The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 223: 223

"Yes, Xueqing, tell me what happened?"

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Someone asked curiously.

Jiang Xueqing nodded and told the story in detail.

Chen Ge understood.

It turns out that, shortly after Jiang Xueqing entered the company, her boss, who is also a department deputy manager, often harassed Jiang Xueqing.

At the beginning, there was some restraint, that is to say, he wanted to invite Jiang Xueqing out for dinner.

After Jiang Xueqing refused several times, she was really embarrassed to refuse, so she went out to have a meal with him.

That is to say, after that fight, the lecher became more and more fierce.

She often calls Jiang Xueqing to the office. She used to talk, but now she does.

About two days before the celebration, the department manager called Jiang Xueqing to her, and this time she touched her big leg directly.

Jiang Xueqing was in a hurry and threw water on the deputy manager of the Department.

Because of this, the deputy manager threatened her to kick her out of the company, or obediently from her, or leave the company, let her do it.

You may not know, according to Jiang Xueqing's description, the deputy manager of that department is a balding Mediterranean, so obscene!

Later, Jiang Xueqing told Li Wenyang about it.

Li Wenyang is the only one in the class who has the energy to fight against the deputy manager.

"Shit, it's really irritating. I really want to beat that old tortoise. How dare you bully Xueqing goddess like this!"

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Some boys are indignant.

"Yeah, ah, but we girls really have to learn how to protect themselves. Outside, they are often bullied. For example, when I first entered the hospital, someone didn't know my relationship and wanted to ask me for anything. When he knew the identity of my boyfriend, he would be old and solid!"

Li Mingxue also said.

"Mingxue is right, Xueqing. To tell you the truth, you and Shihan were the most beautiful in our class at that time. Now Shihan has found such a capable boyfriend. You should find one who loves you. Cough, there are ready-made ones beside you. You must cherish them!"

Said Wang Rui.

Jiang Xueqing blushed slightly and lowered her head.

"Xueqing, don't worry. After the meeting today, I will give you a result. I won't believe it. It's just a department deputy manager!"

Li Wenyang said domineering.

"Wenyang, I want you to scare him! Don't do anything else Jiang Xueqing is still worried.

"Don't worry."

"Ha ha ha, if you want to scare people, Xue Qing, I'd like to recommend a candidate for you. Look for Chen Ge. This guy is very familiar with Liu Li!"

Li Chao sneered at Chen Ge.

Everyone laughed, too.

You say Chen Ge, it is not easy to meet a good player with ability, but the result is that the person also pulled.

Jiang Xueqing turned her head and talked to Li Wenyang after seeing Chen Ge.

It's already obvious.

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Although in school, Jiang Xueqing and Chen Ge had a good relationship, even because Chen Ge and Li Wenyang had a particularly fierce quarrel.

But now, obviously, Jiang Xueqing and Li Wenyang are very close.

Because Li Wenyang, after all, is the most promising of his classmates. He has more resources than others, let alone Chen Ge.

Chen Ge is understandable.

After all, after social baptism, most people will find that money resources are far more important than friendship.

Although he as a good friend suddenly and bully their own people so close, in the heart some uncomfortable.

But Chen Ge didn't say anything.

Look, everyone leads the topic to their own ridicule.

Chen Ge made an excuse and went to the bathroom.

After washing hands in the toilet, Jiang Xueqing also happens to come out of the women's toilet to go to the bathroom.

Obviously, they came together not long after Chen Ge.

This encounter, Chen Ge and Jiang Xueqing's faces are a little embarrassed.

"Chen Ge, I haven't had time to talk to you. How are you doing now?"

Jiang Xueqing in order to cover up embarrassment, heartily smile way.

After all, she also knows her relationship with Chen Ge before, and the contradiction between Chen Ge and Li Wenyang is clear to her.

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Now, he turns to be close to Li Wenyang. Anyone will feel uncomfortable.

"Not bad." Chen Ge took out funds to wipe his hands.

"I hear you haven't got a job yet? What are your plans for the future? "

Jiang Xueqing asked.

"I want to make my own way!"

Chen Ge said truthfully.

Jiang Xueqing frowned slightly at the same time with a faint smile, shook her head and said, "Chen Ge, my suggestion is that you'd better find a job. No matter what kind of work you can do, you also know that you are different from others!""In other words, you can make up to Wenyang. He is now running his own company, and the company is short of staff. If you have an idea, I can talk to Wenyang for you and let you go to his company to work!"

"It's good to pay you two thousand a month."

Jiang Xueqing advised.

"Thank you, but I don't want to go!" Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Well, Chen Ge, I know Wenyang beat you up in high school, but Wenyang was too aggressive at that time, so it's understandable! What's more, if you had listened to Wenyang and copied his homework, he would not have beaten you. Maybe by now you graduated, he would have pulled you out! "

Jiang Xueqing said.

"Well, in fact, I didn't care about that! By the way, don't pay too much attention to the matter of your department manager. You can directly report to your manager, or the senior management dispatched to your company. They will deal with it seriously! "

At the beginning, Banling's managers and even the managers of the group were all aware of their competence.

It will never be allowed to happen.

Chen Ge thought about it and told Jiang Xueqing.

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Jiang Xueqing but looked at Chen Ge with a wry smile and shook her head: "these things in the workplace, you don't understand, alas, you don't have to worry about this matter. Thank you, Chen Ge!"

Jiang Xueqing finished and waved to Chen Ge, then turned around and left.

Chen Ge felt that Jiang Xueqing was a little strange.

As strange as I was when I first saw Li Shihan.

Alas, some heart cold at the same time, Chen Ge also went out.

But as soon as I went out.

I saw that Jiang Xueqing was being blocked by a middle-aged man. The middle-aged man also tried to pull Jiang Xueqing's hand.

"What are you doing, manager Zhao?"

Jiang Xueqing said while hiding.

"Ha ha, Xiaoqing, I didn't expect to meet you after a meal here. You also have dinner here. Come and have a drink with me, and introduce some colleagues from the company to you!"

Manager Zhao stares at Xiao Qing in a narrow way.

"Come on, come on. Don't be naughty. I'll be angry if I'm naughty again."

Said manager Zhao.

"Let go of her!"

At this time, suddenly there was a roar of anger , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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