The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 228: 228

"Well, Tongtong, uncle Qin is going crazy now. He has gone to the police station for record. What are we going to do? Besides, when will I have to wait for that Chen song here? "

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Qin Ya had an accident, which was naturally known to her family and friends.

So Qin Ya's roommates also came.

Now they are waiting for Chen Ge at the gate of Jinling University.

Because Zhao Tongtong has made an appointment with Chen Ge on the phone to meet here.

And some things, also need to say hello to the school, uncle Qin went to the police station, so Zhao Tongtong and their sensible came to the school to do.

"Wait for him. After all, Qin Ya went from him. To be honest, he knows more about the situation than we do. But sisters, Xiaoya's disappearance this time has something to do with Chen Ge. I'll teach him a lesson later."

Zhao Tongtong's airway.

Her sisters were also indignant.

It's all decided. When Chen Ge comes, we'll fight him in groups! Hum!

"Really, Chen Ge is such a loser. I don't know what kind of fans xiaoyazhe is. What can I do with him?"

"And the most important thing is, Xiaoya is gone. He said that he didn't care about it!"

Said the sisters.

And it was just then.

A girl pointed to the roadside: "Hey, look, there's a Mercedes Benz big G! The driver seems to be a handsome man

"Oh, Yanyan, when is it? You are still in the mood to see a handsome guy with a luxury car!"

However, although the girls still stare at big G, after all, the car is very aggressive and handsome.

"No, I'm looking at the people in the car like Chen Ge!"

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Said the girl.

"Chen Ge? How can it be

"It's good that the poor guy didn't show up in front of us on his bicycle!"

Zhao Tongtong scolded.

And big G is already here.

A direct emergency brake stopped in front of Zhao Tongtong and their several.

Chen Ge gets out of the car.

"How is it going?" Chen Ge asked anxiously.


This time, Zhao Tongtong and they are all dumbfounded.

Yes, Chen ge used to be a poor loser in their impression. Now, the sleeping trough has a big G?

Zhao Tongtong thinks that Chen Ge is relatively familiar, and he is surprised that he can't close his mouth at the moment.

"Chen Ge, how do you drive a big G?"

Zhao Tongtong asked.

"I mentioned it a while ago. Don't ask about it. I'll ask you how it is?"

Chen gedao.

Zhao Tongtong suppressed his shock.

I'm busy talking about the current situation.

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The results are not optimistic.

Except for the record in the police station, there is basically no progress or clue.

Now uncle Qin and Xiaoya's mother are in a state of collapse.

Originally, the people of the dragon family in Beijing forced to propose a marriage, forcing her daughter to marry him, which had already made Xiaoya's parents very distressed.

Now, Qin Ya's whereabouts are unknown, so she can't bear it.

The more Zhao Tongtong said this, Chen GE's remorse became more and more serious.

Zhao Tongtong, at the moment, watching Chen Ge open a big G, the sisters were going to fight Chen Ge, no one started, and he was polite to Chen Ge.

"But don't worry, Chen Ge. I'll try my best. My sister Ling Fei told me that her classmates seemed to be the live control of a major anchor. Last month, someone in their studio helped them to find a brother who had been missing for many years. Guess what, they really let the fans in the major media forums and all kinds of visits and surveys Raw human flesh is coming out

"So I've already called Ling Fei to try to ask her classmates to help us and mobilize her fans to help us find them. After all, there are so many people and great strength!"

Zhao Tongtong said.

Chen Ge nods, which is a good idea.

After all, we media and some people who often play the Internet can not be understood by ordinary people.

If you want any information, they can retrieve it.

At the same time, Chen GE has also urged Tian Long Di Hu to check.

In a word, it's a double insurance!

"Ling Fei, here she is!"

At this time, a black car stopped by the side of the road. Zhao Tongtong's little cousin Ling Fei got out of the car with a handsome boy wearing glasses.

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Ling Fei and Zhao Tongtong together to find their own play, of course, and Chen Ge know each other.

She obviously also heard about Xiaoya elder sister's affair, at this moment, is ruthlessly white Chen Ge several eyes.

"Elder sister, I brought Xiaoqiang here. Xiaoqiang, this is my sister. I told you about the situation. My sister Xiaoya is missing. I want you to start your fans in the live room to find out! Of course, we can pay for it! "Ling Fei said.

The boy named Xiaoqiang pushed his glasses and said, "the reward doesn't matter. It's just about to open the online Red Festival. The elder sister is thinking of doing more good things to expand her influence. So it's no problem! It happens that my elder sister's studio is open in the city of Jinling University. I'll take you to find her. Then you can tell me the situation! "

"Wait a minute, that big anchor sister you said is not Han Fei Er?"

Chen Ge a Leng way.

Who else can Han fei'er be if he opens a studio in the city of Jinling University and has great influence?

"Ha ha, nonsense, otherwise it can be you!"

Xiaoqiang glanced at Chen Ge and said.

"Wocao Chen Ge, I came to my classmate to help my sister Xiaoya. You bastard still wants to watch the anchor. Can you stop being such a loser?"

Ling Fei said coldly.

Zhao Tongtong said: "well, we'd better follow Xiaoqiang to look for it, don't waste time!"

"Well, take my car! I'll take you there

Originally, Chen Ge thought that if the anchor didn't know him, he would be inefficient.

But now when I listen to Han fei'er, Chen Ge is very excited.

After all, hanfei'er is ordinary, that is to say, she is not obedient, who is obedient!

Now open the door.

"Trough, big G?"

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Ling Fei a Leng way.

"Chen Ge, is this your big G?"

"Get in the car Chen Ge was helpless.

Xiaoqiang also helped his glasses, some unexpected look at Chen Ge.

This man looks worse than himself and drives a luxury car!

And Zhao Tongtong also drives a car, Chen Ge is very familiar with the road, directly came to the university student entrepreneurship base this.

It seems that Xiaoqiang didn't finish high school. He had a dream of Internet popularity, and finally became hanfei'er's field controller.

Work here.

"Sister Yue, sister Tongtong, here they are!"

Xiaoqiang takes Chen Ge and they enter the office and says to a girl at the moment.

And this girl is not someone else, but Chen GE's classmate Du Yue.

"Oh, ok..."

Du Yue came over in high heels.

But before greeting, Du Yue was stunned.

"Chen Ge? Why are you here? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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