'm disgraced in front of him today, but when he asks me for money, wait and see. Anyway, the boy has no family background!"

Lin Dong is still thinking about the whole Chen Song.

Looking at Lin Dong like this, Jiang Ran Ran suddenly felt strange to him, as if he had never known him.

Just one word, low!

Yes, Lin Dong is very low now. In the past, Jiang Ran Ran didn't think it was very important to have money.

After all, she never wanted to grow up in a greenhouse.

I think that in the future to find a boyfriend, not necessarily more money, can take their own meals!

As a result, Lin Dong, who has both relations and a job that everyone envies, is naturally her first-class candidate.

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Because Lin Dong is respected wherever he goes.

But today, in the western restaurant, Jiang Ran Ran's world outlook has been completely renewed.

Can you take yourself to dinner?

Hehe, I can't even eat a decent meal without money.

Chen Ge ordered that pile of delicious, ginger Ran Ran Ran really want to eat, but Lin Dong has no money.

I can't afford to break a vase.

He borrowed money from others and thought about how to do harm to them.

Is that what boys like?

Jiang Ran Ran shook his head.

"Let's go. I'll drive you home first."

Lin Dong said at this time.

"Forget it, you go first, I'll take a taxi back!"

Jiang Ran Ran Ran finished saying that he stopped a taxi on the side of the road and left.

Lin Dong was left in a daze.

Of course, he understood what happened to Jiang Ranran, and he hated Chen Ge!

And not long after, Chen Ge and Xu Xin left each other contact information, also finished.

Chen Ge gave Xu Xin a taxi to take her home.

I ran to the KTV next door to have a look. The scene is over. The KTV is closed temporarily tonight.

Chen Ge didn't expect that so many things happened this day. I'm really tired.

I took a taxi and went back to my hotel.I just went back.

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My cell phone rings again.

A look, or when the meal called the strange number.

Who is this?

Chen Ge was surprised and asked to answer.

"Chen Ge, what are you doing? Why don't you answer the phone? "

As soon as it was connected, there was a beautiful female voice.

And hearing this sound, Chen Ge is also a little confused.

"Qin ya, how could it be you?"

Chen Ge doubts.

It's been half a month since the holiday.

For half a month, Chen Ge spent most of her time in the hospital waiting for Uncle Wu, and Qin Ya seemed to ignore herself because of what happened on the day of the holiday some time ago.

Chen Ge thought that was just right.

The two people were basically disconnected.

I didn't expect to hear from Qin ya.

"Hum, it's a surprise. I used the landline in my room to call you. What do you mean? You don't contact me. You really don't take me as a friend!"

Qin Ya said.

"No, I'm just surprised you'll call me!"

Chen Ge said with a bitter smile.

"Why can't I call you?"

Qin Ya quipped.

"Because I'm not a rich second generation, just a poor loser!"

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"I don't want you to belittle yourself like that!"

Qin Ya said angrily.

"Really, most girls call me that!"

"That's the majority. I never look down on you. On the contrary, I think you are much better than those rich second generation. I know that you hide from me because you love your girlfriend. In fact, if you don't have your girlfriend, you will be very nice to me, right?"

"Maybe..." Chen Ge doesn't know what to say.

Qin Ya is a girl who, to be honest, is beautiful and has temperament, and she has a good heart. If anyone can make her a girlfriend, it is really a great blessing.

But Chen Ge, because of Su Muhan's reason, he likes Qin ya, but he doesn't like it.

"Can I help you?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Can't I call you if I'm ok? OK, I'm fine. Then you hang up! "

Qin Ya said in a sharp voice.

"Dudu Dudu..."

Chen Ge hung up the phone.

But immediately called again, Chen Ge a connection.

"What do you mean! How can you do this! I'm really angry with you. I have something to do with you, and it's a very important thing! "

Qin Ya was speechless.

"What's the matter?"

"Tomorrow I want to go to your hometown to see you and stay in your home for a few days. Is it convenient for you?"

"Hello, Chen Ge, can you hear me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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