The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 225: 225

"Sleeping trough, this big G is more than 2 million!"

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Someone said with concern.

There was an accident and the damage to the Mercedes Benz G500 was obviously much lighter.

However, if we really want to make compensation, we can't get down more than 100000!

So Li Chao was afraid.

"It's my fault. If it wasn't for me, Li Chao, you wouldn't have crashed!"

Jiang Xueqing's face was also filled with remorse.

Well, to tell you the truth, today's series of things are caused by yourself.

Li Wenyang was beaten. Now Li overload went to the hospital to visit him and hit the car again. What can I do?

Jiang Xueqing's brain is going to explode.

Other students are also afraid to discuss solutions.

"Forget it, there's nothing wrong with it. You should be busy with your work, so you can go!"

Chen Ge said with his pocket in his pocket.

What a coincidence. This car is not someone else's, it's Chen Ge's.

His lambo has been hit, and now the new car big G has been hit.

Why just recite.

Although they were hit, Chen Ge watched Jiang Xueqing. They were very anxious about their accident, and they could not open their mouths to ask for maintenance fees.

"Damn it, you're light. Do you know what kind of car this is? This is big g. who dares to go? If the owner of this car finds out, we can't bear to go. Do you understand? "

Wang Rui sneered excitedly.

"I think it's still the case. Let's wait here. When the owner comes, we'll apologize to him. Maybe he'll let us go when he's happy?"

One of the girls came up with an idea.

"That's right. It's not wise to go now."

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Many people echoed.

Some of the girls have made up their minds to see the owner of the car. What if the owner is a young and handsome man? Hum.

"Otherwise, Li Chao, you go first. I'll stay here and wait for the owner. I'll take care of the compensation."

Jiang Xueqing said at this time.

Although she doesn't have much money, she can't let Li Chaoquan pay for it.

"No, we can't just leave you here. Otherwise, we'll start a relationship and ask if we can find out who the car belongs to, in case someone knows you!"

Wang Rui said at this time.

Obviously, the idea was accepted.

Now it's all started.

"One of my cousins is a earthwork worker. I'll ask him!"

"My second cousin is a contractor. He knows a lot of people. I'll ask him!"

"My seventh uncle is a teacher, and he knows many people."

Many students began to make phone calls by virtue of their relationship.

Jiang Xueqing thought about it for a while, and was ready to ask some of her acquaintances.

"Don't fight. Really, just listen to me and go first."

Chen Ge saw that everyone was making a move, and he was almost blinded.

"Give it to you. What's the use of your rubbish?"

"I really don't have any common sense!"


Chen Ge did not say anything at the moment. He took out the car key and pressed it. The lights flashed.

And this operation also makes people all confused.


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"Horizontal trough!"

Some of the female students called out directly.

Even Jiang Xueqing also put down her mobile phone at this time, looking at Chen Ge with some consternation.

Not to mention Wang Rui and Li Chao.

It's unbelievable.

This big G is Chen GE's?

Didn't he come by taxi?

Isn't he poor?

In short, all the students were in a daze.

Chen GE has already got on the car and drove out. The damage to the car is not too serious. I'll find a 4S store to make it up.

But in this way, it is obvious that Li Chao's car with the engine hood lifted off is no longer able to drive.

Jiang Xueqing also happened.

In the past, Chen Ge indulged in no matter what it was.

"Come on, you take my car, I'll take you to the hospital!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

It makes people feel that Chen Ge is too strange at the moment.

In fact, Chen GE has always been such a cool attitude since he spoke at the bus stop.

However, before that, people felt that it was a kind of pressure to talk, so I didn't feel much.

Now when Chen Ge talks again, it makes people feel a little cold and cold, which makes people feel a little awe.

"Chen Ge Chen Ge! Is this your car? "

Wang Rui asked with wide eyes."Aung, it hasn't been long since I mentioned it!"

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Chen Ge nodded.

"I'll go! Big G, but Chen Ge actually bought big G! "

Wang Rui said excitedly.

"Chen Ge, can I take your car?"


"Oh, wow, you can sit big G!"

Wang Rui applauded happily and got on the bus.

Jiang Xueqing is on the side, her face is full of red.

Yes, just now I was still teaching Chen Ge to find a job. Now, they are running a big G!

And at the beginning of their own joke with Chen Ge, Chen Ge said to go with her, two people meet at the bus stop.

At that time, Chen Ge wanted to drive his own car.

"Snow clear, get in the car!"

Chen Ge is embarrassed to see Jiang Xueqing and smiles.

Jiang Xueqing hesitated for a moment, or nodded and sat on the co pilot.

Soon the train was full.

Chen Ge drove them first.

"Chen Ge Chen Ge, tell me quickly, how did you buy this car? Have you developed? "

On the way, Wang Rui put her head out to take photos while opening the window, and asked Chen Ge curiously.

"I didn't buy this car. It happened to be a gift from an event."

Chen Ge said truthfully.

After all, the Rambo he bought himself is still in Yunding mountain.

"Ah? A gift? "

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Wang Rui is a little disappointed.

As for Wang Rui's side of a few girls, it is also has their own small plans.

You know, they haven't found a boyfriend yet.

No matter what Chen Ge said, now he has a family of two million. When he sells and buys a house and an ordinary car, it is a standard well-off life.

So some girls are attracted to Chen Ge.

Jiang Xueqing, on hearing Chen GE's car, gave it away.

Chen GE's surprise almost disappeared.

Instead, a touch of contempt.

She felt that Chen Ge wanted to show off her car.

But Wenyang was different. He really had the strength to buy Audi A4, so his regret for Chen Ge dissipated.

"Chen Ge, I really can't believe that you have a big g. no matter how you got it, you have become a rich man. Great! Why are you so low-key at the party just now! Hum, you should make a little publicity

Wang Rui flatters the way.

"Ha ha, in fact, if you have money, you don't have to publicize it. What's more, I want to say, don't look down on a person around you casually, because even though he looks ordinary, he may be the one who can help you sometimes!"

Chen Ge also took out Chen Shao's temperament and chatted with them.

Some girls think so.

But Jiang Xueqing was a little disgusted. After frowning, she glanced out of the window.

Chen Ge is not chatting.

Soon, the hospital arrived.

At this time, Li Wenyang has been bandaged. When all the students come in, Li Wenyang is on the phone. Where is the contact person.

"Brother Kim, my father has already called you. I'm in the hospital. Brother Kim, can you come over here and listen to my father. The people there are also very difficult!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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