The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 241: 241


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After connecting the video, Chen Ge calls respectfully.

Although this is not the first time to open a video for my father after knowing his identity, Chen GE's attitude is respectful.

After all, dad is much more dignified than before.

"Little song, what are you busy with?"

Dad is looking at Chen geci and smiling.

"Ready to rest, Dad. What can I do for you to call so late?"

"Mm-hmm, there is one thing. Originally, I asked your sister to check it. I know that most of your energy is spent on your homework. But now your sister has gone to the industry in North Africa, so it has been delayed. I wonder if your sister told you?"

"Let me help you find a woman?"

Chen Ge remembers what her elder sister told her at the front-end time and asked her to help check a woman.

"Yes, I will fax her photo to you later. You can help me find out her whereabouts as much as possible. Alas, otherwise, dad will blame himself for his whole life!"

"And there's one thing you have to remember, don't let your mother know!"

Dad sighed.

It makes Chen Ge sound awkward.

I don't even look good.

Is this a woman that dad once failed?

Shit, now let his brother and sister secretly look for, Chen Ge first think of his mother, feel this is too sorry for mom?

"What does she have to do with you? You have more energy than us. If you want to find it, you will find it? "

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Chen Ge said.

"Well, my son, if it is convenient for Dad to find it, will you let your brother and sister look for it? As for the relationship? You and your sister's questions are the same. In short, I tell you, it's not the relationship you imagined. She is related to an important event happened in our family. After so many years, the Chen family is very sorry for her. As for anything, don't ask. I'll tell you later! "

"Well, that's it. Give me a snack on this matter!"

With that, Dad hung up.

Before long, Chen GE's mobile phone received a fax message.

It's a black-and-white photograph of the decades.

And in the picture, it's a woman.

Seeing this woman's moment, Chen GE's hand suddenly suddenly shakes, nearly dropped the mobile phone on the ground.

Looking at the picture for a long time, Chen Ge took a breath.

"This Isn't this Su Qiang

Yes, the woman in the photo is really beautiful, belonging to the kind of lovely.

is almost as like as two peas.

If the photo is not black and white, Chen Ge will definitely regard her as Su Qiang.

How is she?

Chen Ge thought that this woman should belong to her father's peers.

In other words, she is probably Su Qiang's mother.

After all, Chen Ge knows that Su Qiang grew up in an orphanage.

Her parents abandoned her for no reason.

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Now, if there is no accident, the woman that my father asked him to find is Su Qiang's mother.

Even now, Chen GE has a lot of ideas in his mind.

I remember when I saw Su Qiang for the first time, my heart suddenly had a throb.

It is the kind of first time I see you, I feel very kind to Su Qiang, natural and kind, and naturally want to protect her! There's no reason for that.

Now I think, should Su Qiang be her sister?

Although the father has been explaining, but to say that there is no relationship between the two, Chen Ge killed also do not believe ah!

This night, Chen Ge suddenly nervous, lying in bed tossing and turning, how can not sleep.

Wait until the next morning, Chen Ge called Su Qiang, sure to see her and have a good chat with her.

During this period, the two people have been chatting occasionally on wechat when they are OK.

Su Qiang has now gone to a new kindergarten.

Well done.

And with the help of Chen Ge, she directly gave Su Qiang a house to live in.

"Miss Su, can you do me a favor? I can't grade the homework of these children in our class. My boyfriend has come to pick me up. I want to go shopping. Can you help me mark it?"

A long hair and waist of the female teacher, at the moment light to also in correcting student homework Su Qiang said.

"But Mr. Liu, I also have a part of the homework is still marking!"

Su rose embarrassed said.

"Hum, you don't want to help if you don't want to help. What's your reason? Don't think that president Tang introduced you to be a teacher, and you're a cow. Ha ha, think about it. Who is Su Qiang? She just came for a month, and she was named the most beautiful teacher in Jinling preschool education campus. How good are you? Now you can't help marking homework?"The teacher named Liu Ke said coldly.

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She entered the best kindergarten in Jinling two months earlier than Su Qiang. When Su Qiang first came, Liu Ke often bullied her and checked her homework.

What's more, Liu Ke is also powerful and powerful when he finds a boyfriend. In addition, he has a good appearance.

Originally, Liu Ke, the school district's most beautiful female teacher, thought that she would definitely win the top prize.

As a result, the parents of other students cast the most votes, but Su Qiang, who is more beautiful in person and heart.

Liu Ke, of course, is in a hurry.

Also inquired about Su Qiang, really is not a bit of back.

That's what happened.

As for some of her older female teachers, seeing this scene, they all dare to be angry.

"Well, I'll mark it for you! Miss Liu Ke

Su Qiang bit her lip and moved a large pile of homework from Liu Ke's desk to her own desk.

"Well, it's almost the same. Don't think it's too bad to choose one of the most beautiful awards. I tell you, Liu can lose nothing to you!"

Liu Ke scolded Su Qiang.

He was elated to turn around and want to go.

"Rose, who's homework to let who approve, you don't owe her money, manage her to do what?"

And at this time, a faint voice sounded.

A boy came to Su Qiang, put that pile of homework to Liu Ke to move back.

"Who are you, sleeping trough?"

Liu Ke is stunned.

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Chen Ge didn't look at her. She took Su Qiang's arm and said, "didn't you ask for leave? How can I help her mark her homework? Let's go to dinner first. I'll talk to you about something! "

"Mm-hmm, I asked for a good leave!"

Su Qiang nodded.

After seeing Chen Ge, Su Qiang seems to have a sense of security.

Because usually, she is afraid of the arrogant Liu Ke.

And see two people ignore their own go out, her female teacher lowered her head and snickered.

Liu Ke's face turned red.

"Oh, Mr. Liu Ke, your boyfriend has come to pick you up again! How envious

In the kindergarten, several young female teachers who go shopping are chatting with Liu Ke's boyfriend at the door.

Seeing Liu Ke at the moment, they all envied him.

But closely followed, and see the side also came out of Su Qiang and Chen Ge.

Several girls pounded each other's arms: "Oh, you look? Is this boy Su Qiang's boyfriend

"Oh, my God? The boy looks so low! "

"Ha ha, so that the two of them can match together!"


As soon as Chen Ge came out, a series of sarcastic voices came into his ears , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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